Sunday, March 31, 2024

An Easter Thought 3/31/2024

 Good Morning,

The sun is shining and it is pouring itself into our den. I have a very hot and very strong cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee next to me and it is time to write. 

Luke 24:1-3 Now on the first day of the week , early in the morning, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3. They went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 

Today, Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ  from the grave. The first to find the tomb empty were some women who were there to anoint the body of Jesus. The original funeral rite of cleaning and anointing the body was done hastily by two men Joseph and Nicodemus because of the approaching Sabbath evening. 

The two women were to finish the job and add more spices which would be the process of preserving the body as good as could be done back then.  The spiced fragrances would mask the odor of decay from the body.

I like to believe that their task was also to show respect and love for our Lord Jesus. They were there to bless the Slain. Their love and sense of commitment was intense. 

As we sit back today and remember what Jesus did for us on that cross, we should ask ourselves and pray out, "Lord, you paid it all for us. And I can never repay what you did for me. Lord, please show me how I can "Bless The Slain". 

I believe the best way to bless Jesus is to say thank you and give our hearts to Him and return the love. Jesus kept His personal commitment to the Father and died in our place. He went to the grave and the Father brought him forth from the grave three days later. What could we ever have of value that could repay that? Nothing my friends. The items of our hearts and our love are the best that we paupers can give and they are the best way and only way to Bless The Slain.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Lesson From The Bird Feeder 3/30/2024

 Good Morning,

The house is very quiet and I have an appointment to keep this morning. My cup is filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write.

For a little over a year now my wife Rene and I have been feeding the birds that visit our yard. We hung a bird feeder in our front yard in a spot where we can watch the birds from our kitchen table. We aren't well versed in what types of birds are dining at our fly in restaurant. We know a cardinal when we see one, and identify doves very well. Robins are welcome visitors. Of course there are a few squirrels who visit and pick up some seeds that fall to the ground. 

Romans 12:8 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Since we have started feeding our winged visitors we have noticed this one thing. Every bird eats and there isn't any fighting going on for the food. The food that falls from the sloppy little birds becomes easier to obtain for the doves and other big birds. The robins don't eat, but just hang around in the trees by the feeder. They pretty much have found a place to nest, socialize, and drink from the water we provide. 

Now and then some birds outside of the normal visitors stop in for a bite and they are not chased away by the other local scavengers. Yellow in color, they stand out as being different from the others. 

When a predator comes in for a visit, like the big black cat that seems to travel our neighbor hood, the first bird to see him takes off like a dragster on hot asphalt. This signals the other birds to take flight and go to safer grounds. They trust one another for protection. 

The point I am trying to make is that despite their differences, the birds get along and tolerate one another without having big issues. Everyone gets fed and no one gets chased away just for being different. 

The world could learn from our bird feeder. Given a common need, these birds have learned to get along and we have yet to witness bigotry, racism, or any bird being bullied because of their size. 

If the birds of the air can wait their turn to eat, not fuss about who they eat with, and share a drink of water, can't we do the same?

Food for thought.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Thoughts For Good Friday 3/29/2024

 Good Morning,

I have in front of me a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee and two sleepy dogs are at my feet. I don't have a lot planned for today and it is time to write. 

Tonight I will be honoring the death and burial of Jesus with two good friends of mine. We will be participating at an outdoor replay of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. My friends and I will be dressed as Roman guards and our job is to guard the tomb of Jesus. Guards will be present in three hour shifts from Good Friday until Easter Morning, when the resurrection is reenacted.  This is a great honor to be partnering with another church in Milwaukee. This pageant has been a blessing to many, many people throughout the years. I find it to be a time of reflection and prayer as well as fellowship with my friends. 

My wife and I will be dining with her family on Sunday and our home is decorated for Easter. There is an Easter Lilly on the table. But what really matters to me is that on Good Friday My Lord and Savior gave up His life to save mine and yours. To me that is a message worth reflecting on and standing guard to get the message out that Jesus saves.

John 3:16. For God so loved the world (You) that He gave His one and only son, that whoever (You) believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Food for thought!


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Just A Little Bit Of Heaven 3/28/2024

 Good Morning,

How can we not start a day with some Door County Cherry Crème Coffee and a bowl of Cheerios? I won't even try. I am on my second cup. 

Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 

We know that in heaven, Revelation 21:4 will be the normal, and it will be a new way of life for us. I just can't imagine a day without some type of sorrow or pain. I can't imagine a day without someone crying huge tears. 

Sometimes as I sit outside in our back yard early in the morning. Birds are chirping, the sun is rising and for a short time I have only good thoughts. I cherish that time and it gives me a poor glimpse of what heaven might hold. But for a moment or two I have some peace and prayer time. Until some day when I walk through the gates of heaven, our back yard, a hunting field, sharing a cup of coffee with my dogs on a cold day, hearing my wife laugh, or holding a small baby will have to do.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Way To Be A Helper 3/27/2024

 Good Morning,

My day started with a hot mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and prayer. I will be on the road very early.

Now and then we will all be asked to help someone or be in the position as a "Helper" To help someone often requires for us to just pitch in and get some chores done. It is times like these that you roll up your sleeves and just jump in  and get the work finished. There is a but in this message. Be prepared to do three other things. 1. Watch for the signs that you are creating a pathway to Created Helplessness. If you see signs that the subject of your help could do what you are doing and just always needs more, they might be taking advantage of helplessness. They have learned how to apply helplessness. 2. You might have to do a little teaching at times as to how to accomplish a task. Be willing to teach the person how to do what you are doing. 3. Always start your help by praying with them. Set a time frame of completion. Watch for true growth.  Water the growth. 

Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for ever. He can feed himself. 

Isaiah41:13 ESV For I, the Lord your God hold your right hand; It is I who says to you, "Fear not I am the One who helps you. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Door That Doesn't Unlock 3/26/2024

Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and my Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is in front of me and it is steaming hot. 

In the picture above is a repurposed lock and door nob that I refinished and added to a piece of wood taken from my great grand parents home. I had it stored away for a long time. It gets mounted on a wall and can be used to hang robes on or just about anything. Today it will be used as a prop for my thoughts. 

As you can see this lock is not functional and will never open again. Life sometimes takes us to a point in our walk when we want to go through a door but it remains closed. For some reason we cannot get beyond a desire and move forward. We get depressed or angry when we can't get what we want. 

Isaiah 55:8-9NIV  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. 9. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

That door just won't open. Have you considered this? Maybe God does not want that door to be open to you. He might be leading you in a totally different direction. His thoughts are definitely higher than our thoughts. He knows what He wants for us, and he might be protecting us from a huge mistake. 

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,"

Not every door will open to us and it is at that time when we need to trust in God, and be content with the present situation. It is at the times of the closed door that we should pray diligently and listen for God's still small voice.

Isaiah :30:21 ESV  And your ears shall hear  a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it." when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

God knows the situation and what is needed. Trust in Him and do not pry open doors that are closed. 


Monday, March 25, 2024

Two Sisters And A Song. 3/25/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began in a hurry for some reason. I slept very well and I am enjoying my cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee.

Last Saturday night just before I preached a message about the words Jesus spoke from the cross, I asked our sound and video tech to show a video that was to set the stage for my thoughts about Jesus on the cross. 

The video was of two sisters, singing.  The song walks you through thee steps of  Jesus to the cross, what happened at the cross, His death, burial, and resurrection. It is a beautiful story put to music.

It was easy to preach after watching that video and I saw that the beautiful music impacted a few to the point of tears. My point is this. These two young ladies, used their musical talents to bless many, many people. I don't know how long this recording has been out, but as I researched some history, I see that it has been viewed over a million times. 

1 Peter 4:10 ESV As each has received a gift, use it to serve on another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 

Many people have musical or artistic gifts. It is a shame not to use them. A wasted talent or gift that could be used to bless others is a shame. I have no talents like those two ladies and often wished I did. But those who do are in my mind, "special," especially if they use their talents for the Lord. 

I thank God for those musicians and artists who bless others and really never know how many are impacted. Friends, use your talents and gifts to praise God and bless others. You just might impact the next artist or musician to bless others and yourself. 



Sunday, March 24, 2024

It Could Have Been Worse 3/24/2024

 Good Morning,

It is so comfortable in our den right now that I think I will study for another hour or so. I have with me a hot cup of Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee and two content dogs. 

Last Friday found me on the road for work in a pretty good snow storm. One stretch of the highway I was traveling on was pretty much glare ice. I was driving very slowly and had about 4-5 car lengths between me and the next vehicle. My daughter says I drive too slow and am like an old grandpa behind the wheel. I take that as a compliment. I happened to take a quick look in the rear view mirror and a car was coming up behind me. I was still moving forward, when this other car tapped me on my rear bumper. At the next safe opportunity I pulled over to inspect my truck. I was fortunate to have been moving forward when the car slid into me. 

The other driver pulled over to the side of the road with me. I saw this kid get out from his vehicle. I already could see that neither one of the vehicles had any damage. This young man was all shook up and I was just in a mood to introduce him to a snow bank for traveling too fast for the conditions. 

Something told me to cut the kid some slack and be thankful for the fact that it could have been worse. I asked him if he was ok and he replied that he was. He asked about me how I was and I replied that I thought my two knees were broken and my neck only turns one way. Not a good idea. This kid almost wet his pants. I smiled and said I was fine and no harm no foul. I did remind him nicely that a safe stopping distance in that type of weather is a good policy. I asked him if I could pray with him for safe travels and he agreed. Once I finished praying, I told him to remember this day and if he is ever on the receiving end of a fender bump to also show kindness and mercy. I said good bye and he thanked me for the slack and the lesson. He wished me a better day and I believe he meant it. 

Just two weeks ago I was preaching on the Beatitudes and mercy. It was my chance to practice what I preached. I felt good about the encounter with this young man and I believe his lesson was learned. I also was the recipient of a lesson to live by.

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy. 

I woke up this morning and I wasn't in hell. It's more mercy than I deserve. Have a great day!


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Acts Of Kindness Always Amaze Me. 3/23/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and study time. I just poured a very hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to write.

Proverbs 3:27 NKJV Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due. When it is in the power of your hand to do so. 

Yesterday our area of the world had mother nature dump some wet sloppy snow on us. You couldn't be out in it without getting soaked. The wind made it worse and driving had some slippery moments. I was tasked with working at two hospitals for an hour each and then could be on my way. I was working in the last one for the day and I left something that I needed in my truck. I decided to run out to the parking lot and retrieve the item I needed to complete my work task. I ran out without my coat and came back quickly. It did not take but 1 minute outside to be covered with snow. When I came back inside, I brushed myself off and went back to the area I was working in. A nurse noticed that I had come back in looking a little wet and cold. She walked up from behind me and said "excuse me. I have a towel for you to dry off with. Would you like a hot cup of coffee or some hot chocolate.?" I actually decided that a hot cup of coffee was sounding pretty good right then. I requested a cup of coffee and said thank you. That small act of kindness, made my day!

Most nurses are always busy and I am sure this one was also. Yet she took time out to offer a cup of coffee and a towel to a stranger. I have been working some very long hours and a few of my buddies have been praying for safe travels and my well being in general. I realized quickly that their prayers had been answered all week. More than one nice thing happened each day and although nothing extravagant was seen, the niceties were not common. But they were very welcome each and every one of them. 

They prayed and I was blessed to be the object of their prayers. I won't forget the towel and the coffee on a cold day. Can you be a blessing to others? Is God asking you to show kindness to a stranger?

Have a great day!


Friday, March 22, 2024

Decorate Your Life 3/22/2024

 Good Morning,

I am very happy to be drinking some Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and it is time to write. 

In our den, I have a lot of hunting trophies and some ribbons for competitions our dogs were in. My wife walks into the area and often shakes her head and says that I should never become an interior decorator. I believe she is correct in her thinking. 

Zephaniah 3:17 ESV The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love; He will exult over you with loud singing. 

I thought about my life for a few minutes and thought about how God decorates each day for me. One of the decorations I get to enjoy are my family members. They are a constant decoration to my life. Our dogs have been considered a decoration to my life. Our friends and our church decorate the walls of my life as well. Our residence is another thing God has decorated my life with. One of the decorations in my life is having that daily prayer time. I talk with God and then listen, while reading my Bible. It is like a new trophy added to the wall of my life every day. 

My friends, realize that all you possess and see each day is God decorating your life with His love. Then take some time and pray. Decorate the walls of your heart with time spent in prayer. 

Have a great day.


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Always Nice To Come Home 3/21/2024

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward to closing out this week on Friday. It has been a long week with a little more work than I am used to. I feel blessed to be able to look forward to a nice pay check. It is time to break out the Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and head North.

Ephesians 1:16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Yesterday after a long day of work my wife Rene took one look at me and said "sit down, you look thirsty." I was thirsty and within a minute she had poured a large glass full of cold water and started to unpack my truck from the work supplies it was carrying. 

Rene isn't feeling up to par after a medical procedure she had done last Friday. Yet she jumped right in to aid me in resting for the night. It is always good to come home. 

I saw an unselfish act being done for me and I truly appreciate it. I thanked her and she laughed. "You would do it for me" was her reply,  But I still believe that a thank you was the proper thing to do. I want her to know I don't take kindness for granted.

What have you taken for granted lately and have forgotten to acknowledge with a thank you? 

Appreciation for kindness goes a long way!!!

God bless,


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Baby Dedication 3/20/2024

 Good Morning,

Half way through the work week and this morning I have chosen Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee as my morning java dose.

Proverbs 22:6 KJV Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old , he will not depart from it. 

On Sunday I was in church to listen and be fed from the service. I had no responsibilities to perform. I was just there to enjoy and pray for others. I prayed for our lead pastor who was to deliver the sermon of the day. I sat back and listened and watched. 

This Sunday was chosen to be the day that families could dedicate their child to the Lord. It was a very nice addition to the weekly service. Several couples stood on the stage holding their child or children. Our associate pastor introduced each couple and the children. Each family chose a Bible verse to be read by the pastor. Once this was done we were all challenged to pray for the families and the children. The parents were challenged to raise their children as Christians, and provide them with a church, Christian teaching, and education. The parents have a large job ahead of them and I could not help but feel that I was to continue praying for the children and teens of our church. I also felt the tug to pray for the family dynamics of each family and pray that they can endure strongly forever and ever. I don't know all of the folks that come on Sunday. I preach on Saturdays and I can track that small flock easily. But God knows each family and I can count on Him to sort out my prayers as I pray generically for the large group. 

I was outside of the norm this weekend, but so glad that I was. I get to pray for the next generation. Won't you join me?

God bless.  Marty

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Forgetting Is Easy And Difficult 3/19/2024

 Good Morning.

I am sipping on a very hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. My thoughts are coming together so it is time to finish writing this morning. 

There are many things in a week that sometimes I just forget to do. We always place things in the hallway near the basement door. The first one of us that is going to the basement for something is supposed to take the item with him or her to the basement for storage. I can forget to do that and when I get downstairs I am reminded of what I forgot to do. I have reminder notes on the calendar for appointments and they are stored on the paper calendar and the electronic one on my phone. Little things seem easy to forget. It is annoying but really not too harmful. 

But then there are those memories and experiences that were not so good. Things that caused you harm, hurt and anguish. You lost sleep over them and they were caused by someone else. You have decided in your heart to forgive, but then something comes along and the past comes up as fresh as can be in your mind and your heart. You recall the experience and it hurts again once more and in some instances you lash out at the perpetrator of your pain. So have you really forgiven? Obviously you can't forget the instance or instances. So you carry a burden with you and it gets heavy. 

On the contrary God forgives us and buries our sins. He doesn't hammer us with the past. His mercy is just that. MERCY. We always desire mercy when we are in the wrong but reserve the right to dredge it up on others . We will always be miserable if we hold on to misery. 

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful for they will be shall receive mercy.

Lighten the load of misery and memories you carry with you my friends. Treat those things like a trip to the basement or to the garage. Recall them no more. They are just harming you once again. 


Monday, March 18, 2024

Take A Swing. You Just Might Hit It Out Of The Park 3/18/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began early and is just feeling like a Monday and the start to a busy week. I am happy with my choice to brew a pot of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee.

I used to coach Little League Baseball and one thing I used to tell or instruct the boys was that "you will never hit the ball unless you swing." Many a boy would strike out without swinging at good pitches. They would just let the ball go by, hoping to get a free walk to first base. There was another time that I had two boys show up to a game without their uniforms. I asked why they weren't dressed for the game. The answer startled me. "Coach it looks like it is going to rain and maybe the game will be canceled." My reply. "You win some and you lose some. Some do get rained out. But you always dress for the game?" My coaching technique was a little bit Lombardi style and probably wouldn't do me well these days. 

Proverbs 14:23 In all toil there is profit, but mere talk only leads to poverty. 

Philippians 4:13. I an do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. 

Too many of us are not ready to take a swing at life because of fear that holds us back. We are paralyzed by our own excuses and reasons for not attempting the possibilities that come our way. We are content to sit on the bench and let others forge ahead. They are the ones, receiving great jobs, promotions, and going on mission trips. There are others who are not married and don't date just because it might fail. So step up to the plate and accept some challenges that God brings you way. You can't hit a home run without taking a swing. Don't let that pitch of life go by and make you wish later, you had taken a swing at it!

God bless,


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Why Not Celebrate? 3/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I am at the desk fairly early today and I am ready to write. I have a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee with me at my side and I feel blessed to be here. 

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever more. 

Today many people will celebrate St. Patricks' Day, a custom of Irish folks. I am not Irish but yet I tend to go along with greeting a day to celebrate, eat some corned beef and cabbage, with some small red potatoes. What is the harm in enjoying a day? There is so much going on in the world and in my own world that it is easy to get caught up and become depressed. As I review last week in my mind I find must  celebrate and I choose to do so, instead of looking at the strife and gloom. Take time to celebrate the little things.

1. I changed out our garbage disposal with only one trip to the hardware store!!!!!

2. The town dump was open and I made the trip there and emptied our garage of the collection of boxes that needed to be tossed away and recycled.

3. A friend received a job we were praying for.

4. Another friend had God place a call on his life and now will be leading a Bible study. 

5. My wife needed a minor surgical procedure and it went well so far. 

6. My relative received some good news about his battle with cancer.

My list could go on and on. Were there some things that made me cringe? Yes there were. The taxes are done and I did not like the results. I cannot watch television without seeing the political advertisements all full of lies. There are big and small irritations in my life, so I do need to celebrate all the victories and then the others don't seem so bad. 

So it is important to take all the victories, big or small and celebrate and thank God for them.

Food For Thought!


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn 3/16/2024

 Good Morning,

The aroma coming from the kitchen filled the house with the sweet smell of Door County Churro  Coffee. I am in the right place at the right time. 

Tonight I will be speaking in church and my message will be coming from the Sermon On The Mount or what is known as the Beatitudes.

Matthew 5:4 NIV Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 

One could immediately go with the fact that we will all mourn the loss of someone during our lifetime and that our God will comfort us during our time of grieving. This as a true thought. 

I believe that this passage is for those who mourn not having a Savior in their life and they grieve for their sins. The sum of any amount of sins causes them gut wrenching despair and they mourn for the spiritual state they are in. 

God is faithful to keep His promises and when we seek Him out to forgive us through faith in Jesus Christ we are comforted knowing that we are forgiven. 

1 John 1:19 ESV If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

Acts 10:42 ESV To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in Him, receives forgiveness of sins through His name.

It is a very simple thought for today, knowing that when we grieve over our sin, we can be forgiven and we are comforted by that forgiveness. 

Have a great day!


Friday, March 15, 2024

Chilled Me To The Bone 3/15/2024

 Good Morning,

Friday is here and it showed up right on time. I have the luxury of some time to spare and write slowly as I enjoy a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. Some days are just better than others.

My daily Bible reading has me in the book of Judges. As I studied and read yesterday I had a passage literally stop my heart for a second. Throughout the Old Testament once God delivered the Israelites from captivity in Egypt a reoccurring theme is found within Scripture. 

Judges 6:1 Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. 

This would happen over and over again. God would remind them of what He did in the past for them and after a correction or two, God would deliver them from enemies or help them conquer those occupying land that He had given to them. 

As I read Judges Chapter Ten I read, again. We find the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord. 

Judges 10:6-7 The children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served the Baals and Ashtoreths, the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the people of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and they forsook the Lord and did not serve Him. 7.  So the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel.

Moving on, the Lord corrected them with a heavy hand and they were harassed and oppressed by the Philistines and people of Ammon. Once again they cried out to the Lord and He answered them. I have read this chapter many times and just last night the passage chilled me to the bone.

So once again the Lord reminded them of Who and how He delivered them from, and all the enemies He defeated for them. And how He provide for them while they traveled. Then came the statement that we should all fear. 

Judges 10: 12-13 "You cried out to me and I delivered you. 13.Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods. Therefore I will deliver you no more. 14. Go cry out to the gods you have chosen, let them deliver you in your times of distress."

The application for us today is this. Quit thinking, God does not see our lust, lies, addictions, outbursts of anger, lack of respect, inability to forgive, dishonesty, laziness, and rebellion. He does see, and He forgives over and over again. But what about the day that could come, and He says "go to the list of your sins, the gods of your life and have them forgive and rescue you from the mayhem you deserve and you created"?

Our God is holy, just, loving and forgiving. But, He also gets angry when we rebel and sin. Sooner or later after all the warnings, He corrects us and just like the butt whooping my dad would give me, God's correction hurts. 

Proverbs 3:12 CEB The Lord loves those He corrects. just like a father who treats his son with favor. 

Friends, before God says to you "let your folly save you", or "I warned you many times", start to fear the possibility of correction. Listen to the Word of God and heed the warnings. Correct your ways. Listen to those who have told you that you are heading to no good. Satan often twists the Word of God to convince us that God will let us slide". Fear and respect for God just isn't in the reprobate person and correction is just a short time away in coming. I can't fathom the thought of having God say to me "Go Somewhere Else For Help"

God bless,


Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Very Nice Phone Call 3/14/2024

 Good Morning,

I am moving along at a snails pace this morning, enjoying a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee as I write. 

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. 

Yesterday I was on the road at 3:30am for work and around 3:35am my phone rang in my truck and the call was from a good friend. I missed our men's Bible study the night before due to work commitments. The boys prayed for me after the study and I can't say how much I appreciate the prayers. Back to the phone call. One of those guys knew that I would be on the road early and he decided to call me and pray for a good day and safe travel. I can't tell you how much that call meant to me. For someone to get up at 3:30 am to call me and pray just blew me away. That call made my day! During our call I told him that the garbage disposal under our sink died and after I finished the day I would be changing that clunker out. So an hour later he called back and offered to help me change the disposal after I got home from work.

That was a very nice offer and it was very touching. I declined and said thank you. It would have been totally wrong to accept the help on something that is really in my wheel house. I started in on the little project and within an hour, I was finished. But the phone calls and the offer to help is something that I won't forget. It is always nice to receive a kind call of prayer and an offer of assistance. Are you a person who will wake up early to pray with someone? 


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Give Me A Reason 3/13/2024

 Good Morning,

A long day is ahead of me and I am hoping that it is a day filled with blessings from above. I have an insulated bottle filled with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and it is time to write. 

Last year, my wife Rene planted some baby blue iris bulbs in the garden. Nothing happened with them through the spring and summer of 2023. Last Sunday while repairing our flower beds I noticed the tip of a little blue plant peeking out from the soil. By yesterday afternoon there were two sprouts reaching for the sun. I am showing my sensitive side here. I had been praying while working on the garden and I just needed a reason to feel better about some circumstances that friends of mine are going through. I asked God why it seems that the harder I pray the worse these circumstances are. I finished my work on the flower bed and decided that a God who could create such beauty in the soil with the blue iris, must hear my prayers and I need to wait and see how it works out for my friends. The little blooms gave me a reason to pray harder and wait.

Jeremiah 33:3. Call out to me and I will answer you. I will show you great and mighty things which you have not known.

Look around you and see the beauty God sends our way. He gives us reasons to believe!


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Overwhelmed? 3/12/2024

 Good Morning,

My day will begin with some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and prayer. It is a good way to start the day. 

Back in 2019 when Covid hit the world like a ton of bricks and supplies were short, companies were closing, people were dying at alarming rates, churches closed, and much arguing as to what the treatment for Covid should be and how or not to vaccinate was the daily battle.   In my lifetime I had not witnessed such a mess. I didn't go through the Great Depression nor a world war. Yet in 2019 with so many unknowns it was easy to feel overwhelmed. 

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Turn the page and look at today and we have a lot of similarities once more. RSV now is not only attacking children, the older folks are a target. Supplies are still short now and then, yet you need two jobs to pay for groceries. Beer at times is cheaper than a can of soda. Extra workers cannot be found and if you do obtain one or two they go on to the next company paying the high sign up bonus. Cars have so many computers on them now that it takes an IT expert to fix your truck. Every other day there is a recall on food. How does lead get into baby food?  Now the missiles of war are being launched every day and tempers and tensions are high. More possessed souls find their way to guns and then wreak havoc on innocent people almost every day somewhere in the world. 

Some might say "this is overwhelming again". I can stop buying soda and drink water until that comes back as poison. I can grow more vegetables until those get taxed. I can decide to get vaccinated or not. I can drive less and save the miles on my truck. I won't need to eat baby food and could make some for friends if needed.  Or I can rely on God to comfort me as He always does and trust that whatever is happening He allows it to happen. And it might be to teach us a lesson, correct the world or just to draw us closer to Him. Our duty is to just trust Him when times are good and when times are overwhelming. 

Jesus said it best. "I have overcome the world."

 God bless,


Sunday, March 10, 2024

When The Day Is Done 3/11/2024

 Good Morning,

I am drinking a quick cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and I will be leaving for work right after this is written. I am looking at a very stiff week ahead. It is time to write.

Proverbs 24:33-34 NKJV A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, 34. So shall your poverty come like a prowler, And your need like an armed man. 

I have a list of work items and home chores to accomplish today. I am hoping that at the end of the day I can look at that list and say "Finished, Done, Complete, Satisfied, Finie, Fertig,Finita, Fardig, Ended, in my language and in many other languages, I want to give justice to my day and be proud of my accomplishments. 

It is my goal to take this day given to me and use it to the best of my abilities. A wasted day is just that, Wasted. 

So grab your coffee and embrace the day with gusto and don't let anything stop you. It will feel good when you say I am done.

God bless,


The Keeper Of The Clock 3/10/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Churro Coffee. The sun is rising in the East and it looks like it will be melting the spring frost that has painted the grass once again. 

Job 14:5 ESV Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his limits, that he cannot pass. 

We switched over to Daylight Savings Time again last night and as usual my job as the "Clock Keeper" is to reset our clocks to the correct time. That chore is almost complete now except for one old clock that sits at this desk where I am writing from.  We also have one clock on the fireplace that resets itself by receiving a satellite signal. 

Once I am done writing this morning I will take the old clock apart, change the battery and reset it by turning the hands on the clock myself. We received that clock as a wedding present many years ago. The clock as only stopped for a short time when I change the battery. In September the clock will have logged over 332,880 hours. Now give or take a few because of leap year but the clock has done a lot of work. Some day that clock will stop and Rene and I will be gone. I am sure no one will want the old clock after our passing, so basically it will stop keeping time for us. 

It's kind of a sobering thought to look at a clock and know as it keeps time your life is also ticking away. No one but God knows when the time will run out for us. He is the Keeper of the clock. So since I am sitting here thinking about it, your clock is ticking away also. If yesterday you had a cross word with a loved one, make it right today and apologize for your part in the ruckus. If there are lies in your life, set the record straight. If you put off what should have been done yesterday, get it done today.

You never know when the Keeper of the clock stops your clock and there  are those folks who say "It's about time." 


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Mud Collectors 3/9/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Churro Coffee. The house is very quiet and it is a little bit cold inside. I added a heavy sweater to my morning wardrobe and now it is time to write. 

Proverbs 26:20 ESV For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. 

Over the last thirty six hours it as been raining a lot. The ground is saturated and it doesn't take much to stand in one spot and have your boots soak into the ground a little. So with two energetic springer spaniels who like to run around we have quite a mess when they come back inside from the quagmire. They just seem to desire to hit the muddiest parts of our property and collect mud and rainwater on to their fur coats. We are in damage control now and have towels handy at both re-entry ports to the house. It seems that they are happiest when collecting mud. Right now they are all clean and are laying on the floor next to me like to angelic fur balls. But mention going outside and their eyes twinkle and they spring to life. When they go out of the door I believe the youngest one leaves a vapor trail behind him. 

People are also mud collectors. Given the chance some folks like to go through life collecting information on others and then talking about it. The word I am choosing today for us to think about is gossip. It is an ugly word just as ugly as a muddy floor is ugly after two dogs come in to share their great find. The mud gets everywhere. This is what happens when we catch a little mud (information) and share it with others. This type of information is best left to ourselves and not shared. When we collect mud on others we actually weigh down our own souls with sin and we become muddy and sooner than later no one wants anything to do with the "mud collector". Mud collectors do not observe the rules of privacy. It's like our two dogs. They can't wait to come in and shake off the water and the mud. They believe in sharing! But there are others who must clan up the mess that they make. It's the same way with gossip. Others might have to clean up the hurt, and shame that a little mud collecting causes. 

Mud is best left outside and to itself, just as a little gossip is best kept to oneself . Spreading the mud just helps to sink your own reputation. 

Have a great day!


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Soaking In The Love 3/8/2024

 Good Morning,

My day started when I would still call it "Night". So as soon as I finish writing I will jump into my truck and head out for a long day of work. I am drinking a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and will take most of it in a travel mug. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV So now, faith, hope and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.

I am not a huge television person and I always feel that I have something better to do than watch tv. Sometimes though a commercial will come along and most of them don't do a thing for me. The new Kay Jewelers commercial has a song in it and the words struck me like a hammer on the head. They made me think and consider marriage as a topic in my brain today.

The song is titled I Get To Love You. I have written down some of the words,

My whole life falls in line. 

I prayed for you before I called you mine

Oh, I can't believe it is true sometimes

Oh, I can't believe it's true.

I get to love you, 

It's the best thing that I will ever do. 

Long before I met my wife Rene, I prayed for her. I realized as I grew, that the best thing a person can give another is the right to love them. I consider myself truly blessed to say that Rene agreed to share her life with me and I get to love her then and now. So as spring approaches and weddings loom on the horizon, just remember that when she said yes or he asked, they made a decision to let you love them. Cherish that thought and keep it close to your heart. 


Our Paths Crossed Before 3/7/2024

 Good Morning,

Bring on the Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee and let's get this day started. 

Yesterday I had the privilege of helping out a friend. My friend had open heart surgery a few days ago and is now home convalescing and getting back his strength. Mt friend is also the caregiver for his 92 year old father. There were some chores to perform and I felt sorry for George the 92 year old in this story. He doesn't really know me and here is a stranger in his home doing laundry and washing the dishes. I decided to engage George in conversation and I listened more than I talked. Imagine that! As George told me that he was a carpenter by trade and who he worked for, I found out we have friends in common. We both worked at the same hospital many years ago. George as a contractor and me as a hospital employee. The bond was made and I asked George if he wanted to help me out with changing the sheets and making up the beds. A hearty yes came my way and we partnered up on some of the work. Lunch time came around and it was a pleasure to warm up some food for both of the boys, but it was George's smile that made my day. We joked back and forth throughout the day and we prayed before I left. If I live to be as old as George, I hope people will let me feel valid and worth something. I look forward to seeing those two again today for a couple of hours and my goal is to do a good job in all that needs to be done. I am praying for another opportunity to serve George, yet include him in the work.

Everyone has a desire to be considered and validated as useful. I learned a long time ago that no matter the age of a person, all people are to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness. I also captured the wisdom that one can always learn from someone who is the elder. 

Proverbs 20:29 The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair. 

So today, pet the older dog first. Take time to sit and listen to the elders given to you. Be inclusive and validate their importance as well as their experiences.

Food For thought, 


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Day Before Us 3/6/2024

 Good Morning,

I just filled a mug with hot Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee. Our two dogs have been fed and are asleep next to my chair. It is time to write. 

James 1:17 ESV Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 

Each day is a gift from God. What you experience is what God has built into your day. The bird you see, the child you meet, the whole day is His gift to you. Imagine the sun rise which I will see shortly from our window. The view I have is mine and mine alone. No one is standing in the same spot as I am. The birds are singing this morning so God added natural music to what I see. The breath I take was orchestrated by God and the apple I will eat for breakfast was grown in an orchard, but God knew that exact apple would be on my table this morning. 

Jeremiah 29:13 ESV You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. 

The day always looks better when we look at it from our spiritual eyes. When we look for God first, the day comes to life and the walk is that much better. 

So take the day before you, one moment at a time and be surprise what you se, hear, taste, smell and touch. God made your day!


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

It's More Difficult In The Dark 3/5/2024

 Good Morning,

Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee filled my empty cup this morning and it is time to write. 

To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust Him in the dark- that is faith. Charles Spurgeon

1 Timothy 4:10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in a living God, who is Savior of all people, and especially those who believe.

Many people will agree with this statement. "It is easier to have faith and be thankful when things are going very well." We hear more "Praise God" speeches when there is smooth sailing than we do in the doctors offices when we hear the word "cancer".

But isn't it true that when times are dark, we need more faith and we  desire to draw closer to God? During these times we must draw upon the fact that we have faith in a Living God. The One who supports the whole universe and created heaven and earth and all that is in them. We trust in the real God. The One who walks with us during the darkest of times and never leaves us. Our hope needs to be placed in the One who can light the way. 

John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them saying, "I Am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Food for thought.


Monday, March 4, 2024

He Knows Who You Are 3/4/2024

 Good Morning,

My Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee is hot and steaming in the cup. It is time to write. 

Isaiah 43:1 ESV But now thus says the Lord. he who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel. Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine. 

I believe that very often God calls us to perform some type of service for our community, our churches. our family or our friends. We might feel overwhelmed and under qualified. Have you ever considered that the all knowing God knows you better than you do? Have you ever considered that His call is also one that will help you grow and will allow for Him to teach you more? Have you considered that God made the call on your life and He has considered your abilities and qualifications? 

We often miss out on blessings of joy when we stop for a nanosecond and disqualify ourselves. When God calls, He has already evaluated you and your abilities, knows you, and He made the call. He never makes mistakes. 

So get out there and follow obediently and know you are in the right spot at the right time!

Never Bored!!!


Sunday, March 3, 2024

I Choose To Be Happy 3/3/2024

 Good Morning,

I just filled my cup with some very hot Door County Churro Coffee. I am surrounded by three springer spaniels and it is time to write.

Last night at our Saturday evening church service, we had a special surprise for all of us. As is part of our custom before praise and worship begins, we read a verse of Scripture after an opening prayer. Last night was pretty much the same, except that our verse was not read, it was recited by memory. Our orator was a little girl named Zoey, who is six years old. She recited the entire 23rd Psalm out loud and proud. She was on the stage in front of the small congregation and Zoey was barking with the big dogs. 

Psalm 16:11 NKJV You will show me the path of life ; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forever more.

John 16:33 NKJV These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

There is so much going on in the world and at times it seems like only bad news makes the nightly news report.  Churches have come under attack and now along with many ministry teams you have a security team. I usually do the majority of the speaking on Saturday nights. Last night I had the privilege of sitting and listening to our Senior Pastor deliver a message on the baptism of Jesus. I sat down and relaxed and listened. My wife Rene and I have been busier than usual. So last night instead of running out to eat to break up the busyness I chose to be happy. I saw a little girl give it her all for Jesus and I listened to a message that recharged my soul. I sang along with some music and relaxed. 

There are many upon many activities that one can partake of on a Saturday night. There are many worries that can consume a heart and mind. But for one hour, maybe a little more I chose to be happy in the Lord.

Make the right choice and find that despite all that is evil you can still find peace for your soul in church.

God bless,


Saturday, March 2, 2024

One Long Night. One Great Team 3/2/2024

 Good Morning,

The day is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cream Coffee and it needs to work overtime to wake this old man up. 

Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. 

Last night we received a call from a dear friend of ours and just from the sound of her voice I could tell that she was in pain. This little gal lives alone and is in her late seventies. She went on to explain that she was in very bad pain and needed to get to a hospital. Our friend attends church with us and several of us watch out for her and help her when she needs it. My wife and I and one other friend came up with a plan and chose a hospital that would meet her needs and quickly. I took off in the car to pick her up and it seemed like we were traveling slowly although it really was a rapid transport.

Upon arrival to this small hospital we were greeted at the door with a wheel chair, a smile, concern and precise instructions as to what they were going to do and what I needed to do. Our plan had some hiccups since I wasn't a family member and our friends daughter lives six states away. But through it all that medical team moved quickly, explained everything plainly, and checked on her every 10 minutes or more. The time was running late and our friend had been taken for some x-ray and a cat scan. I was sitting in the room and one of the nurses came in and looked at me and said, "sir it is going to be a long night. Let me bring you some coffee or a bottle of water. Would you like cream and sugar? You might want some. Hospital coffee is not the greatest." I knew that fact from working in health care for 38 years. 

I was amazed at the fact that this busy nurse took time to care for my comfort. Of course several people from church were now praying for us and we knew it. I have witnessed good health care throughout the years, but I actually say we did not experience good health care. This team gave great care. The science part was right on, but the kindness and concern shown was a step above what I was expecting on a late Friday night.  

As I write, our friend is here at our home, and resting. But I will say this. I salute those caregivers and thank God they were there last night.


Friday, March 1, 2024

Calling Out In Prayer 3/1/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with some Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and prayer. Two friends of mine are facing heart surgeries today. A third one is still recovering at home from his open heart surgery of a few weeks ago. I am praying for their healing. 

I believe in prayer and that it is the God given right for man to call upon God on behalf of ourselves and for others. When we call out in prayer we are bringing God into the mix in any situation.

Billy Graham said this about prayer. "Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Prayer to God is like a child's conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs."

We pray because God commands us to pray. We are to pray for our enemies. We are to ask and seek. We are to intercede for others as well as ourselves and our needs. 

2Chronicals 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 

I believe that when we pray we should approach God, with reverence, respect, fear, thankfulness, and humility. Tomorrow we will talk some more about prayer.

Have a great day!!
