Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Water From A Rock 1/17/2024

Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee. The house is warm and it is time to write. 

I made the decision to read through the Bible again this year and I am enjoying the daily time in God's Word. As many times as I have been through the Bible, I still find new things to underline and take note of.  

While reading in the book of Exodus chapter 17, I once again was amazed at God providing water from a rock for the Israelites. I for sure wasn't there to witness it, but for some reason I can picture it vividly. Prior to this miracle, God had performed others like providing manna and quail for food. He paved their exit from Egypt by sending plagues upon the Egyptians. When their backs were to the Red Sea, God parted the waters before them. This all took place within a few months. So those traveling to the promised land saw God at work as He led them from a cloud and a pillar of fire. 

Yet they complained about lack of water and other things, saying "we were better off as captives in Egypt."  So quickly, did they lose trust in God who met each need for them. They threw out that insult of wanting to Go back and be slaves because they did not trust or want to wait on God. And it was an insult. 

Exodus 17:3 But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, " Why did you bring us out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst."

I have to say that at times we have a lot in common with these Old Testament travelers. We cry out and God hears us and grants our petitions. Once we have our desires met, we find that we really would prefer something else and we complain. For instance, a man needing a job, prays for one and God grants that request. Then later down the road, this man or woman complains about the excess hours and hard work. They forget that God knows their bills and needs and He is providing them the solutions with hours and dollars. He never said we wouldn't have to work. Soon after receiving this blessing we are dishonoring God by whining. 

I often thought that it would have been just fine for God to march them right back to Egypt right after their first complaint. But then when I complain about long hours at work, God could easily show me what it is like to be out of work and without a paycheck again. 

1. Be thankful for answered prayers.

2. Be thankful for unanswered prayers as well. Be glad that God intervenes when we request a mistake. 

3. Honor your end of the prayer. If you pray for a car, and really needed a truck, be thankful for the wheels.

4. If you need a job and God answers that request. Be thankful for work. Money doesn't grow on trees. Be proud to work.

5. Don't whine. If God gave you a home, you might need to repair it and keep it in order. 

Most of all, don't run with complaints about God. He is never wrong, but we are!

Have a great day.


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