Monday, January 22, 2024

Use Your Skills 1/22/24

 Good Morning,

I am drinking the last of my Door County Mistletoe Moch Coffee and very soon the Christmas flavors will be put away until later this summer.

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.

I am having to deal with writing my daily blog, using my phone. My laptop is in for repairs. A friend of ours is debugging it and replacing a battery. He is very skilled in his craft and he has been helping with my computer issues for quite a few years. His ability to work on computers is put to good use all the time. We all have some type of useful skill and we should always try to use it to benefit others. 

What is a terrible problem, might be an easy issue to you. 

So if at all possible be willing to share your skills with others or at least send them in the right direction!

God bless.
