Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Up And Running Again 1/31/2024

 Good Morning,

The morning arrived after a good night of sleep and I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee. It is time to write. 

Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; it only causes harm. 

It feels good to be sitting in our den at my desk writing today from my laptop computer. For the past week  I have been writing my blog by using my cell phone. It is a good back up, but it does make it a little difficult to write. 

The mess began when I received  a message from a long time friend. The message was a personal notification about the death of another mutual friend. Someone had hacked her information and sent out a communication that held a computer virus and it attacked my computer with a vengeance. As a friend of mine would say, it was "loaded with pestilence". I am usually very careful not to fall for these scams, but our mutual friend has been very ill and out of concern I launched the pestilence that attacked my equipment. 

My friends, I try to write on a daily basis some form of peace, love and happiness. There are days that I write about corrective actions we might need  as well as some instructions now and then. This cyber attack has me fuming with anger and at first I was so angry I couldn't see straight. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a computer wizard and I called upon him to help me out. I am glad to say that that he was able to rid my computer of the "pestilence" and we are back to normal. I send to him my gratitude, straight from a humble heart. 

Just this morning I found the strength and willingness to pray for the person who hacked my friend and used mutual grief and concern to attack her and I. I found it hard to forgive the offender and then pray for them to have a change of heart and not mess with others. Our mutual friend who is very ill did not pass away, but somehow they found out about our personal concern that we shared and used it to attack me. I for a week, held some real vengeance in my heart and desired to some day, some how, meet this offender and beat him silly with my computer. 

I noticed that during this time I was on edge, joy was not to be found, and I was quick to anger. Yesterday our garage door broke and the lift spring (coil) snapped and what normally would be handled with calm and some peace, just set me off. 

I realized as I went to prayer last night that I needed to turn this computer mess over to God and let Him handle the mess. This morning I forgave the "perpetrator of pestilence" and am leaving him up to God to do what God sees as best. My blood pressure has dropped and I find my morning coffee enjoyable again.

Just a little advice for today. Beware of those messages  and verify before opening. Then if need be  forgive as needed. It does a heart good, to not be burdened with hatred and revenge. 

God bless,


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