Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Up And Running Again 1/31/2024

 Good Morning,

The morning arrived after a good night of sleep and I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee. It is time to write. 

Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; it only causes harm. 

It feels good to be sitting in our den at my desk writing today from my laptop computer. For the past week  I have been writing my blog by using my cell phone. It is a good back up, but it does make it a little difficult to write. 

The mess began when I received  a message from a long time friend. The message was a personal notification about the death of another mutual friend. Someone had hacked her information and sent out a communication that held a computer virus and it attacked my computer with a vengeance. As a friend of mine would say, it was "loaded with pestilence". I am usually very careful not to fall for these scams, but our mutual friend has been very ill and out of concern I launched the pestilence that attacked my equipment. 

My friends, I try to write on a daily basis some form of peace, love and happiness. There are days that I write about corrective actions we might need  as well as some instructions now and then. This cyber attack has me fuming with anger and at first I was so angry I couldn't see straight. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a computer wizard and I called upon him to help me out. I am glad to say that that he was able to rid my computer of the "pestilence" and we are back to normal. I send to him my gratitude, straight from a humble heart. 

Just this morning I found the strength and willingness to pray for the person who hacked my friend and used mutual grief and concern to attack her and I. I found it hard to forgive the offender and then pray for them to have a change of heart and not mess with others. Our mutual friend who is very ill did not pass away, but somehow they found out about our personal concern that we shared and used it to attack me. I for a week, held some real vengeance in my heart and desired to some day, some how, meet this offender and beat him silly with my computer. 

I noticed that during this time I was on edge, joy was not to be found, and I was quick to anger. Yesterday our garage door broke and the lift spring (coil) snapped and what normally would be handled with calm and some peace, just set me off. 

I realized as I went to prayer last night that I needed to turn this computer mess over to God and let Him handle the mess. This morning I forgave the "perpetrator of pestilence" and am leaving him up to God to do what God sees as best. My blood pressure has dropped and I find my morning coffee enjoyable again.

Just a little advice for today. Beware of those messages  and verify before opening. Then if need be  forgive as needed. It does a heart good, to not be burdened with hatred and revenge. 

God bless,


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Guest In The House 1-30-24

 Good Morning,

The day started with a smile and a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee. 

Luke 6:31 Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

We were blessed to have visitors come to our home last night. Our nephew and his wife are hosting a music exchange student. The student needed to catch a plane very early this morning. We live 15 minutes from the airport. They called last week and asked if we could put them up for the night so they could take her to the airport from our house. 

We always consider showing hospitality to others as a good thing and it allows us to put our home to good use. I believe we are the ones who receive a blessing by having visitors and some fresh conversations in our home.

Through the years while participating in short term mission trips or hunting. others have opened their homes to me. I was fed and given a warm, dry place to sleep. 

We welcomed our family and their student into our home and did our best to make sure their needs were met. Their student is from Europe and is a long way from home. And I imagine someone back there worries about her care. But wherever I traveled to I was welcomed, my needs were met and now it was our turn to play the role of host.

Whenever possible, don't hesitate to open your door and show hospitality to travelers. We learned a few things about a different culture and hopefully reduced the worries of her family.

Have a great day. 


Monday, January 29, 2024

The Power Of Cooperation 1-29-2024

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Black And Tan Coffee is sitting in front of me and it is time to write.

Back in 1994 we found ourselves building  a house. We still live in that home. We actually started the process in October of 1993. The house was finished in June of 1994.

The experience had its ups and downs. For instance 8 snow storms buried the outside and inside of the home. It was our responsibility to remove the snow so the contractor could work.  Each week Rene and I would have a breakfast meeting on Sunday after church. We would drive to the building site and discuss what we needed to do as our part in the construction. All time schedules were discussed and we assigned duties for each of us. I want to add that our daughter also assisted in a lot of the work. She was in high school at the time.

We would also look at all three of our schedules and adjust to each other's schedules so we could meet work, school, church, and social commitments. We agreed that there wouldn't be a vacation that year and my hunting was very limited.  We sacrificed to accommodate each other and build the house.

I believe it was the best example of cooperation I have ever witnessed. My friends, there is power and peace found in cooperation with others. Cooperation also demands organization and commitment. I truly believe a family and marriage functions best when everyone cooperates unselfishly.

In order to cooperate the team must communicate and be willing to sacrifice their own desires

 The goal is stated, discussed and then acted upon. Progress and changes to the schedule or other details always need to be communicated clearly. 

Amos.3:3 : "Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?:

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

 Cooperation, leads to peace and happiness. Accomplishments are a  blessed byproduct of cooperation.

Food for thought.



Sunday, January 28, 2024

Stretching My Legs 1-29-2024

 Good Morning, 

I am brewing a pot of Door County Black And Tan Coffee and I will be taking some along on a short road trip.

Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 

Later this morning I will be hunting on a game ranch for some pheasants. The goal is to get some exercise for our dog and some walking for me.

With good dog work and some decent shooting we should be adding some pheasants to the freezer. 

What does this have to do with a devotional type blog? 

It is a gentle reminder to treat yourself well and to get in some exercise on a regular basis. Not only will I burn some calories, but I will also rest my mind. Walking behind a hunting dog helps me clear my head and relax my brain

I don't know what you enjoy doing while you purge your brain and exercise your limbs, but now and then you just have to exercise the body and relax the brain. 

We will pray before we start and bring God with us.on our adventure.

Once we are headed home we will give thanks for the day and just maybe there will be a nap. 

God is good and designed us to know when we need to unplug and relax

 Listen to your body and take care of yourself.

God bless,


Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Lord Is My Shepherd 1-26-2024

 Good Morning, 

The aroma in the kitchen is amazing today. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and it is time to write.

PSALM 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

The 23rd psalm has been recited, memorized, shared for times of comfort and despair. It has been used as a prayer and for mourning at times of death and burial..


The psalm was written by King David and that is what stands out for me.  A shepherd is often seen as the provider for the sheep. It isn't the best job and was usually given to the youngest son in the family. The shepherd protected his sheep and often fought off wild animals, seeking to devour the sheep. It was a dirty job and the shepherd lived with his flock. 

In the first verse David acknowledged with saying "The Lord is MY SHEPHERD," that he wanted and needed a shepherd. David chose to be tended to by God. 

God doesn't assume members of the flock, the flock chooses to submit to the SHEPHERD making that first verse very personal.

Can you say that you have chosen the Shepherd?

Food for thought.


Friday, January 26, 2024

All About The Details. 1-26-2024

 Good Morning,

I just used the last of my Door County White Christmas Coffee. My cup is filled to the top and it is time to write

On January 1st 2024 I started reading through the Bible and the adventure has been amazing. I read for about 20 minutes a day and that seems to work well. 

During my reading, which now has me in the book of Leviticus I can't express with words just how much God spends on instructions and details. In Genesis, God designed the earth and it's inhabitants.

God then instructs Noah on how to build an ark. He accounts for what lumber to use and how to seal it.

Moses comes along and God instructs him on how to lead thousands of Israelites out of Egypt. God provided water and food. He designed the tabernacle. 

Details, details and more details. I have led a few mission teams in my day and have seen God at work. He always was willing to instruct us on what to do every day. He never left out a detail. 

If we were faithful to follow the instructions to the very last detail, God blessed our work.  If we took a shortcut, His blessing was withdrawn from us. It was obvious when that happened. There immediately was a lack of unity and confusion entered in.

So if God knows how to create birds that fly, or tides that move oceans on a daily basis, shouldn't we also be concerned about the details of our life?

We should never slack on work, rest, family, and our time with God. As was said over and over again by the people in Exodus. " All the words which the Lord has said, we will do."

Is our vow to serve the Lord held together by lip service or by obedience to even the least of details?

Food For Thought!


Thursday, January 25, 2024

What's In A Name? 1-25-2024

 Good Morning,

I don't know if my mind is more foggy than the weather where we live. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and it is time to write. Here's hoping the internal fog leaves soon.

Proverbs 10:7 The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot. 

It was just a few days ago that we were battling sub zero temperatures. In addition a cold, wet snow caused many power outages. 

A friend asked me if I would recommend a mechanical contractor to install a full house electrical generator on his home. I had no problem recommending the contractor who sold and installed ours. We have had the generator for a few years now and I have no complaints. Annually they also inspect it and make any repairs they might see. They are seamless in their approach to service. We feel secure with them as our contractor of choice.

Their name with me is synonymous with great service. 

When people hear our name, do they recall us favorably? Or do they have our telephone number stored because they don't know how to remove it from their contact list?

Our name and our word should be infallible.  We need to work daily on having a good name and good record.

When your names is called, what is the response?


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

EncouragementTakes More Than A Pat On The Back1-24-24

Good Morning,

Not too early of a start for me this morning. The Door County Cherry Creme Coffee just finished brewing and it is time to write. 

1 Thessalonians5:11 Therefore, encourage one another

and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Encouragement is no casual, kind word but rather a premeditated resolve to lift the spirits of a friend. An encourager does more than slap a few folks on the back. Sometimes he takes time and extreme effort on behalf of a friend. We should try to make that a daily goal. 

I always say what goes around comes around. I have found that when we sincerely encourage others, we often receive encouragement when we need it.

We are in this world for a reason and it just might be for us to encourage others. Take encouraging seriously. You just might save a life.

Remember, God is your greatest cheerleader. You can cheer others on!


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Best Music Is In The Antique Shop 1-23-2024

 Good Morning, 

Once again I have filled my mug with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. The coffee is extra hot, just the way I like it.

Last Sunday my wife Rene and I ventured out to look for an antique license plate. A dear friend of mine knows that we poruse antique emporiums now and then..He asked us to look for a certain license plate for him. We decided that afternoon would be a good time to search and have lunch together. 

We traveled to the Waukesha Antique Mall in Waukesha Wisconsin. The store is well organized, with great selections. The kind staff makes it a pleasurable experience. It reminded me of a museum that held my memories.

While Rene and I were searching diligently for the license plate I walked slowly down each aisle. I looked in every booth and to be honest, the serene setting took me on a trip down memory lane. We didn't find the license plate we were looking for. But we did take home a couple of treasures for ourselves. 

While strolling the aisles, the background music was playing just loud enough to be heard. They were playing what I would call some "Classic Oldies". It took me back to hot rods and letter sweaters. It occurred to me that I really relax when I visit an antique shop. Some of the things I see remind me of my grand parents or my parents. My mother always said I was born too late and I should have been 18 years old in 1957. 

Where am I going with this? Well, I had a great day doing what my wife loves to do. I went somewhere and the setting gave me fond memories. Anytime I can walk and soothe my soul while traveling down memory lane is an A day.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things.

Have a great day.


Monday, January 22, 2024

Use Your Skills 1/22/24

 Good Morning,

I am drinking the last of my Door County Mistletoe Moch Coffee and very soon the Christmas flavors will be put away until later this summer.

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.

I am having to deal with writing my daily blog, using my phone. My laptop is in for repairs. A friend of ours is debugging it and replacing a battery. He is very skilled in his craft and he has been helping with my computer issues for quite a few years. His ability to work on computers is put to good use all the time. We all have some type of useful skill and we should always try to use it to benefit others. 

What is a terrible problem, might be an easy issue to you. 

So if at all possible be willing to share your skills with others or at least send them in the right direction!

God bless.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Cancer Is A Nasty Word 1/21/24

 Good Morning,

I am sitting very still this morning and just kind of staring at the keyboard. My hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee is part of a morning that just seems to be going very slowly.

Psalm 119:63 I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts.

Last night the local NFL football team lost it's chance to advance in the playoffs. 

Whether or not, win or lose, the loss was a disappointment. But no matter the outcome of the game, I still have a list of friends and a relative who are fighting off the word we all dread and that is Cancer. 

So if someone today says to me that they cannot get passed the outcome of a game. My answer is this. That's too bad.. Try waking up and going through your prayer list of loved ones with cancer. Those folks on that list have something to be disappointed about.

If the football team loses, life goes on. No one on that sideline last night was puking from their last chemotherapy treatment. 

Sometimes you just have to put it all into the right perspective.

Have a great day. Pray for those you may know who battle the Big Ugly today. 

God bless.


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Let There Be Peace 1/20/2024

 Good Morning,

My day started with prayer and a very hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee.

I am sitting at my desk today, surrounded by fond memories. I have photos of past mission trips to remind me of where I have been. I have momentous of things given to me by my daughter and grandson. There are trophies my dogs have won. Pictures of my family and some vacation memories. My collection of books line one wall. Then there are the memories of taxidermied animals that hang from the walls to remind me of our dogs and the great hunts I have been on, and the people who were there.

For me, this is a den of refuge, prayer and peace. Each of my days usually always starts here and ends here.

But, what good is a room of peace and happiness if the mood or feelings never leave the room? To be at peace within your heart and home is great. But, that same peace needs to travel with us 

Spreading peace relies on us to extend the hand of peace, good will, prayer and reconciliation to others. 

There are times when I could sit in this den and never leave. The word peace is usually used as a noun. But  the word peace is at most times needed as a verb because it is something you can do

 I am stretching the English language a wee bit and Mr. Webster is turning in his grave. To me, to not bring peace to others is not what peace truly means. 

Jesus gives us a verbal idea on placing peace into action.

Matthew 5:19 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Food for thought.


Friday, January 19, 2024

Get Some Fresh Air 1/19/2024

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee is waiting for me in the kitchen. It is time to write.

The weather in.our part of the world hasn't been too cooperative as far as allowing us to get out for fresh air. The super cold air stopped activities. I have heard from some parents that their children are a little cranky these days..

Fresh air and activity tend to remove the "cranky" right out of the kids. A house is a fine shelter. But it is outside of our walls that we can see God's creation. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God. 

So get out there and enjoy the day God has given you.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Making It Right 1/18/2023

 Good Morning. 

It is very early and I will be on the road soon to a work destination . I have packed a Thermos Bottle with hot Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and it is time to write. 

We all make mistakes now and then and possibly lose our tempers with others. Our mouth can often run ahead of our minds and we say things we never should have said. I have news for all of us. What comes out of our mouths is actually what is in our hearts at the moment. These thoughts could be actually harbored within and are always there. They come forth more when we are angry.

What this should tell us is that we need to get our hearts right with God and make our hearts right with others. This would take admitting we were wrong and apologizing. If there is any hint of a grudge, you have a dirty heart and life will always have you throwing a pity party or an anger party with what is festered within.

Colossians 3:13Bearing with one another, and if one has a complaint against another , forgiving each other, as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 

If you harbor ill feelings toward another person, YOU ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD. Start first by admitting your faults to God and ask to be forgiven. Then seek out others and get right with them ,not expecting anything in return. Nothing will ever work out if you don't start with God.

Food for thought. 


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Water From A Rock 1/17/2024

Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee. The house is warm and it is time to write. 

I made the decision to read through the Bible again this year and I am enjoying the daily time in God's Word. As many times as I have been through the Bible, I still find new things to underline and take note of.  

While reading in the book of Exodus chapter 17, I once again was amazed at God providing water from a rock for the Israelites. I for sure wasn't there to witness it, but for some reason I can picture it vividly. Prior to this miracle, God had performed others like providing manna and quail for food. He paved their exit from Egypt by sending plagues upon the Egyptians. When their backs were to the Red Sea, God parted the waters before them. This all took place within a few months. So those traveling to the promised land saw God at work as He led them from a cloud and a pillar of fire. 

Yet they complained about lack of water and other things, saying "we were better off as captives in Egypt."  So quickly, did they lose trust in God who met each need for them. They threw out that insult of wanting to Go back and be slaves because they did not trust or want to wait on God. And it was an insult. 

Exodus 17:3 But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, " Why did you bring us out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst."

I have to say that at times we have a lot in common with these Old Testament travelers. We cry out and God hears us and grants our petitions. Once we have our desires met, we find that we really would prefer something else and we complain. For instance, a man needing a job, prays for one and God grants that request. Then later down the road, this man or woman complains about the excess hours and hard work. They forget that God knows their bills and needs and He is providing them the solutions with hours and dollars. He never said we wouldn't have to work. Soon after receiving this blessing we are dishonoring God by whining. 

I often thought that it would have been just fine for God to march them right back to Egypt right after their first complaint. But then when I complain about long hours at work, God could easily show me what it is like to be out of work and without a paycheck again. 

1. Be thankful for answered prayers.

2. Be thankful for unanswered prayers as well. Be glad that God intervenes when we request a mistake. 

3. Honor your end of the prayer. If you pray for a car, and really needed a truck, be thankful for the wheels.

4. If you need a job and God answers that request. Be thankful for work. Money doesn't grow on trees. Be proud to work.

5. Don't whine. If God gave you a home, you might need to repair it and keep it in order. 

Most of all, don't run with complaints about God. He is never wrong, but we are!

Have a great day.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The "Power" Of Prayer 11/16/2024

 Good Morning,

Oh how good this hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee tastes on this cold frosty morning. 

Hebrews 4;16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need. 

We are still in the deep freeze in our part of the world and my heart goes out to those folks who had to battle a power outage at the same time. I was told about a home where the electricity was restored and after an hour of the furnace running, it was still very cold inside the home. It will take a few hours for the home to reach a normal temperature. 

Earlier yesterday, I was speaking with a man who had been through quite an ordeal over the last few days. The cold was the final straw for him and he was at the end of his rope. As he and I prayed for the electricity to be restored in his home, we also prayed that the Power Of The Holy Spirit would restore his broken heart. This man laid his wife to eternal rest on Saturday night and his home was getting wet due to the power outage. His fireplace could not be lit due to a chimney blockage and it was getting to be more than he could bear. 

I checked back with him later in the afternoon while coming home from work and it was a whole different man. He was cheerful, and looking forward to the home heating up and a hot shower later. The electrical power was back on and so was the Power from above. It seems that one of the guys from our church was delivering a generator to the other man's home. And after all was said and done the generator wasn't needed. The electricity had just come on.  What was really needed was a visit from a guy who cares and the support from Above.  The Power was turned on and it isn't the electrical type I am talking about. The Holy Spirit made a house call right to the heart of my friend. 

God is good.


Monday, January 15, 2024

Thank God For A Labor Pool 1/15/2024

 Good Morning,

Now and then you just have to get up early to enjoy your coffee and that is my story for this morning. I am enjoying a hot mug of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and it is time to write. 

1 Peter 3:8 Finally all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart and and be humble. 

Over the last few days our weather has been a little severe. We were blanketed with a wet slushy snow and then some fluffy snow and then some bitter cold temperatures. That heavy snow was very hard to remove from the driveways and sidewalks. I am still a little bit sore from using muscles that aren't in snow shape. 

I am grateful for our neighbors who made a labor pool of four and with all four us helping each other we made a large task easier. It is a pleasure to help one another. There are always friendly greetings, equipment shared, and thank yous are plentiful. You can just see the pride we all take in helping one another. My wife Rene referred to us as the "Snow Gang". I am sure that there will be more opportunities for us to gang up on some snow again. It is a pleasure to work with such kind and nice people. 

You know where I am going with this! God gives us the gift of neighbors and He knew many years ago who would be shoveling with me when He led us to settle in this area. Thank you God!


Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Clear Act Of Kindness. 1/14/2024

 Good Morning,

It is still dark outside and the temperature is below zero. My cup is filled with Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee. It is time to write. 

Colossians 3:12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.  

Last night we held a "celebration of life" after our weekly Saturday Night church service.  If celebration of life is a term that has you wondering as to what it is, just call it a funeral service. A friend of ours passed away and we gathered for a memorial to her life. 

Wouldn't you just know, that a a blizzard rocked our area the day before and yesterday many of us were still digging out from the storm. As we were shoveling and removing snow, the temperatures started dropping as well. Many, many people were without electricity and that means unless they had a fireplace they were also without heat. The  husband of  our deceased friend was one of those without power and heat. So on top of mourning for his wife, he was enduring the hardship of heavy snow, extreme cold and no power. This made me think of all of those folks who endure things like this every day and it caused me to be thankful for all we have. Our power did not go out and I am sitting in a warm house with hot coffee. 

Rene and I called on two couples who are in the same boat and offered a warm room and hot meals. They are weathering it out instead. They have modest heat and are trying to keep their pipes from freezing. Back to my friend who is in mourning. I wasn't surprised when I heard him say that another couple offered him a place to stay until the power comes back. I gave him a crash course on winterizing his piping and last I heard he took their offer and had a warm bed and food. 

I said this didn't surprise me that this couple came forth to help. They are known for their kind acts of love toward others. It makes you want to applaud and they are also very humble and don't look for applause. They act out of love and they set the bar high in that arena. I am proud to say that is what Christianity should be. We should all set the bar high on kindness.

Food for thought. 


Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Winds Of Change Are Blowing 1/13/2024

 Good Morning,

The fire is glowing in the hearth. The dogs have been outside and have been fed. I have a hot cup of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee with me at the desk. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. 

I have been semi retired now for over 4 years and have enjoyed working part time for a very good company. This job allowed me to continue to serve in healthcare and has been a real blessing to my wife and I.

Recently I have started to think about giving my notice to step down from this part time job. And after lots of prayer and discussions with my wife I gave my notice yesterday with the optimum time frame of May 1st and June 1st as the latest day of work depending on when they find a replacement for me. I promised to be involved in the training of my replacement if needed. It was a hard decision to leave people that have treated me with dignity, respect and friendship. But as I was sitting across from my wife eating breakfast about a month ago, and asking Rene what she thought about that decision for the 100th time, she said. " "Babe it is time". No one knows me better than she does except for God and she has never hesitated to offer her opinion. 

My point for today is this. If you are married, very often the answers you seek on decisions sits at the table with you. Every decision you make impacts your spouse as well as you. Rene has been praying for me and she was the answer to her own prayers. If you are blessed to be married, thank God for the advisor He sent. 

Have a great day!


Friday, January 12, 2024

Can We Gather At The River? 1/12/2024

 Good Morning,

A Hot Stanley Bottle of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee is going to be my companion and part of my safety pack for today. I am headed to work and my goal is to be home before the blizzard conditions get bad. Once I get home I will crank up a fire in the fireplace and settle down to read for the night.

Isaiah 48:18 Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. 

I have a lot of hunting memories that are very dear to me. Over the last twelve to fifteen years or more I have often duck hunted on a river South of our home. I have spent a lot of time there with three dogs now, and several relatives and friends. Some days the hunting was great and at other times not so good. The coffee was always good. The dogs made great company. Each day was different and sometimes the weather was downright brutal. 

I taught some young guys a few things out there and the lessons were a good review for this old fowl hunter. 

I can tolerate just about anything that could happen in the duck blind as long as we stay safe at all times. The worst thing that happened was the occasional falling off of a chair, a cell phone sunk, or a stumble into the river that filled some waders.

One thing that isn't tolerated is lack of harmony, and disunity between the people I hunt with. That kind of stuff has no place in the field or on the water. My expectation is that everyone is courteous and respectful  to each other, God, and the dogs. There is no room in my life to foster grudges, and hard feelings. Fortunately I hunt with men who feel the same way. Life is too short to have that nonsense ruin a day or a season. The essence of a real man is their ability to forgive. 

My point for today is this. Don't pollute the river by having hard feelings between others. Move on, forgive and forget.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

A Heavy Blanket On His Heart 1/11/2024

 Good Morning, 

The coffee in my cup is Door County Country Morning Blend and it is doing a great job of warming me up this morning. 

Psalm 27:8 You have said, "Seek My face." My heart says to you, "Your face Lord do I seek".

We have the privilege of helping out a nephew for a couple of days this week. Our nephew had to travel for his job. He has watched our dogs and home for us when we travel so it is our turn to reciprocate. His English Springer Spaniel "Waylon" is staying with us. The three dogs get along like "furry cousins" should. Waylon has made himself at home and has kind of adopted my wife Rene as the go to person for him.

Gibbs, Waylon and Leo

What I have noticed about Waylon is the fact that he misses our nephew. He watches for Nick through the window next to the front door and he sits there until our two dogs and Rene decide to do something, like go outside.  I see the loyalty that has grown between my nephew and his dog. I don't have to work today and we were just pounded with some snow. The dogs will be joining me outside while I clean up the snow blanket that fell overnight. 

Wouldn't it be nice if we all had that kind of loyalty and love for one another? A love that makes you just want to watch out the window for someone to come home?  Even better than that, how about a love for Jesus so strong that you look forward to meeting with Him in prayer? Do we see through window of our hearts and long for that sweet hour of prayer and reading His word?  We all should be like puppies who crave that attention. Waylon is getting plenty of love and attention, but yet what he craves is His master. Do we crave and yearn for that time each day for the hand of the Master to reach out and touch our hearts?

We can learn a lesson from our dogs.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Going Through Some History 1/10/2023

 Good Morning,

The morning had us wake up to good measure of snow and it has been long overdue. I have been praying for those who make a living by the snowfalls in this area. Ski hills and snow removal companies have been lacking for work. I salute them with a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write. 

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing, from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

Yesterday my wife's mother called from her senior living home and she had a request or two. Since she has moved into senior care she had to downsize some of her belongings. Others have been stored in three other places and one of those is our home. Mother requested that my wife Rene bring to her the high school year books that we have stored for her. I have pictured today one of her year books, Vintage 1945 from Berlin High School Wisconsin.

Rene took some time and looked up mother and a few other relatives that attended school with her. I watched Rene as she paged through the year books looking for her mom's pictures. She would say "You have to see this". I would stop what I was doing and take some time to browse with her and then go back to what I was doing until the next golden moment in time was discovered. My point for the day is this. Take time to do what is important to others, even if it is not important to you. Make time to be unselfish and watch the good times through other's eyes. Rene has always spent time looking at the photo's of my hunting escapades. She has viewed her share of swamps and dead ducks without complaining. Yesterday as Rene was discovering things in her family history, her eyes were bright and she laughed quite often. So the year books became important to me as well. I love to hear her laugh!

Goal for today. Put others first. 


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A Twisted Mess 1/9/2024

 Good Morning,

The day has begun with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. It is time to write.

Ephesians 4:2-3 be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, through the bond of peace. 

Last Sunday I was able to spend some time in the woods hunting and scouting for next years duck hunting season. It is always a blessing to be outdoors and walking through God's creations. I walk slowly when in the woods and I like to take in all that I see. My walk was so peaceful and quiet that I could feel it in my bones. As I was exploring the area and making mental notes for next duck season I walked up to a branch the was entangled with another branch. They were wound so tight, it was as if they were one branch. To me it seemed a shame that one would be choking the other.

Today I want to talk to the married folks who will be reading this. Consider your marriage as one vine or branch that is growing as it should. Then know this. The world seeks to choke off that growth. Naturally we will all encounter stressful situations in our marriages. But we also need to be aware of the the growth that comes along that should be pruned immediately and discarded. Excessive spending and debt is one of those. Add in too much of anything else and you can have a twisted mess. Avoid, spending too much time with friends instead of time with your spouses. Work to live, not live to work. Date each other without the kids. Gaming seems to be an addiction and often takes the place of pornography. Tangled and twisted messes come from that arena. Watch the flirting and need for attention. Your attention should come from  within your home. Ladies, flirt with your husbands. Guys, reciprocate. 

Pray together. Read God's Word and discuss it. Tackle good and bad as a team and be thankful on a daily basis. 

Avoid at all costs the world's attempt to end a marriage.

God bless,


Monday, January 8, 2024

Bringing In The Firewood 1/8/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee and it is time to write.

There is a simple lesson that can be learned from firewood. First of all we will give God the glory for providing all the wood we burn. I enjoy cutting firewood, stacking it, and burning it for warmth or ambience. Without His provisions, there isn't any wood.

But, today I want to talk about another thought, not a brilliant one at all, but significant to me. Firewood does not burn itself. Heat will never come from wood that does not get hauled into the house. Firewood is also a lot more difficult to bring in during a snow or rain storm. I watch the weather forecasts and try to stay ahead of them by bringing in more wood before the  poor weather arrives. Procrastinating just does not make for a warm fire and a comfortable house. So that is why I spent some time yesterday preparing for a possible snowstorm over the next couple of days. 

Procrastination can hurt your reputation and is not really ever seen as a good trait. Procrastination is not ever considered reliability. 

So keep the home fire burning and enjoy the warmth of feeling good about your accomplishments and lack of procrastinating. 

God bless,


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Number 4000 Today 1/7/2024

 Good Morning, 

My mug was just filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and aroma from it's brew time is still lingering in the house. The house is warm, and I am comfortable so it is time to write. 

Romans 11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

Today is a bit of a milestone and celebration for me. Back in 2012 I started writing this daily blog and today I celebrated 4000 editions, or posts. I must say that I have enjoyed the labor of love immensely. During this time we have gone through wars, mass shootings, Covid, elections, Super Bowls, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, spring, summer, fall and winter, hunting seasons . So many random subjects that I just can't remember them all.  Face Book has censored me a couple of times for my content. I found that kind of funny. 

It has been a blessing to write each day on an average of 333 times per year. That also means I had 4000 cups of coffee, I never write without coffee at my side. Some of you have been kind enough to comment. One set of very dear friends pray for me and actually wonder where I am when the blog comes out late.

God has always been good to provide something to write about and this blog belongs to Him. As long has God provides a message, I will keep writing. 4000 times I have been blessed by God with something to write about.  He is an awesome God. 

All those who have read this blog, you are a blessing to me and I pray for all of you very often,

God bless,


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Judas Was the First To Leave Early 1/6/2023

 Good Morning,

My cup was just filled with hot Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and it is time to write. 

John 13:26-27,3030 Jesus then answered, the man is the one for whom I shall dip the piece of bread and give it to him.  So when He had dipped the piece of bread, He took and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. After this Satan then entered him. "Jesus said to Him, "what you are going to do, do it quickly.  30. So after receiving the piece of bread he left immediately and it was night. 

Typically we have a one hour church service from start to finish, maybe it lasts 15 minutes more now and then. People do make plans to do things after church and I can understand that too. There is a trend that I see happening and it is people checking their watches to see if the plans that were made for later are going to be hampered because the service is running late. These folks are usually the ones who have arrived late and are now looking to leave early.

I just vented my thoughts on this. I ask this question. Really? Is it necessary to put a time limit on spending time with God. I understand work commitments and that is a decent excuse, but in reality it isn't. Churches now offer alternative times and days to make sure we are available to be spiritually fed and engaged.  

I do not attend church to be fed, but I attend to serve. I go expecting to be there for others. We all should go with that in mind. I really don't see many people gathering around each other after the service to pray. We have some visiting and fellowship that goes on, and that too is truly important. But I wonder why people aren't praying with each other. 

Food for thought.


Friday, January 5, 2024

How To Answer God 1/5/2023

 Good Morning,

I will be connecting once more with a hot mug of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and I might just have two cups. 

God is always at work and very often He extends an invitation for us to join Him. There is a choice we have to make and it is to follow His call or not follow His call. 

But the first and most important way to respond to God is to actually hear His call. God very often speaks through His word. I have challenged our Saturday Night Congregation to read through their Bibles this year. I am praying that they do more than just read the Word. I hope they capture it and take it in. I pray that they serve the Lord who will not let their words or work fail. God was with the young prophet Samuel and God did not let his words fail. Samuel heard what God wanted done and he was obedient to follow through. 

1 Samuel 3:19-21 So Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. 20. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord. 21 Then the Lord appeared again in Shiloh. For the Lord revealed  Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the Lord. 

So if you are praying for God to speak to you, be ready for an assignment.

God bless,


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Something To Make You Smile 1/4/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a very hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. A small fire in the hearth is chasing away the cold in our house. Add some Cheerios for breakfast and I am doing well. 

Job 9:27 If I say," I will forget my complaint, I will put off my sad face, and be of good cheer."

I am usually the first one up and out of bed 90% of the time in our home. I have to be sick or totally exhausted for my wife to be on her feet before me. So I am greeted by our two dogs Leo and Gibbs on a daily basis. They want to get outside for their dog business and then they want to be fed. That is a normal day for me. 

Leo our youngest dog eats his food and then picks up the bowl and brings it to me. That bowl has been licked clean and nothing is ever left in it. That causes my first smile of the day. I then go to my desk and pray before I write this blog. That is my second smile of the day. I very often am headed to work after writing and that blessing of a job is my third smile. While my truck is warming up I fill the bird feeder and see the birds in the trees waiting to eat and that is my fourth smile. Somewhere in the day I see my wife Rene and that just adds to the smiles I have collected. 

If you look hard enough and it really shouldn't be hard at all, you can find reasons that make you smile. I challenge you all today to see the smiles you collect in one day. 

At the end of the day I say a prayer of thanks and put my head on the pillow and smile in thanks to the Almighty for the day. I also challenge you all once more to just see how many smiles you can generate in others. 

God bless,


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A View From Above 1/3/2024

 Good Morning,

My cup was just filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. Our dogs have been fed. it is time to write. 

Job 28:24 For He views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 

Many years ago while visiting our family in Florida we decided to give parasailing a try. The new set up, actually allowed for three people to go up at the same time. So my wife Rene, our grandson and I ventured up and out. When the picture in today's blog was taken we hadn't reached the final height we were destined to achieve. 

This picture was brought back to me through my Facebook memories yesterday. I drifted back to that day in my mind and the memories were great to recall. I do remember a thought I had while up there flying free and easy. I was enjoying the view of the Gulf of Mexico and it was beautiful, with some clouds. When the boat turned to the shore I could see Clearwater Beach and the beauty of the sand and lots of people. I remember asking myself "what does God see from heaven"?

All at one time God sees the beauty below on earth and yet He also sees the ugliness. He sees the wars, the crime, the waste, and all the things we do good or bad. The view from above for those already there has the citizens of heaven  seeing God the Father and Jesus in splendor and glory. They see loved ones who have gone on before them. There is no night, famine, sickness or violence. The view for the citizens of heaven is always one of peace and contentment. 

My purpose today is to remind all of us that God sees the beauty and the beast of this world. When He looks down, how does He see you?

Have a picture perfect kind of day.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Reading Through The Bible 1/2/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer for a friend and a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. It is time t write.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. 

Several of the people I attend church with have agreed to read through the Bible in one year. I have done this before and it always helped me through the year. It however takes commitment and time. As with most things, I start out hot on it and then something causes me to miss a day of reading. Then I have to binge to catch up. My goal is to be steady and directed. 

So my point for the day is this. Are you willing to take your Bible off of the shelf, dust it off and see what God has to say to you on a daily basis? The Bible is like a fork. It only feeds you if you pick it up. 

Have a great day!


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 1/1/2024

 Good Morning,

My day began very early and it is a day I have been looking forward to since last year. I just filled a Thermos bottle with Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and now it is time to write. In a few minutes I will embark on a family tradition to hunt pheasants and hopefully shoot a couple. I have begun to age more lately and I don't take for granted as much as I used to that this won't be the last hunt. You just never know and this tradition might be seeing the sundown of it's life. Only time and today will tell me the future of the event. 

We must never take tomorrow for granted and if I were to give some advice on this New Years Day, I would say this. 

1.Never count on tomorrow.

2. Grudges never endeared anyone to anyone else. Bitterness is not a good trait and not a characteristic to desire. It doesn't make you a hero or a martyr. It just makes you a fool. 

3. Forgive and forget. Life is too short to cry at a funeral because you didn't forgive someone. And if by chance you come to me looking for comfort after you neglected to get right with others, you will receive a boot in the backside. 

4. If you feel you need an apology, don't be self centered. Go make right with those you have offended in the past before you ask someone to apologize to you. And don't assume you have not offended anyone. 

5. Never judge someone until you walk in their shoes. And then still don't be a judge. 

Romans 12:8 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 

6. This is a big world with millions upon millions of people in it. Don't give into believing that the sun rises and sets on your backside. You are 1 of millions and God loves you. But you are not the favorite child. The favorite one was sent to die for our sins. Want to have a decent emotional ride through 2024? Take the focus off of you and put it on others. 
