Tuesday, September 27, 2022

On Our Way Home 9/28/2022

 Good Morning,

I just filled a cup with Door County Maple Coffee and the day has started. 

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and the two of us slipped away for a day in Door County Wisconsin. I was uneasy about going for some reason and I actually cut the trip short from three days to one day. I should have followed my gut and not have gone at all.

Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you. And you shall love him as yourself., for you also were once stranger in the land. 

Yesterday after breakfast Rene and I went to see an old lighthouse and enjoy some picture taking and history. The first sign we should have stayed home was that it was raining a little. We donned rain gear and went on the tour. Half way through the tour I could tell that Rene wasn't doing well. She asked me to help her walk to the truck and said she needed some rest. 

By the time we arrived at the truck it was evident that we needed medical help. She was very lethargic and crying. The closest hospital was 35 miles away. We made the trip in 40 minutes and were greeted at the emergency entrance.  Rene was whisked away while I parked the truck and did some of the paperwork. I called family and friends and requested prayer for her. Rene is a Type 1 Diabetic and her blood sugar was super high and her insulin pump was not delivering insulin to her. It took all day to get that blood sugar under control. The hospital staff were not just good, they were great and her care was an answer to my prayer. 

So we will head home and have one more experience under our belts and an anniversary we will never forget. My point for the day is this. We were strangers visiting in a land far from home. Yet the nurses and doctors treated us like we lived there or were family members. Will you do the same today if needed? If someone needs you can you treat them like family? I left that hospital feeling like I had just been treated to the best they could do!



  1. Praise God for the great medical care and Rene’s recovery!

  2. Praying for Rene and you Marty. I'm glad she's doing better and that you had a great experience with her care. God bless.

  3. I include you and your family in my evening prayers. I plan on praying for her situation.
