Tuesday, September 13, 2022

How High Is The Water Man? 9/13/2022

 Good Morning,

I am awake and ready to start the day. My choice of beverage for the morning is Door County Cream Brulee Coffee. It is time to write. 

My day began with prayer and thankfulness. We have been in a severe rain for a couple of days and the small creek behind us is quite swollen and definitely is a hazard to avoid. So far so good with no damage I know of. But areas around us are flooded . We have witnessed this before and I recall one time when we were at the ready to leave our home. We moved all the valuables that we could to the second floor to at least try and save them. As soon as we moved the items, the sun came out and within an hour or so the water started to recede a half of an inch and continued to go down for a day.

We have an extra sump pump on the shelf and we test the other two quite often. I for one would evacuate if told to do so. 

Proverbs 3:21 My child, don't lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them. 

The point I am making here today is that we all know what is common to our region and the potential for natural disasters. I would be a fool to not have a snow shovel in our vehicles while living in a region that can and has had large snowfalls. So take one of the blessings God has wired within all of us and use it. That blessing would be "Common Sense" . You can't prepare for everything but you can be prepared for what you know could happen. My wife and I have practiced tornado drills and fire evacuations together. We keep some food on the shelves and can weather out a snow storm if needed. Extra water and some warm blankets in the car for winter are great insurance while winter traveling. There are so many good ways to be prepared for the what if's in life. If you look them up you could go to the extreme in being prepared real easy. But use common sense. It is the gift we all possess and for some, rarely use. One of my pet peeves is to see folks with fancy sportscars as their only mode of transportation. Not too bright if you live in a state that gets ravaged with snow and ice. Usually I see them in the ditch or as the cause of a pile up on the highway in the first snowstorm. Lovely vehicle, but useless in the snow. 

God made us to think and many times the Holy Spirit warns us of the potential for danger and then leads us to a choice on how to act. It is a fool who does not listen and prepare if possible.

Think it through and be prepared if you can.


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