Sunday, September 4, 2022

Late Night Song Dedications 9/4/2022

 Good Morning,

This is my kind of morning for sure. It' s nice and cool outside and that makes the Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee taste even better. It is warmth for the body and for me it is a comfort that soothes my soul. 

I am just old enough to recall the AM radio  being our biggest source of music. I owned a small transistor radio and would often be listening to it through an ear phone, late at night when I should have been sleeping. 

Romans 12"15 Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. 

Back in the day the late night disc jockeys would give out the phone number that you could call and actually talk with them. They would listen to you for a few seconds and let you pour out your heartaches and then they would either play the song you requested or you could request a song for someone else. Many a person who wanted to express their love for someone did it on these radio shows. Back then the Vietnam war  was in full motion and girls would pledge their undying love over the radio for their soldier. It was probably one in a million chance that the person who was the recipient of the dedication would actually be listening at the same time  and hear the love message. 

Other requests were made many times for the caller because that song would help them through a break up experience  that was tearing them up on the inside. I did sneak to the phone one night and call a radio station in Chicago and request a song for a girl I had a crush on. I wanted the world to know that I had feelings for this sweetheart.  It kind of backfired, because back then they did not give out toll free telephone numbers and long distance calls were not free. I remember my dad looking through the itemized phone bill and saying "Who in the heck is calling Chicago"? I kept my calls from that time forward to only the local stations. 

Now if you are reading this today and you can recall those radio request times and speaking to a disc jockey who seemed to care about your heartaches or your love life, then you are pretty old just like me. 

My point I am driving home for today is this. It is so easy to communicate now days. Email, phone calls, ZOOM video meetings, score boards at the ball game, social media,  and many other ways including snail mail. I see many announcements and proclamations of love on Face Book and I think it is a great thing to do so. 

So why would anyone not know how you are doing, or you wonder how someone else is doing?  Communicate to those you love and care about, but I still believe the best way to express your love if at all possible is to do it in person . There is nothing sweeter than saying to your spouse while driving somewhere with the radio playing, " Every time I hear this song I think of you". You can make your own song dedications and if by chance you are hurting within your heart, let someone know and hopefully that one person will respond and say "I know. How can I help"? 

Friends be that disc jockey your friends or family can call 24/7 to share their heartache or needs. Be willing to pray with them.  Share a Bible verse or two or with them or share a song that soothes the heart and soul. Join God's radio station. WLFY With Love For You. 


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