Saturday, September 17, 2022

Being Content. It's One Of the Hardest Things To Do. 9/17/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began slowly and it is picking up some steam as I write and sip on a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. Moving slow seems like a good idea today.

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need , for I have learned that whatever state I am, to be content.

Contentment! I believe contentment to be just one of those elusive traits that we need, but just don't seem to be able to wrap our arms around it. For instance, We have an automobile and it runs just fine, but age is beginning to show more dents and rust than when it was new. A snappy version of a new car catches our eye and soon we desire that car and are no longer content to have a paid for, reliable ride.

Our spiritual lives can be looked at the same way. If God were only to do the one and most important thing we need and that is His saving grace, would we be content with Him? You see he has already laid out the plan of wiping away our sins through the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ His Son. The whosever would call upon His name shall be saved. The ultimate gift of His grace is ours for the taking. If that were it, and only it, would that be enough? Would we be content? 

Yet we come before His throne with request upon request. I need a new job. Help me! I desire to find a spouse. Help me!. I was introduced to my ailment named Cancer. Rid me of it! And yes oh yes, God does tell us to make our requests known to Him. But how do we react when the answer is no, or we have to wait for what seems to be forever? Do we start to dine on the pill of bitterness, disappointment, or anger? Do we start our own "whiner of the month club"?

Having been given the grace of forgiveness, pardon, and then eternal life in heaven, dare we grumble about a car or and aching body? If you are sitting down and are reading this today via the internet, drinking a cup of coffee, with a full belly, you have been extended grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing. What if His answer is, My Grace of forgiveness is sufficient, can you be content?

Some food for thought. God bless,


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