Saturday, September 24, 2022

At The End Of Your Arm 9/24/2022

 Good Afternoon,

I am way, way late with my blog today due to some work  and a little hunting. I did however enjoy a great Thermos Bottle full of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. 

Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and one who waters will he himself be watered. 

My mother had a saying that seemed to be directed mostly at me instead of my siblings. I would ask her for help with something and she would tell me to look at the end of my right arm. "If you are looking for a helping hand you have one on your right arm". 

She explained to me that she never wanted me to be helpless and if I was ever going to learn anything I should try to do it by myself and not to depend on other. She was correct in her thinking and it drove me to try things and learn from my experiences. If she saw me working hard at it and not succeeding she would then offer help and teach me what she knew. The whole teaching lesson was usually hands on for me and was remembered much longer that way. 

I practice that with others now and I will show them how to succeed at a task and teach whenever it is called for. I push them to become self sufficient  and to have pride in doing things for themselves. 

All too often we think that we are helping by doing everything for those who need some guidance and instruction. This causes people to be dependent upon you and in the long run, you haven't helped them at all. So teach when you can. Help if necessary, but let people be independent instead of depending on others. They will be more in line and ready for the future. 


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