Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Time Well Spent. 7/19/2022

 Good Morning,

I have a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee within my reach and I finished my morning prayers. That tells me it is time to write. 

                                                             Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

I might be the only one with this problem. But I will take a shot at sharing my mind anyway. In our kitchen we keep a 12 month paper calendar, just like we did 1000 years ago. Rene and I mark down all of the important dates and upcoming adventures. I also keep an electronic version of two more calendars on my phone and my computer. One is my personal calendar and the other is my work calendar. Then there is the version that combines the two calendars into one. They are "Synched" together. You would think with all the technology and a paper back up it would be easier to schedule time for things and never double book events. 

Ha, what gets written on the paper calendar somehow doesn't make it to the electronic versions and unless I refresh the synch my personal calendar will show me free time that really isn't available according to my work schedule. So if I am the only idiot that has difficulty budgeting time, then stop reading today and go have a donut. I am sure you saved some time for a strenuous workout.

All that being said that when I look at my calendar at times I miss the most important events and then have to hustle up some time. Here we go!

Matthew 18:20 wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with them. 

Sometimes I get so busy professionally and personally that I miss out on time spent in prayer with others. I found myself telling a good friend who requested prayer over his wife this last Saturday that we could get together this coming Friday. So like a nut job I told this guy that she should wait 5 days for us to pray. A few minutes later I had a bowel movement of the brain and I nearly exploded at myself for making her wait until Friday. We agreed to meet on Tuesday night and I dropped some things of lesser importance so the important prayer can happen sooner. 

Reading Matthew 18:20 reminds me that God is always with us and guarantees His presence when we gather together in His name. The time tonight will be well spent and all that much sweeter when we remember that God has joined us for prayer time. 

Don't be so busy as to put God on hold. 



  1. Marty,
    I would love to join you in this prayer time, if not in person, join with you at this time from my home and pray with you guys.

  2. Replies
    1. Marty, Three of us were able to join you in prayer at 7:00 tonite
