Sunday, July 17, 2022

Can You Imagine How Good It Was 7/17/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. The weather is dreary right now and rain looks like it is in the forecast for this morning. 

John 21;12 Jesus, said to them. "Come and eat breakfast". No one dared to ask "Who are you"? They knew it was the Lord.

After the resurrection of Jesus he appeared to the disciples on the seashore. His boys had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. He called out to them and instructed them to throw their nets to the other side of the boat. They did as instructed and they pulled in a full net of fish to eat. Jesus then proceeded to cook the fish and make breakfast for them. 

I have always been in awe of this passage and often wonder just how good that fish fry was. just because it was made by the Perfect One. 

This leads me to my short thought of the day. A fish fry cooked by our Savior had to be awesome. This leads me to a simple assumption, wouldn't all things done during our daily lives be better if we were to acknowledge the presence of our Lord as we walk through the day He has given us? 

A hot cup of coffee and a plain biscuit is better when we look up and thank the One who provided it and now sits with us as we eat this morning. 

Life is better when we let Jesus walk the day with us. 


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