Friday, July 15, 2022

Forgive My Thoughts Please 7/14/2022

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee has me drooling this morning. I am happy to embrace this day the Lord has made.

Psalm 139:2 You know when I sit down and you know when I rise up. You know my thoughts from afar.

Psalm 139:4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord you know it altogether. 

It often happens this way. We commit a wrong doing and we are aware it is wrong and most people go before God and ask to be forgiven, This is natural and is a good way to live your life. Getting right with God over a sin or infraction is always correct behavior.

But here are my thoughts on this. Christians and most others in general have lowered God to a standard of "He is God and I will report the obvious". But do we recall that God knows our thoughts as well? I believe we tend to omit the thoughts we have if not acted upon. This is also a good step toward a wholesome life. Not acting on our evil thoughts keeps us from sin. Yet, I ask this question, if you imagine it and picture it in your mind haven't you sinned? God sees our thoughts. 

Life is difficult for sure, but let's not cheapen our experience with God by not being aware of His ultimate powers. Let's keep God on His throne in our hearts, minds, and souls. He doesn't move! But we try to move Him to our level. 

Job 37:16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him, who is perfect in knowledge? 

So when you have that little walk with God and you ask to be forgiven for the sins you acted on, don't forget to ask to be forgiven for the evil thoughts in your mind. 

Have a great day. Don't treat God like a Buddy! 



  1. We are not to treat our Creator as a buddy, although He loves us, He is GOD!
