Sunday, July 31, 2022

Not A Day For Holding Back On Prayer. 7/31/2022

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is at my side and it is now time to write. 

I am not much for taking dreams very seriously. However my sleep was interrupted twice last night and the second I woke up there was someone on my mind and my heart. I always consider that a sign to pray for that person and I pray immediately. 

Isaiah 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said. "Here I am! Send me.!"

I believe that the Holy Spirit places a wake up call on the hearts of those who will pray and maybe follow through with making contact with the person just to see how they are doing and offer encouragement if needed. I feel that those who are prayer warriors are like hospitals with emergency rooms. They are open 24 hours a day and are there to assist with prayer and do whatever is needed at the moment. 

My thought for the day is this. Are you an emergency room? Can you be called upon to pray 24/7 for others. Would you be willing to throw on a pot of coffee in the middle of the night just to talk to a troubled soul? Do others know you are open for business? 

In a crisis people will often say "Where is God"? I say to that. He is next to you right now and He is everywhere. Now those in a crisis often need something tangible to cling to and that is when God works through others and wakes us up or sends us out. He uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary.

Can God count on using you today? Is your emergency room open.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Shooting For A Purpose 7/30/2022

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write after a good night of sleep and I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee to help start my day.

Our two dogs are driving me nuts this morning. They saw me pack up a shot gun for target shooting today and they think it is time to hunt. Every move I make now has those two on my heels. I feel bad for confusing the boys. But two small treats in a little bit will have me forgiven. 

Later this morning I will be meeting two of my nephews and  and a couple of friends as we gather with a couple thousand folks to shoot sporting clays and raise money for cancer research and assistance for those suffering from this deadly disease. The five I will be shooting with are many years younger than I am. 

My first encounter with cancer came when I was in second grade when my parents explained to me that my uncle (Mom's brother) had a disease called cancer. Before I knew it my cousins were fatherless and the reality of the word cancer set in and it landed hard. Cancer has claimed many others in the family. Not all that long ago my sister was attacked by cancer in a vicious way and while sitting at her son's wedding it reminded me again how deadly and ruthless it is. 

What I am writing about is not the disease itself but the compassion that is shown today as I gather to shoot with these young folks and raise funds in the fight for treatments and a cure. It is Saturday and I am sure these young ones have other things they could be doing besides accompanying an old guy out to blow targets out of the sky for a cause. In doing so, I get a glimpse of their hearts and it makes me sit down and thank God for each of them. I like what I see. They will be rewarded some day for their kind act and maybe in their lifetime they will see a cure. Today they go out unselfishly and I  am sure they won't even think about the fact that there is a return for what they do. It is the law of the harvest. You reap what you plant. Today they plant compassion, respect and love. In turn they will receive the same some day. 

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

I mentioned that I get to see the hearts of these young people. I have to say, I like what I see. 


Friday, July 29, 2022

Maybe We Aren't So Perfect Ourselves 7/29/2022

 Good Morning,

As I sit down to write this morning, I have two English Springer Spaniels at my feet looking for attention and a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee in front of me. 

Colossians 3:13 Get along with each other. and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person, because the Lord forgave you. 

Way too many relationships spend way too much time on arguments. So much more could be accomplished if we just could cut down on the time arguing. Discord is not God's intention for true living. Small arguments have a way of  blowing up into useless battles. The canons of pride and sin set in and destroy any unity that exists within the relationship. Unity doesn't begin in examining others and their actions with a fine tooth comb. Getting along with others doesn't demand that they change, but begins and sustains itself when we admit that we aren't so perfect ourselves. 

The cure for arguments is accepting others for who they are and this is the first leap toward true unity. I did not say agreement, I said acceptance!  It is not bartering in negotiations, having a third party arbitrate a cease fire on hostilities or making elaborate speeches. These might come later and actually won't be needed if we first practice acceptance and not look at and scrutinize others faults or their perceived shortcomings. You would do best to look into your own heart and examine your own faults and shortcomings, and truly admit that you have some. 

Food for thought. 


Thursday, July 28, 2022

It's Not The Wild West People. 7/28/2022

 Good Morning,

A morning is meant to start the day and I started this morning with a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and a bowl of Cheerios covered with blueberry yogurt. Saving my appetite for a Wisconsin Friday Fish Fry.

While viewing the news last night their were two spots that showed violence at it's worst. In one news clip four or five young men were seen on camera milling around at a gas station. Next you see them scuffling with one another

and then the guns come out and both groups start shooting at each other. The ages of the the combatants ranged from 15 years old to 24 years old. several were injured and one is in grave condition. 

In the next news of the night we watched a woman full of road rage pull over, pull out a gun and start shooting at another car. two people were injured. 

It seems as if more and more differences are settled at the end of a gun barrel. I for one support gun freedom for law abiding citizens for protection and sporting reasons. I actually carry a gun for protection/ self defense and pray that I never have to use it. It has never once crossed my mind after being cut off on the freeway or having a disagreement with someone to pull out my gun and settle differences with it or expel my anger in such a way that takes a life. 

This is not the Wild West and Boot Hill isn't a place for glory. A cemetery contains graves. It is the home for those who have died. It is a place to visit and water the grass with tears. Death gives no second chances. Death is permanent. As a matter of fact outside of defending yourself legally, those who take a life in anger or revenge, ruin their own lives and once jailed for life they really don't count anymore in society. 

It is time to get back to basics. The basic point of the day and one that people need to relearn is this,

Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder.    

Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it, to the wrath of God., for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord." 

People, a final breath is a final breath. It is not your right to take it away from someone. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Why Don't You Answer The Door? 7/27/2022

 Good Morning,

My day started early and I barely had time to drink a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. But it is time to write and share my heart.

Revelation 3:20. Behold I stand at the door and knock.

I take all Scripture seriously, but Revelation 3;20 is one passage that is of great importance. As a matter of fact it might be the most important verse a man or woman could read. It is basically a plea and invitation from Jesus as he says I stand at the door of your heart and if you open the door I will come in. 

It could not be stated more plainly. It is a simple message of an invitation and it requires a response of yes, or no.  If you are reading this today and wonder why you would say yes to the invitation of Jesus, I ask "why not?" What do you have to lose? You might lose heartache, guilt, anger, loneliness, uncertainty, an eternal life spent in hell. You can gain love, peace, joy, a mended heart, an eternal life in heaven. You have all to gain and plenty to lose. 

You might be reading this contemplating your answer. Know this. God just whispered your name. Think about this. We make room in our hearts for Him. And he makes room in His house for us. The world might seem like it never had room for you. But in His house, there are mansions and one is your address,

John 14:2-3 In my Fathers house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive to Myself that where I am you are also,

Don't say no to the best invitation ever.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Come And See What Jesus Can Do. 7/26/2022

 Good Morning,

Some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee filled my cup this morning and now it is time to write. 

People have asked me about my faith and my simple answer is this. I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I will be. But thank God I am not what I used to be. I am sure that many a man or woman can say the same thing since they had an encounter with Jesus Christ. 

No one who meets the Lord and invites Him into their lives is ever the same. Jesus left heaven to live on earth and was known as Jesus of Nazareth. In the following verse, Nathanael asks if anything good can come from Nazareth. Philip clues him in real quick.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said to him. "Can anything good come from Nazareth"? And Philip said. "Come and see."

Come and see, hearts of stone broken to pieces and repaired with love.  Look at the blind who see. See marriages that have been restored. See the drunk who is sober. The drug addict who now is a counselor. See those with bitter hearts singing with joy again, The shamed that are forgiven. See peace despite turmoil. Look and see the imprisoned inspired. See those who love on orphans and bring them home. Come and see the nail pierced hand dry a tear and take hold of the hand who fears. Come and see He who embraces the wrinkled face of age .

Go ahead and ask me about my faith and I will say "Come and see, what I have witnessed." 

God bless,


Monday, July 25, 2022

The Wedding Feast 7/25/2022

 Good Morning,

I am writing from the comfort of a cool house and as always I have a cup of Door County Coffee with me as I write. Today's flavor is Highlander Grog and it is doing the trick on my sleepy eyes.

I try to write my blog post daily and I usually don't skip writing very often. Yesterday was one of those rare times when I really did not have anything to say, so I rested my brain for a day.

This past weekend my wife Rene and I were able to take in all the weekend had to offer. We were out of town and attended the wedding of my sister's son and his new bride. We surely enjoyed ourselves and were glad to be there. A wedding to remember. It was wonderful to be gathered as family. 

My point is this for the day. Now and then it is needed to rest and celebrate and take some time away. This includes at times a get away from ministry. So yesterday I shut things down to enjoy family, make some new friends and talk with my wife. Our trip to the wedding took us to an antique shop or two and of course for some custard. Rene needed a get away as well and really enjoyed letting her hair down a little. 

As for me, what I enjoyed most was being able to help clean up the after wedding chores as family is supposed to do.  So as I committed a couple of weeks ago to pray weekly for the new husband and wife I added one more set to the prayer list. They will do well and will be blessed in life.

The time spent away and at rest, helped me keep the faith!

1 John 5:4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.

Have a great week,


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Midnight Sewer And Drain 7/23/2022

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and I am skipping breakfast today. 

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 

The title 'Midnight Sewer And Drain" really won't mean a thing to anyone but me, some of my family and a few friends. But it is a reminder of some years long ago when my good friend and I worked together "side jobbing" almost every night. My friend and I were either working, or hunting, or fishing, and now and then we could 'tear up the town" pretty well. We purchased our first hunting dogs at the same time in agreement that he would buy a Labrador and an English Springer would be best for me, Us two idiots knew nothing about training dogs at that time. We met almost every night, sometimes very late in an old abandoned field to "run the boys". We only lived a couple blocks away from each other. Prior to meeting our wives we went through a couple of years of heartbreak and some wild times.  And we didn't always have the best advice to give. But on some of those long long nights of side work we had some pretty serious talks. 

Why am I reminiscing today and recalling days of old? Well my friend is having some major surgery this morning and it is serious. He now lives in another city hours away from us and he is on my heart and mind this morning. 

You see. Most men will have in a life time a few other men that will impact their lives and leave a mark on their past, present and future. It might be one or it could be five. But one thing for sure is that you are also here to be that link for someone else. He is one of my five. 

A chain can be broken and in most instances a link can be installed  to repair it. Another link can be added to a chain making it longer and able to accomplish more. There isn't a time when I pick up my shotgun to hunt or I step into a boat that I don't think about this friend and some of the great times spent afield. 

Are you a link in the chain of life for others? Can they count on you to be there in a pinch. Do thoughts of them make you smile and say a prayer of thanks. I am grateful for the links in my chain and today I am praying for a successful surgery and for a few more adventures. 

God bless.


Friday, July 22, 2022

95 And Made It One More Year. 7/21/2022

 Good Morning,

My cup was just filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and my bowl was filled with Cheerios. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps.

This morning I would like to thank everyone for the prayers they lifted up the last few months for my mother in law. A few months ago she fell and injured her leg and the repairs have taken a long time to heal. She is still receiving wound care and has made different living arrangements. She is residing in assisted living and is making friends and is adjusting to not being in her own home. Yesterday was her 95th birthday and the family made arrangements to take her out to eat. Birthday cake and as she put it maybe one last brandy old fashioned sweet was in order. She was happy and content as she enjoyed the family time. We have another event planned for September. I will be there and enjoy being the "only son  in law", which automatically makes me the favorite. 

Most of all I want to thank God for sparing her. The family was not ready for this and as much of an adjustment as it is for Mother it is hard for the kids to admit that assisted living was safer and the best thing. I think I saw some guilty feelings erased from the chalkboard of their lives last night. I heard all about the Bingo games she goes to and how kind the staff is to her. We introduced her to face time on the phone so some of the family in California could also be part of this Wisconsin Bash.

I want to share this thought. Treat every day as a bonus with the elderly. Make plans and arrangements ahead of time.  Include the parents or grand parents in on the decisions. This accident came as a surprise and of course our hopes were that she could heal and continue on living independently. But that changed with one slip on the steps. There was an offer to live with us extended to her and that was declined. Mom wanted to be closer to home and the doctors she counts on. So as we all left the restaurant last night there was an agreement that the right decision was made. Mom seconded it on our way back to her place. "I am very safe now". 

Plan for the future. It makes things easier in the long run. Have the difficult conversations that need to be had. Pray long and hard that the right plans are made. Every plan should have God in the author seat.

God bless,



Thursday, July 21, 2022

Happy Consequences 7/21/2022

 Good Morning,

Happy to be here today and enjoying the time spent writing and eating breakfast at the same time. Cheerios covered in blueberry yogurt and a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee to wash down my breakfast and wake me up.

This picture is of two old friends Fritz and Snoops. Never a cross word between them.

Romans 5:1 Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

This passage has caused me to think. I pray for peace among nations, neighbors, family, and friends. Not that I am at war with any of these, but at times I pray for all of the above.  I place great importance on trying to live in peace, and that at times has been a tall order. 

Going back to Romans 5:1. Those who claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by faith have made the most important peace treaty of their lives. Peace with God! Jesus paid the price for our pardon and God is no longer a foe. We are His friends. God is the almighty I AM and not our buddy and deserves our utmost respect, This passage reminds me that God now calls us friends. "Faith with happy consequences" 

John 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from the My Father I have made know to you. 

So today as you go about your work, hobbies and free time. Just look up and smile, knowing God calls you friend. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Husbands Love Your Wives. 7/20/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a morning that has some extreme heat headed our way soon. So as I sip on a cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee it is time to write. 

I have heard some people say that the Bible is too hard to understand and that is the reason they don't read it. There are times when I have had to use a commentary or two to help me with a passage our a book within the Bible, The book of Daniel and the book of Revelation are two that I needed a lot of help with. 

In general though, just having a couple different versions of the Bible is sufficient for my studies and personal growth. I also find that most of the time Scripture is very plain and easy to understand. 

The passage I have chosen for today is very simple and should be understood easily. 

Colossians 3:19. Husbands, love your wives and don not be harsh with them.

Rene and I are headed out to another wedding this coming weekend. Another of our nephews is taking the marital plunge. If I were to give him some advice it would be to read Colossians 3:19 and then apply it by reading more Scripture. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. 

God clearly states how we are to love our wives. I could reverse this thought and apply it to our wives in return. But today I want to remind the guys that there is no room for being harsh at all with our wives. Those wives who are constantly receiving harsh answers and remarks, or worse, will not find encouragement within their marriage. They will give up on seeking advice and sharing their fears. 

This is not what God intended the marriage union to be. I believe what makes it worse is when there are times of kindness, encouragement, hope and perseverance, that a wife has received and then out of nowhere the man will have an outburst of just the opposite. The man has taken the heart made vulnerable and seeking support and slammed the door on it and stolen another emotion.

Notice, God says to love our wives, which means a multitude of things are included. This is to be 24/7 which does not allow for inconsistency. Yes, everyone has a bad day now and then, but the mark of a man does not bring it home and use it as an excuse to be harsh or mean.

Food for thought.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Time Well Spent. 7/19/2022

 Good Morning,

I have a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee within my reach and I finished my morning prayers. That tells me it is time to write. 

                                                             Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

I might be the only one with this problem. But I will take a shot at sharing my mind anyway. In our kitchen we keep a 12 month paper calendar, just like we did 1000 years ago. Rene and I mark down all of the important dates and upcoming adventures. I also keep an electronic version of two more calendars on my phone and my computer. One is my personal calendar and the other is my work calendar. Then there is the version that combines the two calendars into one. They are "Synched" together. You would think with all the technology and a paper back up it would be easier to schedule time for things and never double book events. 

Ha, what gets written on the paper calendar somehow doesn't make it to the electronic versions and unless I refresh the synch my personal calendar will show me free time that really isn't available according to my work schedule. So if I am the only idiot that has difficulty budgeting time, then stop reading today and go have a donut. I am sure you saved some time for a strenuous workout.

All that being said that when I look at my calendar at times I miss the most important events and then have to hustle up some time. Here we go!

Matthew 18:20 wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with them. 

Sometimes I get so busy professionally and personally that I miss out on time spent in prayer with others. I found myself telling a good friend who requested prayer over his wife this last Saturday that we could get together this coming Friday. So like a nut job I told this guy that she should wait 5 days for us to pray. A few minutes later I had a bowel movement of the brain and I nearly exploded at myself for making her wait until Friday. We agreed to meet on Tuesday night and I dropped some things of lesser importance so the important prayer can happen sooner. 

Reading Matthew 18:20 reminds me that God is always with us and guarantees His presence when we gather together in His name. The time tonight will be well spent and all that much sweeter when we remember that God has joined us for prayer time. 

Don't be so busy as to put God on hold. 


Monday, July 18, 2022

Decoys And Hunting 7/18/22

 Good Morning,

I was out of bed very early this morning and performing a chore before the sun was up. It feels good to have that one out of the way. There is a pot of Door County Irish Cream Coffee waiting for me downstairs when I am finished writing this morning. 

Genesis, 3:1-2 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. 

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil and the desires of your father, you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. he is a liar and is the father of all lies. 

Hunting season is just a few weeks away and I have found that in addition to the other things I like to hunt, I enjoy hunting doves. I like them cooked up fajita style and my wife likes them the same way. I paid close attention to the doves last year while hunting and what could enhance my efforts. 

Just like ducks and geese, a dove can be attracted to an area by the use of decoys. In general you could say that you fool a dove into thinking a decoy is another dove and when they fly close to examine what they think is a buddy, they fall for the spoof and end up in the frying pan later. 

Kind of a rough analogy here but Satan works the same way with us. He places things in our daily walk that he uses to entice us into thinking we need it, or we really desire to have it. He decoys us into thinking that there is no harm in the object of our desire. "No one will ever know" is one of his ploys. Or, "you can pay for it later." Or, "just a little won't hurt". These ploys are all decoys seeking to destroy us with our thoughts, desires and deeds. 

So for today. Walk through this day slowly and look to see all the schemes Satan uses to lead us down the wrong path. After you do this consistently, you are more aware of the traps designed to make you miserable.  Discerning temptations and keeping ourselves out of hot water should be a goal for every day. Small accumulations of debt that turn into larger sums of serious cash is one way Satan uses our desires to self gratify instantly instead of waiting as a big ship sinker in his arsenal of decoys.

So walk wise and slowly. When in doubt, WAIT!!!

Have a great day. 


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Can You Imagine How Good It Was 7/17/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. The weather is dreary right now and rain looks like it is in the forecast for this morning. 

John 21;12 Jesus, said to them. "Come and eat breakfast". No one dared to ask "Who are you"? They knew it was the Lord.

After the resurrection of Jesus he appeared to the disciples on the seashore. His boys had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. He called out to them and instructed them to throw their nets to the other side of the boat. They did as instructed and they pulled in a full net of fish to eat. Jesus then proceeded to cook the fish and make breakfast for them. 

I have always been in awe of this passage and often wonder just how good that fish fry was. just because it was made by the Perfect One. 

This leads me to my short thought of the day. A fish fry cooked by our Savior had to be awesome. This leads me to a simple assumption, wouldn't all things done during our daily lives be better if we were to acknowledge the presence of our Lord as we walk through the day He has given us? 

A hot cup of coffee and a plain biscuit is better when we look up and thank the One who provided it and now sits with us as we eat this morning. 

Life is better when we let Jesus walk the day with us. 


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday Type Of Mind 7/16/2020

 Good Morning,

I have made the choice to brew a pot of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and drink it slowly today. I have somewhere to be by 9:30AM and that is still doable even when imbibing on my coffee.

Today has me working on a few worries which I won't bore you with. I have spent some sleepless nights in the last couple of weeks. So for today I am looking to adopt a "Saturday Mind" by drinking some coffee and going about enjoying some time with my nephew. 

In order to relax and let the world move on without me I need to also adopt some Scripture as the medicine that soothes the soul.

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. 

Matthew 6:27 And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his span of life? 

Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious about itself. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble. 

So today I will have a Saturday Type Of Mind and it will be treated as a non work, non worry type of day. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. 

But I think I will read these verses a couple more times.


Friday, July 15, 2022

Forgive My Thoughts Please 7/14/2022

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee has me drooling this morning. I am happy to embrace this day the Lord has made.

Psalm 139:2 You know when I sit down and you know when I rise up. You know my thoughts from afar.

Psalm 139:4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord you know it altogether. 

It often happens this way. We commit a wrong doing and we are aware it is wrong and most people go before God and ask to be forgiven, This is natural and is a good way to live your life. Getting right with God over a sin or infraction is always correct behavior.

But here are my thoughts on this. Christians and most others in general have lowered God to a standard of "He is God and I will report the obvious". But do we recall that God knows our thoughts as well? I believe we tend to omit the thoughts we have if not acted upon. This is also a good step toward a wholesome life. Not acting on our evil thoughts keeps us from sin. Yet, I ask this question, if you imagine it and picture it in your mind haven't you sinned? God sees our thoughts. 

Life is difficult for sure, but let's not cheapen our experience with God by not being aware of His ultimate powers. Let's keep God on His throne in our hearts, minds, and souls. He doesn't move! But we try to move Him to our level. 

Job 37:16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him, who is perfect in knowledge? 

So when you have that little walk with God and you ask to be forgiven for the sins you acted on, don't forget to ask to be forgiven for the evil thoughts in your mind. 

Have a great day. Don't treat God like a Buddy! 


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Keep Your Mind Fresh. 7/14/2022

 Good Morning.

Thursday already!! My coffee today is Door County Mint Mocha. I want to think about renewing our minds. We have a lot of things going through our heads every day. We need to sweep out our minds to keep from overloading and to be able to entertain what is good. 

Romans 12

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.

How do we renew our minds? There are two ways. And when used together we can renew our minds from the pollutants the world tends to place there.

1. By reading God's Word daily.

Deuteronomy 8:3  (NKJV)

So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

2. By praying.
Psalms 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Psalms 9:12 When he makes inquisition for blood, he remembers them: he forgets not the cry of the humble.

Psalms 21:2 Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withheld the request of his lips. 

Psalms 34:15 The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.

Psalms 34:17 The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

We do not have to be discouraged by the world. We just need to get the world out of our heads.

How about it. Will you try it? God's word never fails.

Isaiah 55:8-11
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Go for it!

God bless,

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

All Mine To Give 7/13/2022

 Good Morning,

This is the day the Lord has made for each of us. I pray we receive it with a content heart. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and now it is time to write..

Today I will continue my morning blog with the human heart. The actual physical heart is nothing more than a muscle, some valves, and an electrical system that keeps pumping oxygen enriched blood through our bodies.

Solomon 8:6-7 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, it's jealousy as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. 7. Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. 

But enter in another use of the heart is the the ability to store emotions and feelings within our hearts. This is of course a metaphor and it signifies that our hearts can store emotions in our personal closet. We can love with our hearts. We can hate with our hearts. We can store love and hate in our hearts. Again a metaphor. 

Having attended a wedding last Saturday I was doing some day dreaming during the ceremony. The young couple had a lot of stuff going on in their hearts, They weren't hating. But they were sharing their love from their hearts. They were also absorbing love at the same time.

My daydreams took me to a question. The couple was there and they were asked during the ceremony if they were there to be married and if they were there under duress or forced to do so. So I asked myself within the contents of my day dream "How would they look if this were an arranged marriage and my brother had to buy a wife for his son?" I don't believe we would have seen such bright and shiny smiles like we witnessed Saturday.

I believe there is no greater gift than to give your new spouse all of your heart and let them know that it was your choice to spend the rest of your life with them. Also one should acknowledge that they have given you the right to take their heart and also spend the rest of your life with them. Your heart is yours and it is all yours to give away. It is a big deal to have someone give you their heart and let you be a part of their life. Cherish it always. 

Food for thought. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 7/12/2022

 Good Morning,

I woke up ready to go this fine day and I embraced the start of it with a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. 

Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 

This summer seems to be flying by and before we know it fall will be upon us. I have been enjoying this summer more than the last couple. 

Our church has a a Saturday Night Service and the attendance is steady, but low. We sing the old hymns and are more like a family than a congregation on Saturday nights. 

One thing for sure is that our little flock loves God and enjoys the company of one another. I found it important to work in some fellowship times throughout the year. A popular one has been our baked potato night. We supply the potatoes and everyone brings a dish of something to put on top of their potato. Once we had someone bring jelly beans???? I tried it and I guess it wasn't too bad. 

My point today is this. Attend church, love the Lord, but also do not forsake fellowship with those who attend with you. Our next fellowship is a chicken dinner. We will see if we can pull it off. Invite guests. especially those who need a reason to get out. Always plan for extra quests and never turn anyone away. 

God bless,


Monday, July 11, 2022

When You Have Bad News, Temper It With Some Good News. 7/11/2022

 Good Morning,

Today I have the luxury of having a job and I get to drop my nephew and his wife off at the airport so they can enjoy their honeymoon and some time away together. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

1 Timothy 5:1 Do not rebuke an older man, but encourage him. 

One thing I learned in business is that there are times when you have to take things away from people. This applies to life as well. At times you might have to take something away from your children and when you do that they act as if you took their right arm. Employees never think that taking away something is fair. This also applies when the time comes and you have to make a decision for your parents. They raised you and all of a sudden you have to decide what is best for them. This can be tough for them because they have lived independently and now they might not be able to. Most parents don't want to live with their children. The parent does not want to be a burden to their children. Yet moving away from their home to an assisted living or nursing home is traumatic. No doubt it is hard to accept the fact that others are making your decisions at times.

I also learned that when taking something away it is best to offer a comparable substitute or anything that looks good and is a win for those losing something. 

For instance when a child has their phone taken away you will hear the cries from 100 miles away. But Junior is spending too much time on the phone and is not getting enough sleep. A possible solution is to have the phones all parked at night. Once the grades go up and you prove that more time spent studying actually works, a time of celebration that includes Mom or Dad spending time with the child is a win-win. 

When a parent has to move into an assisted living facility and has to eat meals on time every day you might have to spend more time taking the parent places. You might find yourself at the BINGO hall. This is a win -win. 

So today as you have to make unpopular decisions. always do what is best for the one involved and take away freedoms as you see fit. But try to replace the freedom with something nice.

God bless,


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Family Photo 7/10/2022

 Good Morning,

The old coffee maker just finished brewing a hot pot of Door County Pecan Cinnamon Ice Cream Coffee and not it is time to write. 

Deuteronomy 26:11 And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given you. 

For the last couple of days I have been writing about a wedding in the family and how family was gathering from near and far to celebrate the nuptials of our youngest nephew and his now we can say it wife. It was a grand day and you couldn't have asked for better weather. 

As the reception was winding down last night and before we all headed off in many different directions until we meet again, we had the remnants of our family gather very impromptu and pose for a picture. 5 years ago the photo would have had at least a couple other family members playing a starring role in the celebration. I truly missed those who are no longer with us last night. But instead of counting my losses I said a short prayer of thanks within my heart for what we have left. I was thankful for the fact that in small advances the family size is holding it's own for now and we are in the process of adding more to the group. 

So I danced (very little) and took in all the celebration had to offer in the day and then went to bed last night with a smile on my face. However I did not leave the party physically unscathed. I pulled a muscle laughing very hard at the toast from the best man. That guy doesn't say much but when he does you just never know what will come out of his mouth. His toast to the bride and groom cracked me up and I am still sore. It isn't the worst injury I have experienced in life but it does remind me that this time together was much needed and it was a privilege to be part of a family and this one was ours. 

So my friends, advice for the day. Always gather to celebrate when you can and enjoy family and friends. You never know when the dynamics might change and as you are posing in a photo you miss those who aren't there.

God bless,



Saturday, July 9, 2022

Wishing Them Well. 7/9/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with a late night/early morning prayer. My Coffee will wait until later. But it will be a cup of Door County Highlander Grog and it will accompany a hearty breakfast. 

Today we welcome a new member to the family as our nephew will no longer be a single man but will be married early this afternoon. His bride and he have known each other for a few years and their love has drawn them into matrimony. The day will go from the church to a celebration that we will run into tonight. 

Genesis 2:18 The the Lord God said." It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him." 

Marriage is and has always been a huge step for people and I believe it always will be. Gifts will be given and I am positive my wife has made sure we have one for the couple. I usually always pray for my family members but as of the last few weddings I have attended, I make a commitment to pray for the couple weekly for a year and it is a commitment of love and one I have taken seriously. 

I am sure some of you will be attending weddings this year. How about including the gift of prayer as something the couple will never know happens for them? Keep your eyes and ears open on how their first year is going and how they are doing. Adjust your prayers to meet the needs of that first year. 

I not only wish them well today, my prayers will be with them.

God bless,


Friday, July 8, 2022

Glad To Be Here 7/8/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and with joy. I just poured myself a hot mug of Door County Christmas Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live. 13. Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil, this is God's gift to man. 

Tomorrow we will be attending the wedding of our youngest nephew. In a few weeks we will be attending the wedding of our oldest nephew. One thing about weddings is the fact that many people change their routines and make every effort to attend. This wedding is no doubt one of those that will have a lot of people attending. We are blessed to have our daughter coming home for the weekend and we have been looking forward to this for months. More of our relatives will be coming in from out of town. I being the oldest of this clan look forward to seeing all of them. 

So I said to myself as I anticipate seeing everyone and enjoying the day with them, I for one am glad to be here. The last time some of us gathered together was for a funeral. Those unhappy days also have folks traveling afar to attend out of love and respect for the mourning family. Normally I am not a big wedding guy and I can take them or leave them. But the byproduct of the day will be seeing family and enjoying their company. So for my rough and tough male friends, don't be the guy that stays home and does not attend weddings. Be that guy that has a smile from ear to ear because God assembled the family and it wasn't for a funeral.  I am writing and smiling at the same time. Glad to be here!


Thursday, July 7, 2022

Camping Out 7/7/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began after a night of some of the best sleep I have had in a long time. I woke up thankful for the rest. A hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee is sitting next to me and it is time to write.

It has been many years since I have been camping and it will be a long time before I camp out again. My idea of camping now is staying in a cabin with running water, heat, or air conditioning, and having a bonfire later at night. Tents and camp stoves with cold showers or a bath in the lake don't cut it for me anymore. Those experiences are in the past, best not resurrected for this old guy. 

I want to use the metaphor of camping to paint my word picture this morning,  Some of my camping memories include the never ending bonfire. You stayed up late enjoying some music after cooking a tasty dinner outside. When you woke up, the ashes were stirred in the fire pit and the fire was started again so the coffee could be brewed. There was always a chair that offered a comfortable place to sit. At night you watched the stars and in the morning you greeted the sunrise. Breakfast was also cooked outside and my best memories included bacon and eggs from a cast iron skillet. Most of the time my camping experiences were designed to be a get away for a day or two. Once or twice I camped for a week and to be honest I came home rested and better for having taken the time to get away from life's hustle and stress. I didn't even miss my microwave or my coffee brewer. Coffee was made the old fashioned way. So you could say I "camped out over a rest area." There is a lot to be said for peace and quiet and doing nothing but praying and gathering my thoughts. 

This leads me to my thoughts for today. Life has been really stressful for a couple of weeks now and it has taken a toll on me and my family. I don't have a desire to go camping and get away from it all but I have decided that I need to camp out over some of God's Word and take in the aroma of their soothing tones. I will be up early tomorrow and the next couple of days doing so. I will be outside tonight enjoying a bonfire and taking in time with the Lord. 

I have copied a few of my go to verses for you to "camp over" for those times when peace seems to be elusive. 

Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. each day has trouble of it's own.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled or be afraid. 

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us who will be against us?

Hebrews 13:6 So we can confidently say, " The Lord is my helper; I will not fear, what can man do to me? 

Take some time and camp over these verses if you need them. Be still before the Lord and heal your wounds. Don't let the fire go out.

God bless,


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Much Needed Rain 7/6/2022

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and it is time to write. 

The morning is cool compared to yesterday and the sidewalks and grass are still wet from the rain we received last night. At this time last year we were in the middle of a severe drought in this part of the world. This year we are on target to have a normal amount of rain and make up a little of the deficit from last year. I found myself praying for some rain last week when things seemed to be a little too dry once again. God answered those prayers with a couple nights of rain.

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 

As I look out at the green grass and the trees that are reaching up to the sun, I am once more assured that God is on His throne, willing to listen and and in His time will answer all prayers with a yes or a no answer. You might be in a season of personal drought and wonder if God hears you. He does. Hang in there and wait patiently for His answer. Trust in Him to do what is best for you and others. 

Dear Ones, know that you are loved and I once again am praying for all those who read this will be comforted today.


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Let Us Reason Together 7/5/2022

 Good Morning,

I will be leaving our house just a little later this morning. The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. 

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.  

The colorfast nature of scarlet and crimson dyes is similar to our sins, and “the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance” ( “According to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish”)

God calls us to sit down and listen to reason, Our sins and mistakes are our own. And they discolor our life. Yet the stain does not have to be our end all. Yes there are consequences to sin, but because of God's plan the penalty was paid at the cross of Christ. God uses the metaphor of two dyes that back then and even now are considered permanent. This shows the great power of the Savior. Although we are consumed by our sins and their consequences the love of Jesus washes away the stain of sin in the eyes of God. We become washed as white as a new fallen snow. This only comes with a true desire to repent and at all costs avoid staining our lives again.

Friends, there is hope for tomorrow and it all starts for some at the cross of atonement, 

Food for thought.


Monday, July 4, 2022

The Day The Music Ended 7/4/2022

 Good Morning,

I am listening to the birds sing outside the window of our den and their music makes my cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee taste even better. So, that being said it is time to write.

My wife has a love for antique shopping. She can spend hours going through an antique shop and looking at each booth with great attention. She enjoys her time looking back in time though the pieces for sale. I am being very honest when I say that I don't mind going with her and spending the day doing something she likes to do. Yesterday was one of those days and it also included stopping for an ice cream cone. We found ourselves in a two story antique mall in a small town in Wisconsin.  

It wasn't too long until I saw Rene holding a piece to a dish collection she has and there was a smile on her face as she proclaimed that this one was the last of this style she needed. I wandered around and actually found a hat that I thought that a dear friend of ours would like. After a few photos were exchanged through text messages a purchase was made for our friend. I would call that a productive day. 

When I wander through these emporiums of history and some piece catches my eye it starts me to wondering about who might have owned it in the past. Were there different owners over time? Where did this come from and what were the people like. 

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground. For out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you shall return.

Yesterday was no exception. I found two antique accordions. They were very old and not in condition to produce music anymore. I started to wonder about the people who owned them and composed a lot of questions in my mind. Was this instrument played in a tavern, church, a beer garden or a band? Was the owner male or female. Was it played on happy occasions? When the accordion stopped producing music was it because it could not be repaired? Was it handed down and forgotten in a closet until an estate sale was had and it was discovered? So many questions and no answers. I like to make up the answers to my questions,  I decided the original owner was a German farmer who was an early immigrant to the United States. He brought the accordion with him across the ocean when he came to the US. His name was Hans and he was married to Anna. They had 6 kids and Hans played the accordion as Anna taught the children how to dance the waltz. They sang songs together from the old country and Hans would play for weddings and other celebrations.  

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is there also will be your heart. 

I let my imagination stop there as I did not want to finish my concocted story with anything that included the day the accordion stopped producing music. 

So my thought for today is this. All things come to an end and sometimes the story of a man or woman ends up in an antique mall, with people wondering about the history. So my friends we need to remember that some day we will not be with our possessions and some might be tossed away after we pass on from this world. But what lies ahead for those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus will be still singing for eternity.

Have a blessed day.



Sunday, July 3, 2022

All Storms Come To An End 7/3/2022

 Good Morning,

May this day be kind to you and may your prayers be answered. I just sat down to write. Next to me is a very hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java. Our two Springer Spaniels have me surrounded at the desk and this day has begun. 

1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 

One thing about storms, whether they be rain, dust or snow, they all eventually come to an end. There might be times when on consecutive days different storms come through one right after another. I have noted hurricanes can last a few days. The impact of the storms can last a lifetime, but all storms end. 

Today might find you in a "stormy situation". This type of storm is not weather induced, but is of a personal nature. Your situation might have you believing that this storm will not end and that life is just not worth the effort anymore. I am here to say that all problems eventually  come to an end. And life is worth living just because God is still there and knows the storm you are in. He is there upon request to carry us through the storm and helps to clean up the debris of life. Sometimes the after effects of a life storm last a long time. The days grow long and there seems to be no end in sight. But the storm has ended and like every hurricane that brings damage, the clean up begins immediately after the hurricane passes on.

Today if you are in a storm and it seems never ending. it will come to pass. But know this, if you are reading this today or a month from now I have prayed for all who will read this. You are loved and the end of the storm is in sight. Hang in there, stay true to the Word of God. Love Him and count on Him to help you heal. 

God bless,


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Wintry Saturday Thoughts In July 7/2/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began with a small custom I adopted just to bug me wife a little. Her favorite thing to watch on television is the Hallmark channel. The whole month of July is devoted to Christmas movies. They celebrate Christmas in July as well as December. So just to needle her a little I drink some Christmas Coffees and tell her I have been adopted into Hallmark by my coffee choices. I now say good morning to a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java. 

Today I find myself in a mellow mood and I really just wanted to sleep the day away. My thoughts are turned to the Book Of Psalms and I found some solace there in the following verses. 

Psalm 118:4 Let those who fear the Lord say, "His steadfast love endures forever."

There is no doubt that God is to be feared, respected and loved. Yet despite ourselves and the world's ability to surround us with heartache, hurt, and fear. we can know the God still loves us and that love cannot be taken away.  As I move into this three day weekend I am going to remind myself of the presence of God's love and mercy. 

Enjoy the day my friends. Each one is a gift from God.


Friday, July 1, 2022

What You See And What God Sees. 7/1/2022

 Good Night,

July first and if my usual way of starting the month of July off will be to celebrate Christmas tomorrow with a hot cup of Door County White Christmas. Saturday will afford me more time to dig out a package of their White Christmas Coffee. 

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.

I had a lot on my mind last night when I went to bed and I was very surprised to find that despite my need to pray and a part of my soul that is filled with some worries I fell asleep and slept through the night. Right now I have a ton of things going on in my mind. Yet God led me to sleep and a sound sleep it was.

Yesterday was a very long day of work and much longer than usual. At first thought I was complaining about the hours and the pace of the work. I now believe that God provided that pace and strain knowing that I would have a lot on my mind later. I was exhausted when I went to bed and I was able to recharge my body with some solid sleep. 

God took a rough day at work and additional hours used it to wear me out so that sleep was the only option. So in retrospect I see God's hand in my life providing what I needed before I knew I needed it. 

We have an awesome God. So before you condemn a day, know that what it looks like through your eyes isn't what God sees.