Monday, June 7, 2021

The Work Done Correctly 6/7/2021

 Good Morning,

The hot weather continues to visit us today and I am on the road for a little bit. I have to draw up some plans so we can apply for a permit to install a fence on our property. So this cup of Door County Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee is working overtime to launch my Monday.

I watched a team of men and a few women tackle a huge project at church last week. This group sponsored a steak feed for the men of the church. I was there and I can tell you that it was a lot of work from start to finish. No one complained and they did what they could do even with some physical disabilities slowing them down. The event went very well and the food was great. 

During the work, there was some encouraging words spoken to each other and some real heartfelt thanks shared with this band of worker bees.

There were some minor set backs here and there. For instance one gallon can of beans made it to the toe of one of the team members. Thus a broken toe slowed the guy down. 

Here is why it went well. This team was working to help one another and that is a sure thing. They love and respect each other. The most important thing as to why it went well is this. They weren't doing this for the praise of man, woman, or child. They were working for the Lord and wanted it to be a perfect sacrifice of energy and time. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

So today, maybe you are working, tending a garden, raising children or resting, do it all as if you were working for the Lord. He is the Author of your day. Do all of it right or not at all.

Have a great day. Stay cool and hydrated. Keep your dog out of the cold refrigerator!
