Friday, June 11, 2021

A Mothers Love 6/11/2021

 Good Morning,

The daylight came and interrupted a great night of sleep. The Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is brewing in the kitchen and now it is time to write.

Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that your Lord and God is giving you.

Last night I witnessed a mothers love and her willingness to protect the kids at all costs. I took our two Springer Spaniels to a local pond for a swim and some training. I let the two dogs out of the Jeep and they took off for the water. Unknown to me and out of my sight for a minute the two dogs encountered a brood of mallard ducks with their mother at the edge of the water. The older dog of ours is all about the duck hunt. He hit that water hard and started toward the baby ducks. I whistled him to stay and he did. Our younger dog did the same. But mother duck was still a little angry at the boys for scaring her little ones. She came toward our old guy Gibbs, quacking like she was going to attack him. I figured out what she was doing. She was in his face hoping to distract him from her babies. While she was chewing out the Springer, her brood was swimming to the other side of the pond away from the danger. She was close enough to the dog to be considered a threat by the dog. He just looked at her. But the point of the day is this. That mother duck loved her kids and would do anything to protect them. 

If you are reading this and have kids old or young, do they know that you love them enough to jump in front of anything to protect them? Those of you reading this and still have your parents, have you thanked them for the sacrifices they made or make for you?

I recall my Mom sewing my blue jeans that needed repairs, for hours. She finished a pair one night and had a stroke within the hour. She didn't feel good while she was sewing, but wanted to finish them for me.

I think we could all share a story or two about our parents, grand parents or step parents who sacrificed in a big way for us. Take time to thank them while you can. Don't wait.


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