Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Knowing It And Believing It 6/9/2021

 Good Morning,

It's time for me to wake up and embrace this day with gusto. I fired up a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Job 19:25I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the Earth.

Christians, we serve a Risen Savior and He lives. He will come again for us and we will spend eternity with Him. So then if we know this, why are a lot of our actions and lifestyles not showing it? I wonder if there is a lack of belief or faith? 

You know, our actions or lack of action are a direct reflection of what we know and believe. If we live in anger, or complacency we represent God as His children and it doesn't show anyone diddly do. If our Redeemer wasn't risen and alive we would be like all those who worship statues. Jesus overcame the grave and death has no sting. So my charge today is this. You belong to the family of God. Act like you belong there. 

Give it your all today.


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