Sunday, June 27, 2021

Listening To A Free Symphony 6/27/2021

 Good Morning,

I had to force myself to come back inside our house this morning. The weather is so nice that I could literally sit in the back yard and enjoy my Door County Irish Cream Coffee for a couple more hours. I opened a few windows and now I have the luxury of a faint breeze blowing on me in our den. 

Isaiah 55:12 For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

While I was sipping on that first cup of coffee this morning a chose to sit down on our old, well worn picnic table. While I sat and prayed our two dogs ran freely through the yard playing with each other. It was super quiet outside and again the climate was superb. 

Our neighbors to the North have a few bird feeders on their property and they certainly attract many species of birds. Our flower garden brings in some hummingbirds now and then. You could say we have the joy of seeing a lot of different birds without the expense of bird feeders and seed. 

While enjoying my coffee I listened to the different birds greeting the sunshine by the chirping they were doing. It actually at one point was pretty loud. I distinctly heard the cardinals singing loudly and they stood out over all of the other birds. The mourning doves were perched on the top of our house cooing away and watching the two dogs run and play. 

I am not a bird watcher at all, but this morning's greeting to the world by our feathered friends was like listening to a well orchestrated symphony. None were off key so that told me I I didn't have any crows near by. 

So for my point today. For me, if I were struggling with believing that there is one and only one true God, this morning would have proved to me that He exists. Only God can take a group of different birds and have them sing in a way that blended right in with the breeze, sun, and morning dew. 

If you are struggling and wondering if God knows where you are, look up, and listen. Take in that early morning symphony. If you are living in the city, position yourself to greet the day some time soon in a park or country escape. A lot of people like to watch sunsets and the glory displays. No doubt I have seen some beauties in my day. But as the sun sets God shuts down the music and signals everyone that it is time to rest. The sunrise however wakes up the world around you and God turns up the volume for you to listen to His morning music. 

I hope your day is filled with sunshine and music from above. Take time in prayer with the Symphony Conductor and listen. It might be the best minutes or hour you spend all week.

God bless,


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