Saturday, June 19, 2021

New Memories 6/19/2021

 Good Morning,

It has been a week since I have sat at my desk, in front of a computer ready to write and sip on a hot cup of Door County S'mores Coffee.  Time to share a thought or two.

Last week I was able to unplug and get away to Northern Minnesota for a week of fishing. It was a lot easier to do than I thought it would be. We fished Lake Of The Woods and were right on the border of Canada. Basically the lake is in two different countries. We stayed at a resort that I would highly recommend any day. Ballards Resort treated us very good and they run a well organized operation. 

Now to get to my point. I shared the week with two old friends, my nephew and two men I had never met before. I haven't fished or hunted with my long time friends in quite awhile. We were overdue for a reunion. Of course, "old times" were discussed at length as we recalled many memories. We laughed and included the three others in on our walk down memory lane. They certified us three or maybe just two of us, ready for some mental health counseling. 

The week was filled with great fishing, great food and many new memories. We were a very diverse group with differences in age and culture. Nonsense was a constant partner to our team. Ladies, that's what guys do when they get away and unplug. We call it stupid talk and we sure had a lot of laughs exercising our stupid talk. We learned a few things from each other now and then. Such as, the impact of eating too much rice on the body, the name for lobster in Spanish (langosta) and that just maybe, a guy from Brooklyn has a language all his own. 

Proverbs 18:24 A man that has friends, must show himself to be friendly.

But here we were, 6 guys creating new memories. It was great to recall the past, but now I have a portfolio of new memories, photos, sunburn and all these will be treasured. My challenge to all of you today is to keep making new memories to cherish and enjoy. Be inclusive of others. Make new friends while you enjoy the old ones. Don't stop. Get out there and enjoy the life you have. Be willing to learn new things. Accept invitations that might challenge you a bit. It's easy to get old, you have no choice in that. It's harder to get old and embrace it. Embrace each day with gusto, and again be friendly making new memories. 

God bless,



  1. Welcome home Marty, we missed you and your blog, the LORD answered our prayers and brought you back safe and refreshed.
