Wednesday, June 26, 2019

You Can Prevent House Fires 6/26/2019

Dear Friends Good Morning,   I broke out a little Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee this morning. Feeling just a little nutty today.

 In the past few months I have been preaching and teaching Christian love in our church.         
Verses like "love your neighbor as yourself" "do unto others" "would you not help a neighbor who's ox was in a ditch?" Many, many verses bombarded my brain as I listened, taught and preached through the weeks. I asked myself "am I a good neighbor?" Well I have lent my lawn mower to a neighbor, I've repaired their plumbing, I have dined with them, I watch their house when they are gone. So I concluded that I am a good neighbor. I then asked God. Am I a good neighbor? I received no answer. The other night while watching the news the key story was about a man that rescued his neighbors from their burning house. I thought "now that's a good neighbor, I'd do that!" As I prayed before sleep that night God reminded me that I was not a good neighbor. Many of my neighbor's houses were on fire and I have not done a thing to put out the fires of hell in their lives. I haven't invited my neighbors to church. I deliver pasta when a baby is born but forget to pray with the new mother and father. Our text from the book of John reminds us of this.

Those who believe in the Son have eternal life, but those who do not obey the Son will never have life. John 3:36
2 Peter 3:9 also states that, God is being patient with you. He does want not anyone to be lost, but He wants all people to change their hearts and lives.
Truly friends, if my neighbors house were ablaze with fire I would storm the place and try to rescue them. Those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are relying on good works, religious rituals, and hoping they are good enough are literally living in a house headed for more than a blaze if they die. So be a good neighbor and don't be afraid to say "Hey neighbor your house is on fire". Share the Good News of Jesus Christ and His message of salvation.

God bless you all.


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