Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Shopping 101 6/4/2019

Good Morning,

One large cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is steaming next to me and I am happy to say that I have put a pretty good dent towards reducing the volume in the cup.

I do most of the grocery shopping for our family and I take great pride in serving good meals and doing so at a reasonable price. You could say that when it comes to grocery shopping I am quite thrifty. My good friend and I call each other when we spot a great deal so both of us can save a dollar or two.

Proverbs 10:13 English Standard Version (ESV)
1On the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found,
    but a rod is for the back of him who lacks sense.

So what can we learn from grocery shopping? Well there really isn't a sure fire list that works. I like to plan about five meals ahead before I shop. Once I know what I am going to make I check the pantry to see if I already have at least some of the ingredients. This way I don't purchase items that I already have. I make a list before going to the store and try to only purchase the items on the list. It makes my shopping go much faster.

OK, so grocery shopping isn't rocket science and I really did not set your world aglow with my wisdom. But as with grocery shopping we should apply common sense to all we do. I tried shopping without a list and ended up forgetting two items and had to go back to the store. I wasted time. That would have been using common sense. Common sense is built inside all of us. We just fail to use it and then we find ourselves in trouble or debt or both. So do everything as if you were shopping. Make plans to celebrate any victories and write down the plan you used. Pray and then pray some more. You will be better for it.

God bless,


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