Thursday, June 20, 2019

Chicken Fried 6/20/2019

Good Morning,

It rained throughout most of the night and my bones feel damp. A cup of Door County Caramel Latte Coffee will do these arms and legs just fine.

Hebrews 13:16 English Standard Version (ESV)
16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Last night while driving home from church I turned the Jeep radio on hoping to get some news on a highway closure. The radio was tuned into a Country Western Station and a song was playing. The name of the song was "Chicken Fried". I am familiar with the tune, but last night I  zeroed in on the lyrics a little closer.

I am a fan of fried chicken and that part of the song where they would sing "Chicken Fried" just made me go into my memory vault and recall a couple of the best all time fried chicken dinners that ever graced my stomach with their presence. My memory took me to my great aunt's home and I could just about smell that chicken right in the Jeep. Her chicken was always accompanied by corn bread and mashed potatoes. After dinner was always spent playing Parcheesi and then a slice of pie topped off the event. I do recall my mother's uncle saying grace. In our home we said a memorized standard meal grace. Uncle Ernest prayed right from the heart and I recall one night when he prayed and he thanked God for allowing us to be there with them.

I remember pondering that his thinking might be off a little. He drove to our home, picked us up, fed us, played a board game with us, treated us to a sweet dessert and then took us home. It seemed to me that thanking God for our presence was like thanking Him for the plague.

Now, many, many  years later I can see the whole picture. They were just showing us kindness and considered it a blessing from God that they were able to do so. I'll bet anything that they would not believe that I would remember those nights and being prayed for. On one of those evenings this boy laid wide awake in bed for a long time wondering about why someone would thank God for having just fed a family and asking God to bless them because they showed up. I never did resolve that in my mind until a of couple weeks ago. We had company visiting with us and when we prayed what came out of my mouth brought me back over 60 years to a table with fried chicken. I was thanking God for the food and then found myself thanking God that they were there with us and that we could eat together.

Friends it's a blessing when God brings visitors to your door. It is your opportunity to share His blessing to you with others. God gets the credit and you get to bless others.

Food for thought! Oh, by the way, pass the chicken please.



  1. Marty, What a beautiful thought, Pass me not O Gentle Saviour.

    1. Those nights were special to me. We used to laugh so hard at Aunty Hazels antics. She was hilarious. they were two very kind people.
