Monday, October 30, 2017

The Long Long Road. Megan's Journey 10/30/2017

Good Morning,

Monday arrived like a wrecking ball this morning. It came in right on time. I for one didn't give Monday a huge welcome. My weekend was filled with work and some hunting. Spiritually I was able to study more than usual. So the weekend needed one more day to it as far as I am concerned. But alas, I dream on. My mug was just filled with Door County White Chocolate Cinnamon Dolce Coffee.  My breakfast of cereal and apples compliments the coffee.  Let's go.

Psalm 96:3English Standard Version (ESV)
Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples!

This coming Saturday night at our 5:OO PM service we will hear the testimony of a young lady named Megan. She will give her testimony, detailing her journey with drug addiction, heartbreak, and recovery. This all started at a young age and spiraled out of control several times. Megan has been drug free now for almost a year. She will walk us through the darkest times and what led to her recovery. Many years were spent in prayer for her and her family. I saw  her personal heartbreak and agony. I saw the intense pain her parents and siblings went through. I saw their love for her and her children and must say that I admired their strength. Many others would have given up long before they saw the recovery. In the family I saw their hope in God and their belief in prayer. I saw the drugs suck the life from one of God's roses and once where there was no life, hope has returned and promises to flourish again.

God will be glorified in her talk as He never gave up on her and would often prompt many to go  prayer for her.

God does a lot for people every day and it is important for us to tell others the story of His love in our lives. We have so many good things that God does for us and yet we say very little or nothing at all. In thankfulness we should acknowledge Him and speak of His goodness. That is what Megan will be doing this weekend. I believe we should all testify of God's love for us in public and especially in our one on one time with Him.

Monday's Food For Thought,


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