Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Oh,To Be A Kid Again! 10/4/2017

Good Morning,

One big cup of Sunrise In Door County Coffee is waiting for me when I hit the kitchen floor. It won't be long until it's one biscuit with that coffee and then it's off to work.

Psalm 118:24New Living Translation (NLT)
24 This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I remember those days of long ago when all I had to do was to wake up, my clothes were laid out for me, my breakfast was ready and then all I had to do was go to school. I then looked forward to recess, lunch and then off to home. Better yet were those summer days that did not involve school at all. Now and then there were a few chores to do, but I never had to work for a living, buy groceries, perform home improvements or share the bed with a wife who doesn't snore, (so she says). I just rode in the car, and didn't need to drive, seat belts weren't an option. ( cars didn't have any). Dad did the oil changes and Mom did the laundry. I just had to hang the clothes outside on a line. That's when bed sheets smelled good without having to throw a stink bomb in the dryer.

Those were the days when kids were united against broccoli. We didn't have any backstabbers and if we did we made them eat mushrooms. Life was so much easier 54 years ago. Sometimes I swear I would give anything to be a kid again "Back in the day."

But that's not how life is. We grow up, get a job, marry the spouse of our dreams, have some kids, lose our figures and then old age sets in. Now it's retire or not to retire. Draw pension or wait. Replace the knees or not. Life gets complicated after the age of eighteen.

But it doesn't hurt a thing to think or act like a kid sometimes. I for one watched the Three Stooges last night. I am going to have a piece of bubble gum today. I will not eat broccoli at all today. I am going to go barefoot in the grass later today. I will play with the dog and I will avoid doing the dishes until tomorrow.  Why?    Because now and then you just have to kick back and enjoy the day, and 
become oblivious to the crazy world around us. Later I will date the hottie that shares my last name. By ten PM she will be back to the wife who snores but doesn't. But I will enjoy this day and forget about my worries, aches and pains for a little while. I will say the prayers of my childhood and then go to sleep and wake up a man that has to go to work on Thursday.

Ecclesiastes 12:1New International Version (NIV)
12 Remember your Creator
    in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
    and the years approach when you will say,
    “I find no pleasure in them”—

God bless. Enjoy the day. Eat an ice cream cone, bring home a stray cat and eat a tomato after rubbing it clean on your jeans.


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