Saturday, October 14, 2017

Some Things Just Need To Be Said 10/14/2017

Good Morning,

Saturday and I am up early and I will be out of the door to run errands pretty much all day long. My mug will be filled with Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and my mind filled with good thoughts.

There are a few phrases that just need to be part of every vocabulary and most of us know them as please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry.  We throw those words out pretty well and should never part ways from using them.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
Proverbs 3:3-4

However we tend to neglect some other phrases more than we realize. Many times it is assumed that people know we love them. It is very important to say those words and mean them. The affirmation of love comes through actions and speech. I or we love you are three of the most important words that can be said. The other phrase that gets swept under the rug of assumption is  " I or we are proud of you".  Making assumptions that people know our feelings is like playing Russian Roulette with all the chambers of the pistol loaded. There will be a bang of a calamity or hurt.

So get out there today and let those around you know, they are loved. Don't hand out the cheapened version of I love you by saying "Love You". Say all three words. It is more intimate and is definitely more heartfelt. Now even in the small things, encourage one another with affirmation of your pride in them and assure them of your support. Don't assume.

So have a great day and enjoy what God has given you. Pie anyone?


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