Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Men's Bible Study, Why? 8/8/2017

Good Morning,

The sound of the Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee brewing in the kitchen woke me up just a little earlier than I thought it should. But here's to a mug that is full and a day of adventure.

Our church has a men's Bible Study once a week and it is pretty well attended. We start in early September and take off a couple of months in the summer. We will be studying "Experiencing the Resurrection" this year for the first semester.

Why do we have a men's Bible study? We like to offer different studies that meet the needs of many people. Not all men are married so they don't want to go to a study filled with couples.

I study the Bible for many reasons but one of my main reasons is to learn more about God and have Him speak to me through His Word.

For thousands of years the Bible has been read not only as history and God's Word, but also for personal edification. This, of course, is a more meaningful reason for studying the Bible for those who believe in God, but the Bible is also surprisingly edifying for those who do not believe. It is full of individuals facing moral choices, life challenges, and, frankly, situations that are applicable to us even today. As Paul wrote, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV).
The Bible is available for us to learn from not only on an intellectual level, but on a personal and emotional level.

The Bible also teaches me how to treat others and help them during their times of need.

Our Bible study is attended by different age groups from young to old. The Bible is relevant for all ages. Here is my point. If you are not studying and dining on God's Word, stop the bus you are on and find a good Bible study to be part of. You are truly missing out on God's gold mine for us.

Please pray about attending a study. Try it. You'll like it.


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