Monday, August 21, 2017

Babies And The Eclipse Of The Sun

Good Morning,

Monday came in like a lion today. Too much work this weekend has made the Monday warrior in me a little sluggish. But duty calls and the my mug of Door County Mocha Mint is singing loudly from the kitchen. This morning feels like a concert being played without the music sheets. So time to pray and write.

Today we will experience an eclipse of the sun. This celestial event is a solar eclipse in which the moon passes between the sun and Earth and blocks all or part of the sun for up to about three hours, from beginning to end, as viewed from a given location.  For this eclipse, the longest period when the moon completely blocks the sun from any given location along the path will be about two minutes and 40 seconds.  The last time the contiguous U.S. saw a total eclipse was in 1979.

People have flocked to areas where the view is predicted to be a total view and the best place to witness the event. Motels have been booked for months, cellphone towers are predicted to be jammed with usage. God is putting on a display of His power and might.

Psalm 19:1New International Version (NIV)
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

But, God does this everyday in many ways. Each day there are thousands of babies born around the world. And egg and a seed have come together and a baby was formed, nurtured miraculously and nine months later a child is born. The child comes out of the womb and with that first cry, air fills the lungs and the announcement of arrival is made by that little precious gift. Then little babies grow to be little boys and little girls.  Little boys grow to be men and little girls grow to be women.

Each day the sun rises and sets. The Earth spins in orbit and does not  fly out of control. Each day the ocean tide comes in and then goes out.

We haven't experienced this eclipse since 1979, so granted it is a phenomenon that many will want to see. As for me I will continue to appreciate the daily miracles that God shows us. I will rejoice with the morning dew and rejoice with the colored sunset.

Romans 1:20New International Version (NIV)
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

I hope all of those who go to see the eclipse in it's best arena take time to recognize,Who makes the babies, Who hung the moon, Who placed the sun, and Who gave them eyes to see it all.

God bless and have a great day!


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