Saturday, August 12, 2017

August 11th Oh What A Day! 8/12/2017

Good Morning,

The lamp is lit and my cup of Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee is at my side. Our Springer Spaniel has retreated back to bed and my better half hasn't even begun to stir. That resurrection might be a few hours from now.

Jeremiah 29:11New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Yesterday was like any other day at work. It had it's ups and downs, and a few curves to it. But back in my memory vault, thoughts of another August 11th stirred in my brain all day.

It was 1984 and I was leading a canoe trip for the youth group at church. 72 teens and some chaperones headed out on a day that would last forever for me. It was sunny, not too hot, just right for a day of splashing and laughing. The canoes were very unstable and the chances of tipping over outweighed the chance of staying upright by 10-1.

I had asked my friend from work to help chaperone the trip and help lead the teens down the river. So the two of us partnered up in a canoe and took the wet challenge on the river. We tipped over several times and laughed our way though the adventure.

In 1984 I was a single dad who for the most part could be surrounded by friends and still be lonely. God had filled my heart and to be honest I had fought off the loneliness and learned to be content being single. I had a healthy little girl and a healthy ministry to keep me occupied. I had learned quickly to let Jesus fill in the empty spaces. But God had other plans. He let me know what they were, that day on the river. My canoe partner and I had a great time. We enjoyed the day and I recall thinking that it had been a long time since I had laughed like that. It was one of those days that you hated to see end.

At the end of the day, after we returned and all the kids were accounted for and sent home, I wanted to thank my co-worker for giving up a weekend day to help me out. I offered to take us out for a late night pizza. That offer was accepted and before I knew it we were still laughing and enjoying the day and it was almost midnight.

I gave my co-worker a ride home and before saying goodnight I realized that this just was one of those days that when over, just shouldn't be. Yes, I asked my co-worker out for a date the following week and she responded with a big yes. That day never really ended, the fun I had been praying for, the day I wanted the kids to have, was the first day of blessings for me that would last forever. I knew that night when I asked for that date, I had met the one I wanted to marry.

Yes, that gal is the one who is sound asleep in the other room. What I thought would be a canoe trip turned into a cruise. What I thought would be a fun day, turned into a lifetime. What I thought would be a blessing to others was more of a blessing to me. I had my day planned, but God had a plan for my life.

Thanks for listening today. God has plans for our lives. We just need to be content  in serving Him and he unfolds the path in due time.

God bless,


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