Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I Hear The Train Coming. 6/14/2016

Good Morning,

Morning has broken and I have embraced it with a snarl and a cup of Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee. Maybe the coffee as well as some prayer will improve my disposition.

Late last night I was sitting on a chair outside in the back yard watching some fireflies dance in the dark. There were more of them than I have seen in a lot of years. It was way too late to be awake when I heard the horn of a train in the distance and it was rumbling toward our road crossing. I actually enjoy listening for the trains. I wondered who could be riding on the train at midnight? Or was it a freight train hauling supplies somewhere?

The train was traveling fast and true. It was definitely headed to it's destination. Every now and then we read about a train that has derailed and crashed as it left the tracks. I always wonder what caused the derailment. Eventually we hear what the cause was, and it is usually some flaw in the track that sends huge trains into one messy crash. It seems impossible that a small track flaw can cause a huge crash.
But once a train starts to leave the tracks there is not stopping all of that tonnage from going askew. The lead car plows into the crash, head on taking the rest of the cars with it.
One loose rail missing it's spike can cause a big train to crash. Gravel that washed out and is not there to support the tracks can cause an issue. It leaves a wake of destruction in it's path.

Our lives can be like that too. We are travelling along without a worry or a care. Life is good and then comes along one small temptation like cheating on our spouse or cheating on a test and we fall to the temptation. Then the world starts to collapse like a bent train rail steering a locomotive and 100 cars of scrap iron and jet fuel. Boom goes our lives with just one temptation that we gave into.

Psalm 139:23-24New International Version (NIV)
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

In order to keep the tracks in good shape, railroad workers inspect the tracks and make repairs as necessary. We need to do that in our lives too. We need to read our Bibles, which will lead us to God's plan for a straight life. We can also ask God to inspect us and show us what He sees so we can fix it.

Nothing like keeping the train of our life on the tracks! Better to inspect and repair than to end up in the scrap heap.

God bless,


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