Friday, June 3, 2016

A Trip Down Memory Lane 6/3/2016

Good Morning,

How is your coffee this morning? My Door County Caramel Pecan Scones Coffee is awesome and going down smoothly. I just finished packing my lunch for work and I must say it is a work of art.

Last night I had to mow the lawn. I have tried to convince Rene that having a couple of goats would be easier than mowing grass all the time and the milk and cheeses would cut down on the grocery bill. She said one "old goat" in the back yard is enough. I wonder what she meant?

While riding on the tractor  during the hair cut process for the grass, my mind started to wander. My mind is at times like 50 stray cats. They are hard to control and they go everywhere. My mind is a virtual race track of cats. There really isn't much to do while riding a tractor so I started the process of going down memory lane and recalling some nice times I had during my life. I recalled those folks who were with me and if they are still alive I prayed for them.

For some reason my mind went to a few of my fishing and hunting trips in Ontario Canada. I can still smell the aroma of frying fish in a cast iron pan on a beautiful shore. I can see the guys I was with and still hear the vocal nonsense we spoke as many guys do when they are away from home. Those were some fun times.

Friends, it is always nice to travel down memory lane and recall those good times and people you experienced. We need to be thankful for the times and the people we enjoyed. But each new day is an opportunity to create new memories with those around us.

We can't always head off to Canada for a week of fishing, but we can find a spot close to home and drown some worms with someone for an evening. We can pick some tomatoes out of the garden and walk down to a neighbor's home and share out of our abundance.

We might be confined to a sick bed drawing nearer to heaven. We wonder why we are still here. I have heard people say that God isn't ready to take you home yet. Some how that is supposed to ease the pain. It is true, God calls you home when it is His time. But while we are still here it is another day to help someone create a lasting memory. It is another day for those around you to love you and for you to love them. If possible it is a day to bless each other, hold a hand and say all those things we need to say or things we need to hear.

Psalm 118:24New King James Version (NKJV)
24 This is the day the Lord has made;We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Make every day count. You are here for a certain time, use it all to the last second to love and be loved.

Happy Friday!


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