Thursday, June 23, 2016

Find Your Beach 6/23/2012

Good Morning,

I hope this day finds you well and at peace. My Door County Dublins Delight Coffee has been brewed and now fills my cup.  This is just what I need to get started.

I was watching a little television last night and one of the commercials showed a couple relaxing by a beach. The water was calm, the sun was shining and their goal was just to relax. God made us to know when we are tired and we need a rest. That is how He wired us. Too much work and stress without some down time is not healthy for us. Even Jesus rested.

Mark 6:31New International Version (NIV)
31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Not everyone likes beaches , but everyone has a place where they like to go and rest. The problem is that we do not pay heed to the warning signs that God has built within us. When we are tired, we need to rest. This is not being lazy, but it is recharging our bodies as designed. Too many people are abusing their bodies by burning the candle at both ends. We would all respond to a fire alarm in our home, but we ignore the built in alarm of our bodies that tells us to rest. Find your beach. Recharge yourself and your families. It's how we were made to function.

God bless,
