Saturday, August 31, 2024

One Day At A Time Please. 8/31/2024

 Good Morning, 

Saturday it is and I am off to a hunt test, where our youngest dog will be trying for a ribbon or two. I have a travel mug filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write. 

I have heard people say that they are "taking it one day at a time". Most often this is in reference to recovering from a tragedy or when fighting a severe illness. I truly believe that the one day at a time policy is valuable advice for every day. Yes we are to plan ahead and work toward the future. But taking one day at a time means that you are experiencing each day, good or bad to the fullest. No one, unless extremely ill should skip a day, a week, or a month and become "off the grid'. We are blessed to have only so many days in our lifetime, so why spend a whole day drunk, or under the influence of drugs or depression? It's your day, a gift from God, so give it a chance. 

Nahum1:7 NKJV The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who trust in Him.

Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forever more. 

Don't condemn a day without giving it a chance and always look for the blessings the day holds.

God bless,


Friday, August 30, 2024

Unchanged And Steady 8/30/2024

 Good Morning,

A light rain is falling as I write this morning. The water was really needed and it sounds good inside the house. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write. 

Our opinions change so often that we have a hard time remembering where we stand on many things. I have to include myself on this statement. I have a closet full of things that I thought would be enjoyed and that I possibly needed. And then, there they sit. 

For instance, I own a few guns. The last one I purchased, thinking that I needed something lighter has only been used once. I go back to my favorite old beater of a shot gun every time I hunt. 

I used to swear that I would never drink flavored coffee until I tried some and now I am a die hard coffee sissy. Most every day my coffee of choice is flavored. Our opinions, wants and needs change so often that a ledger should be kept of our declarations and ideas. 

One thing we can count on is that God's Word and He Himself never change. The truth is the truth . We may alter the Ten Commandments to fit our lusts or desires, but they are still as solid and unchanging as they ever were. 

God is like a road that is always clear to travel and there are no surprise construction detours. What you learned as a child about God still stands. He doesn't see a need to rebrand Himself. 

I am thankful that in this ever changing world, I still have one thing that will never change.

Psalm 119:89 KJV For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.

Have a great day!


Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Squeaky Door 8/29/2024

 Good Morning,

I have before me a feast of dried apples, cherries, strawberries. and mandarin oranges. They accompany my hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee. It is time to write. 

Sleep escaped me last night. My wife was in the same predicament and was busy looking for an ID card that will be needed today. I gave up an hour or two before her. Her travels of panic led her to go through a door in our home several times.  The door needs to have the hinges oiled. I found myself hating that door last night as it seemed to scream "oil me!!!".

It is amazing just how much a small thing like a squeaking door can irritate someone at 2:AM. I promised myself that the door will get lubricated later this morning. 

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 

My point of all of this is to remind us to lubricate the rough spots of any day or night with prayer. Last night when Rene realized that she could not find that ID card, we should have prayed. I of all people should know better. I prayed for the missing card this morning and guess what? I found out where it was stored for "safe keeping." The idea of having these items stored in one lock box centrally located has resurrected itself again today. I can tell you for sure that this idea will be followed through and completed very soon. ( There will be plenty of spare keys) You know how those things seem to hide themselves and cause havoc?


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Honesty Is The Best Policy 8/28/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk and sitting next to me is a hot cup of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee. 

I was always told as a boy, "some day when you are working for a living, be sure to give your employer an honest days work".

Proverbs 10;9 Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. 

Being young at the time, did not help me to figure out what that meant. It sunk in when I witnessed someone being terminated for stealing from our employer. I had worked with this guy for a couple of years and could not imagine him stealing anything. I was ready to quit my job because I thought our employer was crazy. This man had been working for this company for 7 years. I called on him after work was done for the day. I told my work buddy that I was going to quit because of the way he was treated. His reply was enough to make me need to sit down. 

"Don't quit. I am guilty of stealing." I could not believe it. I would see him every morning come to work on time. I would fill my truck with pipe or fittings I would need for the day. He was the manager of the shop. He would help me and others to load all we needed and he would send us off. I asked him what he stole. He replied "I stole time. I wasn't always in the shop working when I should have been. I would often need to go to our suppliers to obtain things that you fellas needed for the next day. During that time away, I would get a hair cut, or grocery shop, or leave early, saying I was going for supplies. I did not go for the supplies, I would go home early.

Back then, our work time was recorded on a sheet with a pencil. It was an "honor system." We were given a fifteen minute break and a 30 minute lunch. I said to my friend, "Don't they know we get a break and a lunch"? There were times when we worked through our lunch and went home early to make up that difference. But you could explain it on your time sheet. He replied, " I would tell them I worked through my lunch and then I would go home early. My supervisor went to a baseball game yesterday and saw me at the ball park when I recorded that I was working,. You know there is zero tolerance for stealing anything, and I was guilty of stealing time." 

Friends, your employer pays you for your time. He or she should get everything they pay for. That extra 10 minutes at lunch is stealing time. The time spent not working and taking personal calls is stealing.

What was worse yet was the fact that he took his son to the game and then had to come home and explain to the family that he had been fired for stealing the time. He set a bad example for his son. His moral compass was not true. 

He closed our talk with "I am guilty as charged" 

Food for thought, Be honest at work and in life. Honesty is the best policy and no one wants to be labeled as a thief.

God bless, 


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

No Disney Until Later 8/27/2024

 Good Morning.

Today as I sit at the desk and look out of the den window my view is of some light fog and overcast skies. My mug is filled with Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and I am content.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food or clothing, we will be content with that.

One year when my sister and I would still be considered little kids, we were given a hard cover book from Disney Land as a Christmas present. It was well illustrated with photos of all the attractions and other kids and their families having a great time. We used to sit and point out the different things we would do if we ever had the chance to go there. Both of us knew that the chances of us going to Disney Land were slim and none. California was a long way from Wisconsin. And being from a family of modest means made that dream a longshot at best. 

I never did get to Disney Land, but later in life Disney opened an additional theme park in Florida. Disney World opened and by that time I was on my own and working with a good job. I was able to visit Florida and could afford to go to Disney World. As a grown man I didn't purchase a mouse hat with mouse ears. But I enjoyed every minute I was there and took in every attraction they had to offer. 

No it wasn't a trip to Disney Land and no I wasn't a little boy wanting to ride on Dumbo. I had to wait a long time before I ate a chocolate Mickey Mouse. But being at Disney World was a thrill at any age. 

But in return, I had neighborhood friends, school pals, and trips to the North Woods. I played pickup baseball and football games. I rode my bike down hills at break neck speed (almost a roller coaster). Many great times spent with family and friends. 

That book sat on the shelf for many years and no I wasn't reading it as a sophomore in high school. I was blessed with other things and learned to be content with what I had. 

My point for today is this.  Learning to be content and making the best of the moments given to us is very important. Somethings are worth waiting for and Disney was worth waiting for. But sitting here at my desk, I really don't want to return to a Disney Park now. But if I could go fishing with grandpa and my dad one more time I would be in a Happy Kingdom state of mind. To sit down to a plate filled with grandma's gnocchi and meatballs would beat out a dripping Mickey bar. 

Contentment makes everything better.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Where Are The Back Packs? 8/25/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began earlier than I am used to. My travel cup was filled with Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and I am ready to write. 

John 6:12 ESV  And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples. "Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost. 

It's that time of year again. School is back in session already and more schools will answer the call to educate the young people next week. I see the annual drives to donate money toward back packs for the kids is in full swing.. I support this idea fully. I have been there to purchase back packs and also to distribute them. The school supplies are handed out in a new back pack. 

It makes me wonder, what happened to the back pack Gertrude and Johnny were given last year? I can understand a missing back pack, a demolished back pack, or one that is just worn out. This applies to the football, baseball and soccer jerseys that don't get returned also

I ask myself, "can't a back pack make it two years?" Where is the incentive to take care of your back pack, if you know another one will be coming your way next year?  Think about it this way. Wouldn't it be wiser if we taught the kids to care for what they have been given? "Come next year and bring your back pack with you. We will refill it with supplies and give you two dollars to spend." Then take the money saved and use it to support food pantries. Or use the money toward adding some air conditioning to the schools  or purchase winter wear for those in need.

We all have budgets to live by, shouldn't we teach the children some accountability, some responsibility, and reward good performance? Now there will be cases when Mom or Dad traded the back packs for other things. Some of those cases and the "I lost it excuses" will be there. Some will be stolen. There a might be a good reason for the back pack to be missing. 

But even just two dollars could be the incentive to be frugal, responsible, and accountable. If you teach 100 kids to be accountable and wise, it was 100 more than the year before. 

I think we owe it to our kids to teach them to be accountable and good stewards of their belongings. Not meant at all to penalize, but to reward positive behavior. If it was good enough to be frugal, responsible, and accountable for Jesus, it is good enough for me. 

God bless,


If you give a man a fish, you have fed him for one day. If you teach him to fish, you feed him forever. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

When Good Is Great 8/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write. That cup of coffee is setting me straight this morning.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

I recall a cup of coffee that was more than good, it was great. Many years ago while duck hunting on Lake Michigan the waves became quite contrary and the swells reached 4-5 feet. The lake changed from fairly calm to nasty. It was the day after Thanksgiving and the air temperature was 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The decision to pull off of the lake was made and no one challenged the decision. As we headed to shore the spray and waves broke against the boat and within minutes our clothing was ice laden. We were walking ice cubes. 

Once on shore we took a look at the boat and it was also coated and covered with ice. We were pretty cold and I for one headed right to my coffee bottle for a stiff cup of Door County Coffee. The hot coffee was good and it started the warming process immediately. Being safe on shore and warming up added to the coffee experience. The frigid weather made that coffee more valuable and I believe that was the best cup of coffee I ever experienced. Good became great !

My point for the day is this. I have had many, many cups of coffee and can't even recall what I drank yesterday. But I can recall that one day like it was this morning. 

I also have attended church since I was a child and can't recall any of those sermons or songs that were sung. But I do recall the day I went to a church as lost as lost could be. I don't recall that message or music at all. I recall one thing and one thing only. I remember a man named Bill and he gave the announcements to the congregation. During his dialogue he gave a sincere welcome to the folks attending, especially those visiting.  He said, "I am glad you all are here today. I want you to know that Jesus loves you." It seemed like he was looking right at me. After the service ended the same man sought me out and introduced himself to me. He shook my hand and and welcomed me personally. He gave me his phone number so I could  call him if I had any questions regarding the church. He also prayed for me right then and there. 

That day was probably like any other Sunday to the rest of the congregation. It was good, but having one man show to me that he truly cared made that church service Great!

I believe the members were used to a good service and they were blessed to have one every Sunday. Little did Bill realize that when he made up his notes for the service, they would impact me in a way that would bring this lost soul back the next Sunday. Better yet, Bill lived his statements. He made good, great that day.

How about you? Are you just thinking about how the message at church was just so so and it didn't apply to you? Maybe and just maybe the message was not for you and it was only for one person on Sunday. Can you be content to pray for someone who just needed to hear it or the announcements. 

When you take a good day and make it all about others, you help to make the day a great day. You may never know who needed to hear that message, or just feel welcomed.

A day can become great when it isn't always just about you.

Food for thought. 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Preparing The New Old Boat 8/24/2024

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with hot Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write.

Yesterday I started a project to refurbish a small row boat and turn it into a duck skiff. My nephew stopped by to assist me in getting started. I am a long way from finished but with some steady work on the old rig, it will be water worthy in a few weeks. Once I have a few more minor repairs done, I can give her a new paint job. 

Psalm 139:14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well. 

It is amazing what a new paint job does for an old boat. It is the same with us people also. Sometimes it just does a person good to get cleaned up, dressed up, and head out to nice dinner or a show. You could use church as an occasion to spruce up and then take in a brunch afterwards. 

Friends, my point is this. Treat yourself good now and then. You are wonderfully made and you need to be nice to yourself and celebrate just being you. 

You are loved. 


Friday, August 23, 2024

Don't Quit. Keep Going 8/23/2024

 Good Morning,

I am awake and ready to roll! I have in front of me a very hot cup of Door County Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee and it is time to write.

Sometimes it seems that we have more struggles than strength . It is like duck hunting in a fog filled marsh and you want to make it to the shore. You row and row your boat and you aren't sure just how far from the shore you are. You get frustrated and quit. When the fog clears you see that if you had rowed three more minutes you would have found the shore. 

When we agree to perform a task or step out in faith, we will encounter a boatload of resistance designed to discourage us. The fog of discouragement clouds our view of God and His guiding hand. We begin to trust what we can see and choose not to follow our faith that is not always seen. 

Hebrews 11:1 NKJV  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Whatever you are called to, mending a broken relationship, being gracious one more time , being generous one more time, teach one more class, preach one more sermon, teach your children to behave again, "Don't Quit". Keep rowing, keep running, keep preaching, be patient one more time, the victory might just be up ahead and around the next morning. 

Isaiah 46:4 NKJV Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs, I will carry you. I have made you and I will bear. Even I will carry you and deliver you. 

Again, don't quit. Continue the race, breathe deep and move forward. 

Proverbs 30:5 NKJV Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him

You are not alone and the fog is always temporary.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Parents Who Pray 8/22/2024

 Good Morning, 

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It is time to write. 

Colossians 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 

Photo Credit iStock Maverick Lee

Within a few days most children will be returning to school if they haven't already crossed the threshold of their school. It's that time of year when clothes are evaluated to see if they still fit. Some new clothing might be purchased. School supplies are purchased and schedules are adjusted to have the school line up with the family needs. 

One of the first things that parents should  be doing is praying for the children, praying for the teachers, and praying for the school administration. Before one pencil is sharpened the parents of the students should start praying.

Too many schools will see some type of violence within their walls. Too many children will attend on an empty stomach. Too many students will not have the correct attitude to learn. Too many temptations for evil rest within the walls of the school. 

I for one have a few children living in our neighborhood. I have started praying for them and this new school year. I will pray for the bus drivers who pick up and return the kids in our area to home on a daily basis. 

Don't the kids deserve our best?


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Steal It Away 8/21/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began some time ago. I am running late this morning due to a chore that needed to be done very early and could not wait. I still managed to brew a hot pot of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and tomorrow, I will be back on track. 

Philippians 2;3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than himself. 

Our lives can be lived in peaceful bliss which at times can lead to being bored. Boredom is a thief and lulls us into complacency. It robs us of the excitement of life. I challenge you all to steal your day back from boredom. 

Let us open our eyes to the needs of others around us.  See the cause and make the decision to perform an act of kindness  and don't expect compensation. Make the choice to get involved in a way that is large enough to make a difference in the life of someone else. Once you do, you have stolen your day away from boredom. What you chose to do, then becomes a passion to succeed. And what you are involved with puts new spring in your step. Performing such an act and not expecting compensation is humility in action. But you do receive a reward. You are no longer stuck in the rut of life. Your new service to others has you focused on the others and not allowing you time to be bored with your own life. Boredom will attack you mentally and physically. The aches and pains you normally feel are lessened because you have a purpose to get going and make that difference for others.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.  

Some serious food for thought. Get over yourself and get going for others. Your life can be renewed by just stretching yourself for a good cause. When you see the smile of a life impacted because of your unselfish kindness, you are living the abundant life.

Sorry for being late today. God bless,


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

In God's Hands 8/20/2024

 Good Morning,

I am set to be on the road in a few minutes and I will be packing a Thermos bottle full of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee for the ride.

Isaiah 49:16 Behold I have engraved you on the palms of my hands, your walls are continually before me. 

I have thought about a lot of things lately and my mind is like a well visited playground, used and abused. While cleaning out the garage I found a tool that I had been looking for a long time. I placed the tool inside a box that was meant to hold some ancient tools which belonged to my grandfather. It was a steel hammer and a small anvil used to peen over rivets. The rivets were used to repair strapping and belts. I only used the anvil and rivet hammer once in my life, but I stored it away for safe keeping. I stored it so well that I forgot where I stored it. My treasure was lost for about twenty five years. 

Corrie ten Boom said "I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all, but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."

An anvil and hammer are not really all that important and I could have never found them.  But my love for God and my family, I place in the hands of God where they are safe and secure. My beautiful memories I have placed in God's hands. 

Food for thought. If it is important, place it in the hands of God.


Monday, August 19, 2024

The Hurt Has To Live Somewhere 8/19/2024

 Good Morning,

The house is filled with the aroma of a pot of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee brewing. In a minute or two my mug will be filled with the morning nectar and I will be a happy camper. 

Galatians 6:2 NKLV Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

If we spend enough time with our eyes truly open we will see the world outside of our own personal view of life. If you open your heart to the fact that others are a walking poster child for the hurts of this world, you will see the need to help. 

Now and then people with a boat load of hurt and anxiety, need just a little help through the hurt process. They need a break from the constant reminder of their loss, failure, grieving, and anger. They need to take their basket of pain, hurt and frustration and leave it somewhere even if it is for just a couple of hours. 

An invitation to do something to take the load away such as having them over to your home for coffee or a meal. Babysitting for a Mom who now has another child and her husband is not with her anymore. Some kids going through a divorce, might need a day of happiness away from the fact that they are now part of a fight for custody. How about a meal for a family on death watch at the hospice center? Hurt will always be present in this world and if your eyes are open to it, God will show you the hurt. You can invite someone else's hurt to live at your home or with you for a few hours or more. You can provide a different atmosphere for a few minutes , a day, or longer. You can laugh, cry or just sit and listen to the person who needs a break from the hurt life brings to the table. 

Hurt has to live somewhere. Can you open your heart to someone going through a rough battle with it?

You might just be the one who can make a difference and you just never know when you will be in the hurt arena yourself.

God bless,


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Life Lessons From The Dog Trainer 8/18/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with a hot cup of Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee and prayer. It is a great way to start my  day. 

I have been blessed to have some great hunting dogs for many years. I was introduced to a breeder, kennel operator, and dog trainer three dogs ago. I thought I knew enough about dogs and training them to hunt until we purchased Fritz from Jeff The Spaniel Wizard from Beaver Dam Wisconsin.  Walter my self trained dog was a good hunter and companion. When he moved over the rainbow I recalled visiting Jeff at his "dog ranch" a couple years earlier with a friend of mine who was having Jeff train his retriever. So I looked him up to see if he would be selling any puppies. I was placed on "the list" and about 6 months later I received a call and there was a puppy available.  I made an appointment to view the puppy and minutes later I had purchased "Fritz". As puppies went Fritz was house trained pretty quickly. As far as hunting went, Fritz was a royal pain. That dog would not listen to me at all. His idea of training was to "not train" and take anything I wanted him to retrieve to another county and not come back.  I made an appointment with the Wizard basically to try and return Fritz and get a lap dog. I was discouraged to say the least.

Jeff asked to watch me and Fritz interact with a short retrieve of a dead pigeon. Fritz was consistent and did exactly what he did at home and at my training club. Jeff tried it and took the approach of getting on  his knees and playing with Fritz and then asking him to fetch a bird.  I thought the guy was crazy. Jeff then instructed me to play with Fritz and make it fun to train. Fritz earned a Master Hunter title by the time he was two years old. Fritz was not ready or willing to respond to rough commands from me. He never really did. He was there to have some fun and hard work later became his fun. We were a great team.

Lesson from the wizard. What worked for one dog does not always work for another dog. They are all different and you need to know the personality of each one. Adapt your training to the individual dog and build on their strengths. 

Point for the day. We all will interact with children sometime in our life. You might have a few of your own, or you are an uncle or aunt to a few. You might be blessed to be a grandparent  some day or you are now. Just remember, no two kids are the same. There are certain things that are non negotiable and should be taught. Good manners, respect, love for God and how to tie your own shoes. But, still remember, each child is different and you need to find out how God wired them and what they are bent toward doing. You might have one child who is studious and bent toward the sciences. The next one could be the quiet child who loves to take things apart and then works to put them back together. Once you know how they are wired you can work with them, not against them. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Most people see this passage from Scripture and apply it to mean that if we raise a child in an atmosphere that loves and serves the Lord they will not depart from it. This is a true path. I also apply it this way. Find out how your child is bent and wired by God and help them pursue the secular life path meant for them. If they are meant to be a biologist, a mother, or a farmer, help them achieve the goal of becoming a great biologist, worlds best mom, or a successful farmer. 

Jeff has coached me through three dogs now and I look forward to at least one more in my life if the Lord is willing. I will never forget the life lesson I learned from the Wizard of Beaver Dam.

Love to all!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

You Are Important 8/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I will be on my way to do some dog training this morning. My Thermos is filled with Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee and it is time to write.

Colossians 1:3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. 

This has been a busy week for me and I actually need a little time with some dogs and a shot gun. The week was productive and I burned the midnight oil a little bit too much.

I noticed that when I get busy like I was this last week I often blow by people and they might wonder if they are even noticed by me. I don't mean to be that way, but in obtaining the goals set forth by myself or others, I forget to say thank you to those who are in my life. At times they must feel like my whirlwind does not include them. Far be it. But in reality we must take time to let those who are closest to us know that they are important to us. Thank you and I appreciate you are simple phrases that have a lasting impact.  Praying for those who also pray for you is paramount in a relationship.

Show respect for those in your life, by acknowledging them. And If I haven't said it to you in a long time, you are important to me and you are loved.

God bless,


Friday, August 16, 2024

When The Clerk Makes A Difference Part Two 8/16/2024

 Good Morning, 

My cup was just filled with Door County Grasshopper Coffee ad it is time to write.

There is a touch of fog on the scene this morning and I am writing from my desk in our den. Usually the view is pretty clear but the fog is not letting in the usual morning scenery. The fog has silenced the birds as well.

Yesterday in part one I expounded on the service I received at a local store in their photo department. I described the service that one clerk provided and I promised a follow up to yesterday.

My faith in God has me labeled as a "Christian". I accept that title proudly. With that title, those who claim to be Christians are to be devoted to God and it should show in our actions. 

We are to love one another, husbands and wives. Teach our children to walk in their faith. We should be reading our Bibles, praying for ourselves and others, and attending, but also serving in our church. 

In addition, we are to love our neighbors, exhibit patience, feed those placed at our door who are hungry, practice kindness and represent God in all things that we do.

John 13:34-35  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

As the clerk who represented her company, we should be living examples of Christianity. We should be slow to speak, quick to forgive and leave judgement to God.

Many times as I speak to our Saturday night congregation I have said. "I prefer that if you are sitting here and you have a grudge or are angry with someone you should walk out right now and attend to the matters of the heart. If you need to be forgiven by someone, get out of your comfortable seat and go to them and make amends." 

Do others see Jesus within us? I hope so. You are as good as you choose to be in your walk with God. Do you represent Him in a way that makes others say Good Job!


Thursday, August 15, 2024

When The Clerk Makes The Difference Part One 8/15/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Grasshopper Coffee and all is quiet in the house. 

1 Peter 4:10 ESV As each has been given a gift, use it to serve one another as a good stewards of God's varied grace. 

As far as shopping goes, I am pretty much a guy who leaves that up to his wife. Just recently I was in the position to obtain some service from a local store. I stopped in to make some hard copies of  photos we took from a trip we enjoyed in June. And to be honest, we were behind in that process and had to develop some photos from last Christmas. 

I settled in at the photo kiosk and a young clerk named Elizabeth stopped over and said  "do you need any help with the kiosk?" I didn't, and politely thanked her for her help. She went on to say, "If you need any help with this large order, here is how you can reach me". Again I thanked her and went about my project.

Thirty minutes later I was still at it and nearing completion. I was pretty proud of myself. I started in on having a photo printed to a coffee mug. This mug will be given as a gift. For the life of me I could not get that photo placed on the mug the way I wanted it. I made the call for Elizabeth who was in back packaging the first set of prints that I processed. She came out within a minute and I explained my plight. She sat down next to me and showed me how to make it work, and then asked me about the pictures she was packaging. That particular set was from a National Park out West. " I usually don't ask about  customers pictures, but these are so beautiful and I would like to know where you were when these were taken."? She explained that her wedding was coming up and they had not settled on a honeymoon destination, Mountains and hiking are things they both like to do. I told her where and when they were taken, where we stayed and how happy we were with our trip. In the end I thanked her and she thanked me. 

This was a short encounter with a staff member of the store and she represented them very well. In addition, she represented herself very well. She was neat in her appearance, greeted me with a smile and made eye contact. She knew her business and made me feel important as a customer. He politeness was above the bar and I went away from the experience knowing I will return with more photos and extend my business there. 

My point is this. If you are working, you not only represent your employer, you represent yourself as well. Work as if you needed to be hired again each day. Work in a way that makes others want your services again. I will take this further tomorrow, so watch for part two. 

God bless,


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Peace Of Mind During Changes 8/14/2024

 Good Morning,

As I am trying to look outside from the window of my den, my view is blocked by a heavy fog. I poured myself a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. It is helping to clear the fog on my brain today.

When things are going well and people are content, a change in operations, government, road reroutes, policies, personnel, or work closures, will send people into fits of doubt, anger and despair. My friends, no one likes change. In the work place a policy change or procedure change can cause a lot of anxiety within people. We are all very resistant to change unless there is a very well defined benefit to us. I for one do not like change, but change will always be there.

Jesus knew the future, and it was God's plan for Him to leave this world, return to heaven and then someday be back to receive those who are His. 

Jesus promised that He would send another to help us navigate through life. And He followed through on His promise. He sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and comfort us during trials, changes and tribulation. 

John 14:16 NIVI will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.

John 16:13 When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.

So for today my friends, acknowledge that we are not orphans and that we are not alone in the changes we might be navigating. 

God bless,



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Old Coaster Wagon 8/13/2024

 Good Morning,

My day is starting early and will run late. My travel mug is filled with very hot Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. Today is election day in my part of the world and my latest endeavor is to work as an election worker within my community. Today is my first day on duty.

Psalm 90:14 ESV Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 

As a child I was the proud owner of a red coaster wagon. It was purchased from a yard sale, but it was new to me. That wagon was used like a rolling sidewalk toboggan and was an excellent source of entertainment on an alley way with a steep grade. They were very hard to steer while racing down the hill. You had to sit in the back and  hold the handle tight and hope you did better at the concrete course than you did the last time. Back then you rode your bike or your wagon without a helmet and skinned up knees and elbows were just part of being a kid. Ice was used as the miracle cure for all bumps on the head.

The old wagon was also good to haul home the groceries for mom and was an excellent way to pull your toddler sister around. If we were lucky and found some glass bottles that could be redeemed for the deposit, my sister and I could take a walk of about one city block, cross the street, and go to the pool hall and purchase two orange sherbet cones. I was about five years old at that time which made my sister an annoying two years old. She was a toddler and if I wanted to get anywhere without holding her hand I put her in the wagon and hauled the little queen with me. 

Yes, we crossed the street. I was taught how to look both ways and cross when it was safe to do so. Yes we were a block from home. Mom could call in the grocery order and then send me to the corner store where it was bagged for me. The store clerk would help load my wagon and I would initial the receipt and go home. The bags were packed so that they were not too heavy for me to haul up the three stairs into our home. At the end of the week, Dad would go to the store and pay the bill. No credit cards back then.

My point for today is this. I grew up in much better times than the kids today. Neighbors watched out for neighbors. Kids could cross the street in safety and not dodge reckless drivers. A coaster wagon could be used for fun and also a little work. Kids were safe to go into a pool hall and visit Mr. Burgerino the owner, and then walk home in safety. Your shirts were your napkins. 

Microwaves were the gas range and a pot of water if you were making a hot dog. Making faces at others was dangerous because your face could stay that way according to mother.  A new book was one that you borrowed from a library and oh my if you made any noise in the library. A lawn sprinkler in the summer was a way to cool off and now and then I still see those water saviors at work on a hot day. Somehow they survived Father Time. You did not need a watch because you could smell dinner cooking and later the street light let you know what time it was. Macaroni and cheese was a luxury, and noodles with butter and ketchup were a little more the norm. 

My point for the day is this. Those might have been the good old days. But were they? It is our job to make this day the best we can for our children and for us. And do you know what? I still see coaster wagons now and then. They too have survived Father Time.

God bless,


Monday, August 12, 2024

Arrogance Is Not A Quality 8/12/2024

 Good Morning,

The morning is showing itself and it is looking good to me. I just poured myself a hot cup Of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write.

There is a fella, who when I attend some social events and I see him coming toward me I try to go the other way before I am bombarded with how he is doing, why he is doing what he is doing in life as well as what I should be doing. He spends a lot of time inflating himself to others and downgrading his audience to the point that  you just want to find a rock to hide under. We all could use a dose of humility now and then and some folks should take a double dose.

Some people have the wrong view of humility. It is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking about yourself less.

We are not to cherish our inflated egos, and self worth, but we are to have a reasonable knowledge of our real capabilities. God can easily trim down our estimate of ourselves and will do so when we need a real lesson in humility.

Proverbs 16:19 Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil of the proud.

Proverbs 22:4 By humility and fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.

Friends, you might need a dose of humility when your speech includes the word "I" in abundance too often. The next check for enlarged ego is to see how many times you proclaim to others " you should, or they should, or why don't they?" 

Those who think they have all the answers to your life have never walked a day in your shoes or the shoes of others. But they know just what you should do, purchase, or refrain from. I don't have a quick solution as to how to deal with folks like this. My advice is for us not to become like the person people hide from and avoid. 

Have a great day.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Day My World Changed, When The Canoe Flipped 8/11/2024

 Good Morning! 

Today started with a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

I am going way back in the memory vault on this one, but for me the trip to the vault of my mind is a good one. Back on this day in 1984 I led a group of teenagers from our church on a canoe trip in Central Wisconsin. I had left the plumbing field and was now working in health care for about a year. I met a young lady at work and we were associates and friendly. The day before the trip she asked me in passing what I had planned for the weekend. I explained that I would be taking approximately 70 kids on a trip down a river with some minor rapids. It was expected that the canoe would tip over. That was part of the fun! I explained that I needed more adults to help me in herding the kids down river. She replied, "I like to canoe, I could help you out." 

We had a great time as we shared a canoe which tipped over within the first 50 yards after launching. My canoe partner's laugh was contagious and before I knew it, the day was over, the teens were returned, and it was time to call it "well done". 

We had eaten a late lunch that day and now it was only fitting that I would ask my friend if she would like to share a pizza close to her apartment. During that pizza outing I knew that what I was searching for in a lady friend was right in front of me. I mustered up the courage to ask my tired, sun burned friend to consider going out for dinner with me on a real date. To my surprise she said yes. The rest is history and I married her in 1986. This day might not mean much to others, but for me it was the day my world changed. 

Psalm 131:2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. 

You might have a day that just popped into your head, one that makes you smile. My friends, that day is a blessing from God and should be captured in your heart and mind. Today I will count my blessings and smile when I think about that canoe flipping over and my wife laughing all the way down the river. 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Give Me A Heart That Beats For Others Please 8/10/2024

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a hot mug of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. It is time to write. 

Luke 6:45 ESV The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks. 

On Thursday evening My wife Rene and I were blessed to have a young man from our church join us for dinner. I am grooming this man to take my place in leading the Men's Bible Study and partner with me in the Ministry. It is a blessing to see him embrace the challenge and desire to learn and make changes when he sees an opportunity to improve the weekly study. 

During our planning session we of course needed our phones to log dates and events in, so the planning would not be forgotten. When I picked up my phone there was a text message from the wife of one of our men who attends our study and serves within the Men's ministry with our events. He has been in a battle with cancer and it has been a tough one. The text message informed me of a set back in the battle and that prayer was very important at this time. As I was reading the message my wife Rene could tell by the look on my face that the message was not a happy one. I told our dinner guest and Rene about the text message and that we needed to pray for our dear friend. 

Later after dinner was finished and the work was done, we just chatted about questions he had about my history and it was a good time of fellowship. After our guest went home, Rene had gone outside to water the plants and her gardens. I joined her outside. She stopped her chores for a moment and said that she enjoyed having company in our home. But then she remarked, saying this. "He will do well. I watched his face when you heard that our mutual friend had to once more fight off a cancer set back. He has a heart that beats for others. He sprung into action and sent out an email to the other members of your Men's Ministry in seconds."

My wife has a good eye for judging character and I value her observations. A man that has a heart that beats for others is a good man. 

God bless,


Friday, August 9, 2024

Seems Like Only Yesterday 8/9/2024

 Good Morning, 

I can't put this cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee down this morning. I am extremely happy with that hot cup in my left hand soothing a small bout of arthritis. I tried typing with one hand. Not working too well for me. So here we go. My own motto needs to be applied to my day. "Suck it up Buttercup."

I used to spend part of my summers with my grand parents in a small town of Northern Michigan when I was a pre teen and for a year or two into my teenage years. Those days of home made pasta, gnocchi, and ravioli are some fond memories I still enjoy and try to imitate those memories now and then. Just about every day I would accompany my grand father to one of his favorite little lakes for a morning or evening of fishing. Grandpa had a small row boat, good oars and no motor. My nephew still uses that boat to this day. If only that boat could talk! We rowed our way around the five lakes he liked to fish. The lakes were small and the fishing could be great or not so great. But I remember the great days and can't recall the bad ones. 

Leviticus 19:32 "You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man., you shall fear the Lord your God : I am the Lord. 

I smoked my first cigar in the boat with him and had to keep one eye open for one of his pranks. He liked to catch my hat right off of my head with his fly rod and send it soaking in the lake. He thought that was hilarious, until he missed and pierced my ear. We never ran into anyone else fishing on those lakes. I don't think other folks thought the small lakes were worth fishing. I used to long to go fishing on a big bass boat, but would give anything to be on one of those lakes with that small boat and the company of Grandpa. 

Before I knew it, the time would come for me to go home to the big city  and wait for another year to go by for my annual "lessons on life", great food and why it is good to wake up at 4:40am and be on the water by 5:45am. Note 4:40am, not 4:30am, not 4:45am or 5:00 am. I was always waiting for that explanation, but I never really heard it. Grandpa had a few quirks and I just won't ever know why he chose that time. I do believe it had something to do with regular bowels??? 

My point for the day is this. Enjoy those times with the old folks. Drink your coffee the way they hand it to you. Smoke a Toscano cigar ( Grandpa loved those cigars) even though you choke at first. The smoke was good mosquito repellent. And wait to hear the door close on the out house before jumping into the car. It only seems like yesterday that I heard, "suck it up buttercup, it's only rain. The fish are biting." Maybe that motto isn't my own. 

Have a great memorable day!


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Protect Your Hearing 8/8/2024

 Good Morning,

My choice for my morning beverage is Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write. 

I have always been protective of my hearing. I have some sound resistant ear muffs that I use around loud machinery , like our yard tractor. When practicing my shooting with my shot gun I wear the ear covers as well. So far, my best years are behind me now, but I still have pretty good hearing. 

2 Timothy 4:3-4 NKJV For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4. and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

Where am I going with this today? Good question. It's important to also protect your spiritual hearing. There is a lot of false spiritual information out there. We also are often bent in a way that we listen to what we want to hear, not what we need to hear. 

I apply a filter to my hearing when I turn on my radio and listen to some of these pod casts or radio preachers. My filter is the Bible. I will test their statements against scripture to see if what they are saying is sound doctrine. Once I establish that they are preaching a false doctrine, I change the radio dial. If you allow enough false teaching into your life, you begin to believe that stuff. If you only listen to what you want to hear from others or advisors you might just be "cherry picking" what God wants you to hear and you miss out, mess up, and make yourself to be a fool. 

The Bible provides the truth in all matters and is the inspired word of God. It is the authority we need and should use when testing what comes out of the mouths of many false teachers, especially in these days.

2Timothy 3:16 NKJV All Scripture is given by inspiration, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof , for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 

1 John 4:1-3 NKJV Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 

Lots to chew on this morning. Your Bible is the test mechanism to determine if what you hear is from God or not. Dust it off and protect your the hearing of you mind. Keep your ears from itching. 

God bless,


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

My Prayer For Today 8/7/2024

 Good Morning, 

My cup is filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and my day seems to be all planned out. 

If I were to describe a perfect day for me, it would have to start with the correct attitude. 

Galatians 5:22-23 NIV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace and forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23. gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law.

Once my feet hit the floor in the morning, I have a choice to make. That choice is to determine how I will manage my response to the day and the happenings it brings. 

Friends, that is my prayer for all who read this today. I pray that your lives are filled with the fruits of the Spirit and that you pass it on to those who are with you. Make their day by you having the right attitudes.

God bless,


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Some People Don't Make It Easy 8/6/2024

 Good Morning,

My Thermos bottle was just filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. The aroma of the coffee is really filling the house nicely. It is time to write. 

1John 4:11-14 NIV Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us. 

13. This is how we know that we live in him and he in us; He has given us his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 

As Christians we are to love one another, tolerate one another and be kind to one another. This is also applied to neighbors and strangers. Sometimes it is hard to love certain people. It is a real challenge to muster up some respect, and kindness to certain people. Some people just have to personally insult you when you have a different view on world events than they have. 

The upcoming United States Presidential election is already quite contentious. I believe I need to vote and it is my right to do so. I keep my politics pretty much to myself and vote with my heart. I have already experienced acquaintances, and some friends who come out of nowhere and drop a verbal bomb on my political views, which they do not know. They assume they know my heart and think they will sway my vote with insults. 

Some people are just hard to love. But when all is said and done. The president elected will be in place whoever that is, and God will know that they are there in the office. 

Romans 13:1-2 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God,  and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those that resist will incur judgement. 

I can vote against a party or for one. But in the process of doing so, I still need to show respect for the offices, and opinions of others. I expect that others will do the same for me.  It's hard to do when you disagree with a platform or those running for office. But God expects us to do so. 

Food for thought,


Monday, August 5, 2024

Olympic Swimming And A Lesson Today 8/5/2024

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee is poured and hot. It is time to write.

The world is watching the Summer Olympics. Due to controversy some are foregoing watching the athletes compete. I feel bad for the athletes. The controversies and politics have no place in the Olympics. 

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, 7. and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

While watching the nightly news they were interviewing a swimmer who had piled up some medals for his achievements in the swimming pool. This young man was in great physical shape and his swim suit fit like a surgeons rubber glove. This suit is designed to not provide resistance while swimming. Every precaution is made to make sure the athlete has nothing on them that could slow them down. 

There are no pockets in the suit to store a cell phone, a lucky rock, or past medals! 

Luke 12:25 NIV Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?

Friends, we go through life and every day and we run the race it brings us. At times it might feel like this life is like swimming against a strong current. We have too much on our minds and we carry with us a bag full of worries. The worries weigh us down and at times we are not functioning to the best of our  capabilities. No one would wear a back pack filled with sand to a swimming race. Yet we carry worry after worry with us all day and night and expect the worrying to help. 

1 Peter 5:7 ESV Casting all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you.

Trust God today to show you the way and walk with Him. It's much more enjoyable than worrying about something that only He can fix. 


Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Buzzards Come Quickly 8/4/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. it is time to write. 

Matthew 24:28 NIV Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

I chose a "rotten" subject to think on this morning. The pun was intended. We have a lot of deer in Wisconsin and we also have too many highways. It is inevitable that the deer will cross a highway and be hit by a car. There is damage to the car and the dead deer most often sits on the side of the road, being eaten by buzzards. A rotting deer carcass has a nasty odor to it and it is made worse by the buzzards who are dining on the remains. The site is made worse by the buzzards defense mechanism which is regurgitation. That stench lasts a long time.

Friends, there are times when we all go through something in life that is to say the least "messy". Others hear of the news and gather on our behalf to chat with their buzzard friends and then discuss our plight. They regurgitate the news of our situation and add the stink of more gossip to the situation. Gossip is a  verbal way of making things worse and I would place it in the category of "social terrorism". Many teens struggle to the point of suicide when they become the object of gossip in school. It is the same for adults and sadly to say younger children as well. A once beautiful deer becomes vulture fodder after making one huge mistake. In the same way, one mistake can ruin a life socially and the beauty of life is removed from the person by gossip. 

Churches are not exempt from these buzzard feedings either. Often a prayer request is spread in the name of "wanting to help" when that request was made confidentially. Once a buzzard gets the news of a carcass or severely wounded animal it attracts other vultures to the spot and the terrorism begins until there is nothing left but the stink. Gossip ruins many persons and they are left to rot from the inside after the attack of the social buzzards in the name of so called "kindness". 

In comparison we should mind our own business and when trusted with something personal we should add the sweet aroma of confidentiality to the wounds of the situation. God's holy righteousness should be applied to the situation like a balm to a burn. 

Food for thought today!!


Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Big Thank You Is In Order 8/3/2024

 Good Morning,

sitting next to me is a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and it is tasting very good this morning.

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust so as to as to overlook your work and the love you have shown for His name in serving the saints as you still do, in His name. 

This  morning I am feeling a little bit nostalgic. My coffee was poured into a cup that was given to me many years ago by a family near and dear to my heart. Last night this same family and a host full of others joined together to serve 160 men at our church for the Annual Men's Steak Feed . It was hard work for the group of dedicated servants of God.

One fella was there despite being in the middle a serious battle and he was doing everything he could to assist with the garlic toast. One other 79 year old man   "Mike" washed 180 potatoes so they could be baked. Now that doesn't sound like much, but Mike suffered a stroke a few years back and he struggles to walk and talk. Mike also has limited use of one arm. 

I could go on and on about the team that set up tables and chairs, washed the dishes, then washed the tables and helped to store them in their proper place. We have one man who shared in this beef dream 25 years ago who will need a couple of days to recover and put away all the thing he stores and hauls out year after year. He has yet to eat a steak on the night of the event. He will grill his steak later this week and hopefully dine on it with a smile on his face. 

I would like to thank the ladies who came and washed the dishes. My wife was one of those devoted women. She also has to withstand the two month long  "Steak Mania"  that seizes our home right from the ticket printing to washing the towels that were used. Last night Rene said to me. " I will wash the towels tomorrow and store them away for next year". I winked and she knew that if God is willing there will be a next year. 

The men and boys were fed physically and spiritually . One of our pastor's gave us all a great challenge and I am thankful every year for not having to speak to a group of men in a food coma.  

So there are a lot of thank yous needed for the men and women who worked so hard and for those who paid to bring friends, and family to share in this annual outing. 

Last but not least. Definitely not least. I thank God for giving me a vision of what we could do with a beef steak, some fire and a place to hold an event. I am thankful to Him for intervening in a life that was out of control many years ago and setting me on a different path. 

To all who worked the event, attended the event, and those who don't know it yet that I will be knocking on their door to work at the next one. 

THANK YOU. Well done my friends, well done!


Friday, August 2, 2024

Time To Gather At The Grill 8/2/2024

 Good Morning, 

I am up and at it early once more. I decided to battle the day with a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee for the kick off.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so as one man sharpens another. 

Tonight we will be hosting the Men's Annual Steak Feed at our church. 160 guys will gather together to enjoy a large beef steak, beans, corn, baked potatoes, and garlic bread. This tradition started 24 years ago. The first time around we had 27 guys and I did not think we would plan another one. In it's peak days we saw an average of 240-300 men. Price increases and covid did not do anything to help attendance. But I am happy to say that we have already started plans for next year. God willing. 

The guys grill their own steak to satisfy their desires and if by chance you are unable to grill your own, a buddy will do it for you. We have never been rained out, although it came close a couple of times. This is a time to share a meal and in some instances get reacquainted with guys you haven't seen in awhile.

You are provided everything you need including a steak knife. But you have the option to bring your own knife and be as macho as you would like to be. A sharp knife is a direct expression of a man. I have witnessed everything from a pocket knife to what I would call a small machete brought to the dinner to carve up a steak.

My point for the day is this. It is good for men to gather and be there and meet new guys and rehash the world with old friends. As a man keeps his knife sharp it is good to stay sharp socially and personally. I believe in accountability and it is one way to stay sharp and headed in the right direction. 

A good man accepts and desires accountability in his life. A good accountability partner tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. My prayer for tonight is that each man there will be fed physically and enjoy being there. Of course we have a motivational speaker who will share a couple of minutes with us. I also pray that guys will accept whatever challenge he brings to us, to keep us sharp with our families, work, churches and God 

Have a great steak day!


Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Cold Drink On A Hot Day 8/1/2024

 Good Morning,

Once again I am at my desk, with a cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee to help me reduce the fog in my brain. 

Proverbs 11:25 NKJV The generous soul will be made rich, and He who waters will also be watered Himself.

We have been experiencing some very hot weather with extreme humidity. It's that kind of weather that has you sweating within minutes of going outside. But life must go on despite the weather. Yesterday while doing some lawn chores I had worked up quite a sweat. My wife walked outside and handed me a glass of very cold Sweet Peach Tea. I could tell by her demeanor that drinking the tea in the shade was not an option. She fully intended on giving the tea to me and for me to take a break and enjoy it. 

Within minutes our mail delivery person pulled up to our mail box. I asked him of he would like a cold drink to accompany him on his delivery route. I do the same thing when it is very cold outside with a warm drink. Usually he says no thank you to any beverages, smiles and then he leaves. Yesterday he accepted a cold bottle of water. First time ever!

Sometimes we have to use common sense. If it is hot for you then it is hot for others. If you are cold, others are probably cold. Not everyone has a cold or hot beverage stored in an insulated bottle.

 In turn we must exercise accepting a common sense offer and enjoy a comforting beverage or other kindness with a smile and a thank you. It is your job to make sure you are taking care of yourself and If God sends someone to you with a drink on a hot day, enjoy the gift and thank Him for letting people be a blessing to others. God knows it is hot or cold out there and if He sends a nicety out there via neighborly care, don't be so proud as to not accept it. God knows what you need and He also knows that some folks just like to be a blessing to others.

Keep the kindness going. 
