Friday, March 13, 2020

Toilet Paper Apocalypse 3/13/2020

Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and I am quite content. It is now time to write.

It seems that the coronavirus has now caused a toilet paper shortage. Our home is usually pretty well stocked with toilet paper. I saw the shopping list and my wife had listed among other necessities the need for a few rolls of toilet paper. While she was watching the morning news, she called me to let me know that there was something declared in the media which was causing people to rush to the store and stock up on toilet paper. This created a panic and the rush was on to purchase more disinfectant scrubs, bottled water, food diapers, etc. I saw a lady with two shopping carts full of toilet paper running to check out. She either had an intestinal episode going on, or she was making a wedding dress from toilet tissues. The hard cold facts were this. She was hoarding toilet paper against this butt wipe apocalypse. She wasn't going to let anyone have even 1 roll. The stores looked like bombs had gone off and the shelves were bare of all kinds of supplies. Later I saw this same lady standing on the street selling the toilet paper for 5$ a roll. I went home without a roll and said we have enough for a couple days. Let's see what happens. 

Rene asked me what our back up plan was and I told her I didn't have one except for one she wouldn't like. I told her that since she was the one who left us "wiped out" without. We needed to take her shirts and cut off all the sleeves and use them as toilet paper. I could tell that she wasn't amused at all.  Later I went out to a store that had time to restock and purchased a bundle of toilet paper. The same size we always buy no more, no less.  I did not feel the need to purchase a lifetime supply of toilet paper since I don't know how long I will live. I did however think of a couple of people I would will some of my toilet paper to if I died. 

Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:37-39

Yesterday I saw ugly at it's best. People were ready to fight over toilet paper. I for one had plenty of leaves still on the lawn and an over abundance of catalogs that could be used to keep "my hiney clean".  People were not going to share or make sure that there is enough supplies to go around. They had only their self on their mind.  Ugly, ugly, ugly.

God expects us to be kind in all circumstances and to put others first. Yesterday I saw selfishness in it's prime.

Let's do better today.



  1. I looked to purchase some hand sanitizer, shelf was empty. I then went to check on the internet, wow, rip off prices or ,websites depleted. We'll get by with soap and water, no panic here.

  2. I have just been shaking my head. We got some info they might shut down Kc. Kim of course had no food so she went to costco last night. Lines were nuts. They have 1 person in hospital with virus and this is what they do? Crazy. She was going to go to trader Joe's so she called
    They have nothing left. She cant find baby wipes and Zaires poop is not fun. Alanas school is closed and now Kansas schools are closing. A lot of this is from the deep state coming at Trump with election. We need to pray against these things. Your comments are so funny.
