Sunday, March 29, 2020

Little Mistakes Are Just That. LITTLE 3/29/2020

Good Morning,

I just awoke and this blog was on my mind. That should tell you that all who read this were on my mind also. My mug was just filled with super hot Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

Proverbs 19:11 Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is to his glory to overlook and offence.

You married folks know what I am talking about. That first year of marriage when everything a couple does is somewhat new to them. This is when you learn that your new mate always squeezes the middle of the tooth paste instead of starting at the bottom. It's when your over sized Henley shirt you use to tuck into you pants and cover your backside on below zero days becomes a night gown. You don't even realize it until you ask where it is and it is pointed out to you that it matches the sleep tights she is wearing. " You hardly ever wear this shirt, if at all" is what I was told. I never got to wear that shirt again.  You know the time when you told your parents you would be there on Christmas Eve without checking and you find out the same promise was made to your in-laws. Or when you couldn't remember your anniversary date. Oh boy! Never mind me learning that white clothes don't get washed with red shirts.

It could be a time when you stayed up all night smelt fishing.  I only had enough time to give those little fish a quick clean job. I put them in a bowl, covered it and explained that I would fry them up when I made it home from work. My wife a bio/chem major and someone who is very handy with a scalpel helped me out.  When I got home looking forward to fried smelt and Tater Tots, the pan was already hot and the breading was out. I grabbed the bowl and was about to toss the fish into egg batter and breading. Then I asked "where are the smelt"? All I had left were little pieces of fish that had been surgically filleted from the rest of the fish. " I don't know why you fish for those minnows. there's not much to eat on them. Smelt are fried whole and the bones are eaten.

Friends these are all small mistakes and should be treated as such. Too many times people make "mountains out of mole hills". We let one little mistake become a battle ground and ditch for someone to die in. Most big arguments or fights start over something smaller and really not that important.

Most of our mistakes were never repeated. We scheduled our family get together's fairly by communicating. I put one of our wedding invitations in a frame so I could see the date more often. I am not allowed to do any laundry except in emergencies. My wife can filet a fish better than I can. I sold my smelt fishing equipment. She taught me how to filet a fish without any bones.

We need to learn to overlook the small things and work together to communicate. When I looked back on our early mistakes all were made with love in mind. Rene excused not remembering our anniversary date right after she couldn't remember what day it was either. We still laugh about that one. Our clothes are clean and my white shirts are white. I only did the laundry because I wanted to help my tired cath lab tech out. We both loved our parents and we wanted to spend time with them. Rene was helping her tired guy eat a dinner he enjoyed. We both have our own individual toothpaste. We compromised for love. Whenever I fell sassy I squeeze her tube from the middle.

As far as the shirt goes. Well to be honest it looked a lot better as a night gown! Enough said about that!

What is the big deal you are making out of nothing? Mistakes happen. Learn from them. Laugh about them and enjoy life.



  1. I need this advice right now. There are a few storms in our marriage right now and as I awoke this morning, the good Lord impressed upon me to let go of the perceived slights that seem to be coming my way. May God bless you Marty.

    1. I assumed it is ok to pray for you. So I did. You are both loved.

  2. I absolutely LOVE this! Thank you, Marty!

    1. Thanks. God just keeps delivering the materials. Sometimes we think we are Lucy and Dezi.

  3. Thank you my Brother! Praying for and with you! Malinda and I send our love! And thanks for keeping the night gown part rated G.

  4. Replies
    1. Button down collar. Looks like a shirt that would match long johns
