Sunday, March 8, 2020

That First Step 3/8/2020

Good Morning,

I am out of bed and sitting at the desk praying for the world today. My cup of Door County Almond Toffee Coffee is steaming next to me and one dog is sleeping on my feet. It is time to write.

There are times when people who have continued to go down the wrong path in life finally throw up their hands in frustration and want to give up. They can't see a way out of their troubles and if they do see a way out, the road to freedom seems to be too hard to travel.

James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands and make your hearts pure. Don't be double minded.

I have been there myself and just did not believe that God could ever straighten out a clown like me. Never did I think in a million years that He thought my life could be of value to anyone. My heart aches for people who are in that situation.

In many instances the first step to a new life is just what I called it. "The first step". I once had to leave a sinking boat and that first step out of the boat didn't take me safely to shore. It only took me deeper into ice cold water and a mud that felt like quick sand. But I knew I had to take that first step in the right direction toward the safety of the shore. That first step bogged me down but eventually I made it to shore, injured and freezing. But I made it to the next step.

Friends we often end up in our own sinking boats and see no where to turn. Our lives have been void of a relationship with God and we see no solid future. But God is faithful and always welcomes us back to the shore of His love and assurance. When we turn to Him with that first step He draws closer to a repentant heart and walks with us step by step out of the quagmire of life we created. But notice, I said step by step. By faith we follow the Good Shepherd and He walks with us through the next step and then the next one after that.

Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters I will be with you; when you cross the river the waters will not sweep you over; when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned I will be with you. 

When I was coming out of the mud that weighed my exit from the river down, each step was a step to freedom from the zombie grip that mud had on me. Each step taught me how to better navigate the following step without falling in deeper. God does not always pluck us out of the mess we made or find ourselves in. He allows us to rest a little and learn from the process step by step.

The first step is to admit you need to step in the direction of God and get yourself right with Him. Then allow Him to lead you to the next step and the next after that. But start with a healed and forgiven heart. One step toward God is all He wants you to take and He will draw closer. The second step might be painful, uncomfortable or frightening. But you won't make that step alone.

This was a pretty heavy message for a Sunday, but I know some folks that need encouraging today. Take the step and find peace.


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