Saturday, March 7, 2020

Advice At A Funeral 3/7/2020

Good Morning,

Saturday arrived and it was right on time. I am enjoying some extra time in prayer accompanied by my mug of Door County Highlander Grog.

Last night my wife Rene and I attended a "Life Celebration" for a young friend of ours. This 24 year old mother of one little girl passed away last week and is now at home in heaven with Jesus Our Lord.  The crowd of hundreds were there to honor her, mourn, grieve, and also celebrate her new home. Rene and I stood in line to offer our condolences and say whatever you can say at a time like this.

My heart was breaking for all of them. She was the middle child of six and the middle child of triplets. I am sure the family has attended a funeral or two but not one for an immediate  family member. This grief hit home and it hit hard. I don't care what anyone thinks, but at times like these the fact that you showed up means a lot to people, but those meaning well never really know what to say. As we stood in line, my eyes fell upon the dad, husband and grandpa of the family. I prayed especially for him. He has a big job ahead of him as the leader of the family. When I reached him and offered my pledge of sympathy and love, we hugged and I could feel his pain. I said what I had to say what to me felt like trying to fill a swimming pool with an eye dropper. I have been on the mission field with this guy and we served the Lord with vim and vigor. To see him in this type of emotional pain was hard to do. Later last night, I was praying for the family and especially Dad.

Friends we all know someone going through a season of grief. Some of those folks will be the leaders of the clan. They will be strong in front of the team and try to lead without showing the hurt and pain.  Last night was no time to give advice to anyone. Last night was a time for mourning and celebrating. Last night all I could do was to hurt with my friends and that was more than appropriate.

This morning I sought God and asked for His thoughts on someone being the leader of their clan and how they might do it. As I was praying and studying the answer came from God's Word as I figured it would. God spoke clearly and the answer was one that gives hope. My friend is the one God gave to the family to lead them through this. He Is God's man for the job. Joshua was God's choice to lead the people of Israel to the promised land. God had given instructions through Moses for them to follow. God encouraged  Joshua with these words so he could be successful. I believe these words will apply to my friend. The road will be long and bumpy, but with God's plan in hand they will make it.

Joshua 1:6-7  " Be strong and courageous. because YOU Will Lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. Be CAREFUL to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you, do not turn from it, to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Friends this is great advice for all of us going through a time of despair, especially when in addition to your own grieving you are to lead others through to a land ( grief) they have never been before. God has given us advice in His Word and nothing needs to be added to it and definitely nothing should be taken away from it.

Friends, many of you are going through a rough spot right now and although I can't see all of you or converse in person, know that I pray for all those who read this. God is that big that I can pray for those unseen and in many cases unknown. The prayers are heard and answered.

God bless,


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