Sunday, March 22, 2020

Good Things From The Good Tree 3/22/2020

Good Morning,

I am sitting in our den looking out of the second story window. I have been praying on and off through the night. So the large cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee sure does taste good and is soothing to this sleepy body.

So this world wide virus has everyone either talking about it, thinking about it or worrying about it. We need to give it the respect that it seems to command and do all we are supposed to to stay healthy.

Today I want to not focus on the virus, but the fruit you can produce and many of you already are. So today I want to talk about the good will that seems to be spreading.  In the first days we had panic and hoarding occurred. Selfishness reigned it's ugly head down on us.  But now it seems we have shortages caused by fear. This has subsided quite a bit and some people are sitting home feeling ashamed of what they did by purchasing out of fear. But now you have something to share with others. You can still turn that around.

Lately though, I have seen more people reaching out to check on those they care about or are acquainted with.  Friday night I reached out to the flock of people I minister to on Saturday nights and in Bible Study. We chatted and we prayed together. It wasn't like being there in person but it was good and well received. It took me a couple more days to reach as many as I could but, I left the chore happy and I probably enjoyed it more than the person receiving the call. Everyone of those that I reached were also concerned about my wife and I. We will continue to reach out weekly until this ends.

I hear of many people supporting restaurants by ordering take out. I hear of people buying groceries for others. My neighbor is working to make sure that kids home from school who need the school lunches to survive are getting that much needed food. Health care workers are putting in vast amount of hours. Retail and grocery stores are doing everything they can to keep us fed and healthy. So much and so many to be thankful for. Truckers are delivering supplies and others are working overtime to make those supplies.

I was outside splitting firewood yesterday which is not uncommon for me. As people were walking around the neighborhood more than the usual amount made sure to wave at me and say hello from a distance. I reciprocated and enjoyed the long distance companionship.

I believe the true fruit of the hearts is showing and is beginning to overflow. Jesus said,

Luke 6:43-45 "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by it's own fruit.  A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

So friends keep up the good work. Spread kindness, a good word or good work.

God bless you all.



  1. May the love of our God reach people at this time or rather should I say, may people be receptive of His love.

  2. Amen,my Dear friend.I hope all is well with u and your family.stay Strong!brother,there is Nothing!! our GOD cant do.
