Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus What I Am Going To Do About It. 3/10/2020

Good Morning,

I believe this cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee is just what my body needed for a jump start to the day. It is time to write.

Wow this virus that has gripped the world has really wreaked havoc on the stock market, world health, and peoples nerves. Someone asked me what I was doing about it in my personal life. I replied that I wasn't going to do much of anything differently. The puzzled look back I received was almost hilarious.

I am pretty good at hand washing so I will continue to do that.  My finances are in the hands of a finance specialist, but in the meantime I will continue to work. I will follow the rules if any are set by the government and if I must not attend professional baseball games I will obey and watch them on television. In other words I will obey the authorities put over me and my family.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, but by prayer and petition , with thanksgiving , make your requests known to God.

I will not panic because I know that God is in control and I trust in Him. Now what I will do that some won't, I will pray for the virus to lose it's grip on us. I will pray about our finances. I will pray for those who are ill. I will attend church and pray some more. I will ask others to join me in prayer. I will pray for those who have had this virus take lives important to them.

Friends. I will pray and I invite you to do so also. Oh by the way, I am not adding prayer to my life. It has been there for a long time. I just need to add this virus to a prayer list that already exists. Some call on the CDC, I will call on God and pray "His Will Be Done".


1 comment:

  1. Amen! Marty I will call on the FTCA, the "Father that controls all". It is really out of our hands and in the hands of our Almighty God and Father.
