Thursday, November 21, 2019

You'll Never Walk Alone 11/21/2019

Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a large mug of extra hot Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. The morning looks to be a busy one for me today. Time to write.

I awoke to the sound of a pretty heavy rain hitting the roof and I could actually hear it hitting the sidewalk as I opened the door to let our two dogs outside for their morning business. Our property is not totally fenced in and from time to time we have some coyotes who like to pass through our yard on their way to mischief.

As the dogs stepped out it just so happened that a coyote was crossing the street in front of the house. Our newest puppy spotted Mr. Nasty first and he back pedaled onto the porch. Our older guy did the same. The combination of the rain and the coyote did not appeal to our dogs and they would not leave the porch and they needed to. I always walk outside with them drinking my hot coffee. Today would not be any different. I led the way and both dogs followed. I had lit up the yard as usual but they were going to wait for their Master to accompany them as they ventured out.

Today someone reading this will be facing something that will cause them some fear. Today this was written for you. As long as I am alive our dogs will not face the rainy and somewhat dangerous night alone. And for those facing some of their biggest fears or struggles today and tomorrow, this is an assurance for you. You'll never walk alone.  God is with you. He will hold you by the hand as you face each hour of the day.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you; Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This was short and to the point. There was nothing amusing to write about today. But know this my friends. You are loved and are never alone.


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