Monday, November 25, 2019

More Today Than Yesterday 11/25/2019

Good Morning,

Let's face Monday together and make this day a day to be a blessing to others. I just sat down to write after spending the first half hour of the morning outside with a cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Coffee in my hand. I watched our two canine clowns run around and sniff rabbit trails. Now they are asleep and my day really now has begun. Later today i will hopefully tread in the woods in search of venison for our table.

Romans 5:8 But God showed his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us.  

Back in 1981 I first met Jesus when He entered my heart as Lord and Savior of my life. I experienced a forgiving love and our relationship began.

Last Saturday I was driving to a duck hunting spot at 4:AM. When I take those longer drives I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in prayer. The prayer time was intense and yet sweet.  It is customary for me to listen to a Gospel s radio station as I drive. At that time of the morning their program "Music Until Dawn" was on. This music is quiet and smooth in tempo. A song came on that I haven't heard before. It went like this. I love Jesus more today. More today than yesterday. I love Jesus more today, but not as much as tomorrow. That tune has been stuck in my head now for three days. Of course it has me thinking and I went back to that first day when God whispered to me and my name was written into the Lambs Book Of Life. A love relationship began it is true and the song also speaks powerfully to me. Each year my love for Jesus is stronger than the year before. Serving Him is no longer a duty but a pleasure and a calling. But the statement "But not as much as tomorrow" is etched in my heart. How can it be more tomorrow? What I see that has changed in my life is that it is easier to love others every day as I get older, It is easier to see the foolishness of my days gone by. So now as I admit that I can and will love Jesus more tomorrow it is easier to look forward to each new day.

This came from my heart and is my prayer for you. If the flames have died down on your love for Jesus, rekindle the fire  box of your heart knowing He loved you so much even with all of our inadequacies that while we were yet sinners outside of the family of God He died for us. Cherish that thought and you will see others differently. It is a sign that your love for Jesus is growing.

God bless,


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