Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Who Do You Hang With? 11/19/2019

Good Morning,

It's nice and quiet this morning. Both dogs were fed and exercised and now they are just watching me write to all of you. I just poured a large mug of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee for myself and I plan on enjoying every drop.

Today I want to discuss my thoughts on the following passage from the Bible

2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? (angel of lawlessness) 

In most instances this passage is used to ward of marriages between believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior with unbelievers. It is difficult for two strong faiths of major differences to marry and survive. God is clear that this is not His plan.  Some people take this passage in a different direction and segregate themselves from the world and they try not to be social with non believers in Christ Jesus. This is contrary to the teaching of Jesus who said we are to be lights to the world. However I do recommend for accountability that your best friend believe as you do.

But still that is not where I am headed. People, we often spend much time alone or away from our best friend and accountability. My question for us to ponder in our hearts is this. Who do you hang with when no one is around? Who are you when your church friends are not with you? All to often we are two different people. We are the holier than thou dove and then when we interact with family or  just ourselves we are different animal. That animal may be likened to a grizzly bear or a viper who is intolerable. That old grizzly walks through the house growling at others , using language that would make people blush, or we just stay put like a viper waiting to strike out and lay into someone over petty things. We become unpredictable and others are not sure who they will encounter when they interact with you. The dove or the bear? The lamb or the viper? Are we the baby who looks so cute but is wearing boxing gloves?

Friends it is at these time when I want to say that we are "Unequally yoked". We are not walking with God, but have decided to hang out with the dark side of Satan and his lawlessness. We momentarily divorce ourselves from God and become the person most people don't see everyday. We are no longer the light house of love and compassion that we are expected to be to the world because we hang with darkness in our own homes and daily walk when others do not see us. We have no excuse for becoming what we shouldn't be. Lack of wealth is no excuse. Lack of health is no excuse. Jealousy of status is no excuse.  None of these are excuses for becoming a bear or a viper to anyone.

Who do you hang with when no one is around to hold you accountable? There's a heavy thought for the day.



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