Sunday, November 3, 2019

Respect. Lost Somewhere Along The Way 11/3/2019

Good Morning,

Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee just filled my mug and I am hoping that somehow it will unscramble my head. Last night we turned the clocks back and gained another hour of sleep. Someone must have forgotten to tell our dogs about the Daylight Saving Custom in the United States. We were up and out this morning at what would have been 4 AM two days ago.

I want to write about RESPECT today. When I was younger we were taught to say yes mam, yes sir, please and thank you. Someone older than us was the authority and was to be respected. You didn't sass talk your teachers. The police were your friend and if they told you to do something you did it without questioning or arguing. Our elected officials were referred to with their title for life. They were President Kennedy, President Eisenhower for life. A senator was Senator Humphrey until that title changed. Our teachers were mister, miss, misses , or in some instances sister. Babies were still a protected species of life, not a choice. If the neighbor told you to behave he was the authority of the moment. Spankings with a wooden spoon were common. And believe it or not I survived.

But today we refer to our leaders by their last names regardless of the party of our choice. Little kids believe they have the right to refer to their  teachers by their first name or just plain last names. I have witnessed classes being taught in high school where the teacher has to beg the kids to be seated and it wastes 10 minutes of class time. Back in the day where I went to high school a boot in our butt would have solved that issue. But not now, the students can't be scolded or let alone receive a much needed boot in the butt. I see more parents struggle with disrespectful kids in the stores. No wonder people shop on line. There isn't a kid screaming in aisle three having a temper tantrum.

But then these kids grow up and also become adults lacking the basic skill of respect. They want respect but don't give it. I saw this recently on television. One political party was gathering in an auditorium. As they were approaching their venue, the other party with different views were greeting party 1, hurling insults at the others views. Now there is freedom of speech but it turned into people spitting at the arriving folks. Hair was pulled and then a few punches were thrown. How is this respect? Nice job adults. What are you now teaching those behind you in age? If we don't agree you will spit on me?

God has something to say about respect. and in plain language to not show respect in the travels of our lives is just what it is. It is a sin.

1 Peter 2:2-17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers,  fear God, honor the emperor.

The passage above is a mouthful. The key part there is to fear God. We will answer to Him for how we raised our children. We will answer to him as to how we respected the authorities. We will answer to Him for disrespecting our parents. Lastly we will answer to Him for the lack of respect we have shown for Him. Pay attention to social media. Watch how some of the people you admire show their true hearts spewing vulgarity and disrespect just by stating their views. I have been embarrassed for them. Godly people violating their own stated beliefs by their own speech. Disgusting!

This one was tough to write and I am sure it ruffled a few feathers. As one brilliant poet once said. "You don't have to like it. You do have to respect it." I expect some rough feed back and to be honest, very little support for this blog today. It was on my heart and needed to be said.

Have a great day. Show some respect today and let's get back to basics.

We think that we are making the world better with these ideals of disrespect, trophies for everyone, and lack of discipline. Look around. We shoot kids at school. Red traffic lights mean nothing anymore. Teachers are blamed for students not achieving in school. Try teaching somewhere where the kids don't have to sit down if they don't want to. Try being a police officer for one day where a badge means nothing. Blame gun laws for the deaths on the streets. But don't blame yourself for creating a world that doesn't respect laws and life.  We all wear this shoe because it truly fits where we are in life. Don't spank a child, let them choose their own behavior. See how quickly they decide to put you aside in your old age.

Have a great day. Show some respect today and let's get back to basics.


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