Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Venice Italy Flooding 11/26/2019

Good Morning,

I am truly enjoying this morning's cup of Door County  Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee as well as some orange slices. My prayer is that we all have victory over discontentment. Let's count our blessings.

Photo credit Reuters News

Later today I have some small home repairs to do. Nothing all that important or too drastic. just annoying. These are things needing to be done and are more irritating than difficult. But they need to get done and they will. I can't complain, our home is warm and dry.

James 4:17 So whoever knows to do right and does not do it, to him it is a sin. 

In the news we see that the city of Venice Italy has flooded and the floods are devastating. The water levels are at a record high and don't seem to be going away. Scientists and engineers will all have ideas as to the causes that contributed to this disaster. Homes and businesses all have been flooded for quite some time. I will not venture into the why, or how  this occurred.  I have watched television and the internet for news and what I have witnessed is a deliberate will for the city to be saved and that the people of Venice are going about life as much as they can. I admire and encourage their strong resolve to battle this disaster. In the news I see people helping one another. There might be issues not seen on the news, but what I did not hear or see are gangs of lawless people taking advantage of this situation by looting and robbing. It wasn't reported as an issue. I can't say that doesn't happen elsewhere during loss of electrical power or when the Earth shakes and quakes.

So as it has been on my heart lately I will continue to pray, support recovery efforts if I can and yet admire a city with such strength while the world watches them. Disasters arrive all too often, but when they do, it does not give anyone the right to become lawless. Those who loot, riot, steal and burn during times of distress are lawless and are a shame to their families, their cities, their nation and to God. It is at these times of death and destruction that we are to rise up and show the love of God to others by assisting if we can and praying for them.

Pray on my friends and help whenever or wherever you can.


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