Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pizza Was Easy To Do 11/23/2019

Good Morning,

I will be headed out this morning for some duck hunting and next week I will be doing some deer hunting. I filled my Thermos Bottle with very hot Door County Maple Coffee and now it is time to write.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become on flesh.

Yesterday my wife Rene went to visit her mom and take her to the doctor. Rene has been more quiet than usual and I could tell that she is worried about her mother. So Rene armed herself with to quarts of fresh chicken soup and two baked fish dinners for Mom. Mom still cooks but hasn't been feeling too well. Cooking meals is about the only talent I have so it was a honor to whip up some soup and the fish plates.

When she came home last night I could tell that the round trip back home and the long day had taken a toll on Rene. I had prepared a beef dinner and was just waiting to hear that she was ready to eat. I took one look at her and knew that my wife needed an ear to listen and some comfort food. Rene is a fan of pizza and I just put the beef dinners into the refrigerator and told her I would be back in thirty minutes. I went for her favorite pizza, returned home, and then poured her a cold Dr. Pepper. She took a plate and her drink and sat in front of the television which isn't normal for us. I followed her lead and joined her. It was quiet and then as I would have predicted she started to tell me about her concerns. I just listened, agreed when it was a good idea and avoided disagreeing if at all possible.

Soon after, you could see her disposition change and it was less worried. We prayed for Mom and then talked about how good the pizza was. I knew my wife needed to rest and talk when she was ready. We all need to invest in stopping plans and adjusting to meeting the needs of our spouses. This was needed and in a bad way.  Friends, our spouses will often send a signal of distress, we need to react if possible and be there for support. I learned this lesson well from a great teacher. Yes that teacher is my wife.

Have a great day. Be there for your spouse.



  1. Thanks for the reminder Marty, I tend to try and fix instead of listening.
