Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When You Are Sick 11/13/2019

Good Morning,

The Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is hot and this morning, the hotter the better! I have seen this before when November brings a deep freeze. It sure puts a damper on duck hunting as the water sources freeze up and forces the ducks to go South.  No pun intended her, but I have to "weather" it out and make the best of it.

Over the last two months I have been told of more and more serious illnesses from leukemia, cancer, to heart failures and spinal injuries which will need major repairs. There are more knee injuries and joint replacements needed by friends of mine than ever before.

As a Christian I have seen many miracles of healing and I have seen them come in many ways. I have witnessed t healings that were not able to be explained by science at all. I have seen them take place before my own eyes. I have seen plenty of times when God used physicians, nurses and technicians to bring about healing. But where does a person start with treatment whether it is natural, medical or spiritual?

Here is my reasoning and thoughts on illness.

1. When I start to notice something wrong with my health I personally pray and seek peace  knowing I went to God with the issue. If it is serious right at the start for instance like experiencing chest pains. I would pray as I am heading to the hospital. God blesses us with physicians to help us. He works through them. If my woes are just a cold or the flu, I treat myself with over the counter remedies and household natural cures after I pray for relief.

2. If it seems to need medical attention I seek help from a clinic and my personal physician. Chicken soup does wonders for me with plenty of water and tea. I ask my friends and family to pray for me.

3. But when I am facing something more serious I follow Scripture and medical treatment. So for instance, tomorrow I am having eye surgery again. The surgeon is top notch and two other things will happen and one will take place tomorrow and the other has taken place. Before the anesthesia is administered and I am sent off to la la land. I will stop the surgery crew and pray for them to be able to use their skills to the best of their abilities. I will ask God to bless them and I will thank all of them all for treating me.  The other thing needing to be done was to be prayed over and that took place last night.

James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing  him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. 

Friends God heals in many ways, uses physicians and home remedies  or just plain whispers your name and it is done. You are all thinking , "sure but the funeral directors  are awful busy when He doesn't heal". Yes God is God and He calls all of us home some day. Those who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will experience heaven and no one knows when their time will come. But I can tell you this. There isn't any cancer or pain in heaven. The ultimate healing once and for all is completed there, never to be experienced again.

This is what I believe and what I follow in my life. I pray for many people and their infirmities. I go as an elder and anoint the sick when they call. I will pray in surgery tomorrow just as I said I would.  I follow Biblical principles when ill. I use the physicians God has given us.

I just wrote a statement of my faith for you and a little advice for peace and hope. If you are ill and need prayer just leave a comment with very few details. God knows who you are and what you need when I pray for you and you will be prayed for.

God bless,


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