Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Whole World Smiles With You. 11/9/2019

Good Morning,

Saturday it is and I am resting a little today from hunting. Tomorrow will be a different story and my blog just might be a little later in the day. My mug was just filled with Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee and it is time to write.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

Yesterday I hunted pheasants instead of ducks. Our dog Gibbs, me and a buddy of mine went hunting "ditch chickens". We were blessed to see some and actually shot our two bird per man limit.  I have kept a diary for all of our dogs and it brought a smile to my face to know that Gibbs retrieved his 1200th bird yesterday. Now for my dogs that isn't a lot compared to the others. But given the fact that I hunt a little less now with age, I believe it is something to celebrate.

A good hunt with good company always puts me in a good mood. I had some errands to run after our hunting adventure and our good fortune kept me in a more jovial mood than normal. As I entered a grocery store I made eye contact with one of the store employees, smiled and received a huge smile back in return. I took note of that blessing. I then traveled the aisles of the store filling my shopping cart with our needs and greeting people with a hello and a smile. 100% of the people smiled back and acknowledged my greeting.

My travels took me elsewhere and at each stop I greeted people with a smile and a good afternoon.
I was greeted in return 100% of the time with a friendly smile and a verbal acknowledgement. 

This has not always been the case I have experienced. So I pondered this during my prayer time this morning. Lately in the surrounding communities where we live the news has been focused on crime, hit and run automobile tragedies causing the deaths of children. Random shootings on the freeway are more normal than ever. Locally and nationally people are divided on their politics and at times both sides are quite nasty. I believe I received more smiles and nice greetings yesterday because the world is " Nice Starved". People are hungering to see or hear something nice. My wife Rene just pointed out a television commercial that reminded her of the old days when most of the Christmas commercials were cute and uplifting. As I child I enjoyed seeing Santa riding on a Norelco electric razor. But now most of our commercials are from drug companies selling their latest cures with the warnings of seizures or death if the cure doesn't work. These commercials are followed up by attorneys who want to help you sue the drug companies. I know more about women's monthly needs supplies and men's personal intimacy problems than ever before and so do the little kids watching the commercials. Not nice!!!

So I believe the world is starving for "NICE". Try extending NICE today. The whole world needs some and the whole world just might smile with you.


1 comment:

  1. Television broadcasting today making it understandable why some folks are pitching their tvs, but yes smile at someone today
