Thursday, November 7, 2019

When The News Makes You Go Numb 11/7/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured a cup Of Door County Maple Coffee and it is gong to make this morning a lot warmer. My prayer time was sweet and the oatmeal will be done soon.

Today I am feeling a little melancholy. If my Dad were still alive we would be celebrating his birthday. It was just a few years ago when the telephone rang and I was notified that Dad had an accident at home and had passed away. I remember just feeling numb. I had to inform other family members of the news and had to start thinking about "what do I do next?"  I was pretty much useless for a couple hours and soon the numbness turned to emotional pain.

Psalm 112:6-7   6. For the righteous shall never be moved; he will be remembered forever. 7 He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting In God. 

God intervened the next day by having us surrounded by the immediate family, cousins and friends. I could feel the prayer lifting us up and sustaining us through the worst. We had intended to celebrate Dad's birthday, but he missed that by a few days. We did however go out and celebrate for him and relived some memories. Cousins of ours joined us and soon the pain of loss, at least for a little while was gone.

Friends, that dang telephone can deliver some awful news at times and you just never know when. But in those darkest of times you will find that God sends friends, family and some strangers just to comfort you and at times listen. It is OK to take advantage of the offers they make. A struggle is always easier when it is shared. So if today some experience has you numb ask God for help. You just never know who He will send.
