Saturday, November 2, 2019

Walking With Good People 11/2/2019

Good Morning,

I just sat down to a freshly poured, very hot cup of Door County Frosted Cinnamon Buns Coffee. Breakfast will be cooked a little later and I can tell you some potatoes will be on that menu. That's a long story for another time.

Psalm 3:1-2 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take, or in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates in His law day and night,.

I was sitting here counting my blessings this morning.  I came home very late last night and our two dogs allowed me to sleep in an hour longer before they decided to give me a wake up call.

Yesterday we held our annual Men's Steak  Feed at our church. Just a little under 200 men and boys attended. To pull this off takes several months of planning, selling tickets and prayer. On the day before, all the tables and chairs are set up in the church gymnasium. Supplies start arriving and a small army of men and at times some of their wives start the process. On Friday, potatoes are washed and wrapped for baking. The rest of the supplies are picked up and delivered. Barrels of root beer are chilled. Salt and pepper shakers are filled. The list of preparations goes on and on. Finally the attendees arrive and those steaks hit the hot grills which later around midnight are hauled home to one fellas garage until next year, Dishes are washed and put away, along with all of the electric roasting pans. Last night our team and their wives, one very very pregnant worked until after midnight cleaning up.

So as I sit here sipping on coffee, I counted my blessings. A small band of men and their wives worked very hard to give so many a great time. Our speaker blessed everyone with a Word from God and some lives were impacted in a big way. The blessings I counted were these men that I hang around with, serve with, and worship with in our church. I am grateful for a church that allows us to continue with the vision we had 16 years ago. I looked into the audience last night and I was thankful for everyone there. I am thankful for our God who enabled us to pull this off one more time. I walk with good men. When I look at my personal life outside of church my buddies are all good, God fearing men. I am blessed to walk with good men. None of us are perfect, especially me. But I walk with good men who make a difference, every time they walk into a room.

Thanks, guys, for being the men that you are. You bless me in ways that you don';t even imagine you do. I want you all to know that you are loved and appreciated. I see the love of God within you and when we walk in all that we do, I know God walks with us.

Who do you walk with? If you are blessed to have people like this in your life. Give a shout out to God and say thank you.



  1. Marty, I spent a few days in St Louis with a very good friend, we both commented to each other how friendly and polite all the people we encountered there are. Maybe it's the water
