Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday Morning Thoughts

Good Morning,

I am sitting on the edge of a field with a cup of Door County Apple Cobbler Coffee with my dog Gibbs, my buddies, some goose decoys and a sunrise. The picture below is my view of the morning. A man and his dog.

The mosquitoes are a little thick this morning but they will leave once the sun comes up. I was just sitting here counting my blessings. They are too many to count. But I did a pretty good job of hitting the main ones. Prayers were lifted up before the hunt and while sitting here. It is so quiet. You can hear your heart beat. I am content. Being content and quiet is a blessing itself. Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. 

I could eat a cookie now with my coffee. I think I will. My prayer is for all of you to be well and content.

God bless.
