Monday, September 12, 2016

Goose, Pheasant, And Duck Pot Pie 9/12/16

Good Morning,

Wake up and smell the coffee. Mine is a hearty cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake. Time to get rolling.

My wife is an avid football fan and she can watch a whole game without batting an eye. I on the other hand, watch the game but need to multitask by doing something else at the same time. Yesterday while Rene was cheering on the Green Bay Packers I was watching the game from the kitchen. I had decided to pull out some of the wild game I had left in our freezer from last season and cook a multi-meat pot pie.

I for one will not hunt for anything that I will not eat. I was also raised not to waste anything and that part of my upbringing has done me very well. Everything was seasoned just right. The vegetables, gravy and meat were placed into a super pie crust and baked slowly. It was a great dinner accompanied by fresh apple juice made from our apple trees. We juiced the weak ones that fell from the tree already. Again we wasted nothing.

Where am I going with this? Well we are not all that frugal but what we both learned as children stuck with us. We ate very well and actually shared a piece of the pie with a neighbor who was working hard in her yard. She hinted that she could smell the dinner coming from our window. By not wasting things we had an abundance. But the lesson is what we teach our children, both good and bad, does stick with them.

We need to teach lessons like, waste not want not. Work hard and eat of your harvest. Share with others. These lessons take time and need to be taught with consistency. I remember watching my parents strip a turkey carcass clean after Thanksgiving dinner just to make soup from the meager left overs. That soup sure was good on a cold Wisconsin winter day.

Now where is this going for you? All of you will be nodding your heads in agreement that these are all lessons that kids should learn. But what about the lesson of wasting time?

It's Monday and we are all headed to work or working in our homes. How much time gets wasted each day that causes us to work too late and then robs us of family time and personal time with God?

Ephesians 5:15-17   
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

We each should take a little survey of our day and be honest. Write down everything we do and log in the time spent doing it. I think at the end of the day we will see where we can make some cuts and improve our lives. It's not just the kids that need a lesson or two. Practice what you preach.

God bless,


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